>700 billion buys a military that can't respond to direct threats to nuke
Why are Americans so cucked for the military?
What's the point of it if you're too pussy to use?
700 billion buys a military that can't respond to direct threats to nuke
Because there are tens of millions of people living within miles of the Norks. Not only do they have nukes, but they have stockpiles of nerve gas, they could Shoah millions of Koreans in a single day.
Korea is just the negotiation tool of China and NOTHING MORE.
It's theatre.
we have lasers and sound weapons dude we'll be fine
So then the only thing the military could possibly do is defense in Korea, and offensively only ever seems to use special forces in Muslim conflicts. Why not cut personnel by 80%?
Women don't like war you need women to win elections in a democracy.
Because other countries wouldn't run to big daddy America to protect them from Putin/Xi if we didn't have nukes and a military.
mattis: warrior cuck
Nuclear weapons are the great equalizer.
North Korea is now literally comparable to the
United States.
Why does the American military defend your nation? I'd rather we didn't.
The mumbling old man. "I don't lose sleep, I make others lose sleep." Sure grandpa.
Part of the problem is the U.S. military command are all low-T geezers.
Of course you'd rather that, but it still happens. Trump totally cucked you on NATO.
Why does the left think right-minded people can be easily influenced by their oh-so-transparent hatred of the USA?
From a different angle, OP: Are you suggesting we don't get good value from our money that is sent to the government? Are you recommending a smaller government, or just shrinking pieces that damage its security and sovereignty?
The US Military is nothing compared to what it was in the 1980s yet it is still trying to ride on that legacy.
The US would get it's ass whooped.
"Missile defense" has been proven to be a meme.
It doesn't work.
I don't what you mean by "good value." The problem isn't efficiency as much it's simply excess. The military too big because there's literally nothing to limit it other than fiscal responsibility.
If you cut half of Medicare spending, you're notice a difference in the program. You really think any power would be lost having 700K active troops vs the current 1.4 million?
Why doesn't Amerika just ignore Korea until they do something, which they won't because you just nuke them into orbit?
Venezuela recked Trump by pointing out he sounded like he was trying to be Reagan in 1982. That is a major problem of the U.S. government - too many old farts who had their formative years during disco.
>believes mainstream media narrative
>assumes that specialists who give interviews to CNN want to tell the truth
>thinks Koreans don't know how to die for their country like champs
>as if Kimmy Rocket Man isn't putting on a big show now that using fake Muslims to do fake terror attacks to justify military spending is given a hard no by Trump
>implying that Kimmy isn't gonna get the choicest K-pop pussy for how flawless performance
>for his flawless performance, Emmy worthy, truly.
>K-pop pussy
Their most precious asset.
Still, the boogeyman tactic can't always work, can it? If Guam is nuked, people will blame Trump for inaction or "provoking."
Umm USA will flatten NK if they actually bite instead of barking. Norks won't bite cuz theyre scared. We'll use our military if they bite and they wont exist anymore
If this military budget was the economic output of a single country, it'd be in the G20 - 60 times bigger than NK GDP Just buy the leadership.
Militarists are drunken, passionate, and stupid. Don't worry about any of this stuff because it's inconsequential.
As long as you keep encouraging debt so that you can put money into the military, then you're making things worse, not better.
>North Korea is now literally comparable to the United States.
freaking retard
>could Shoah millions of Koreans in a single day.
Implying that's a bad thing.
>came here to argue something
>realize there is nothing worth arguing
>mfw I realize that geopolitics is as simple as a war game app and America is the big spender on the server
...if the big spender got not benefit from spending more, outside of good boy points.
because despite being capable of adequately neutralizing any threat posed it wouldn't be fair if we didn't end or ruin the lives of thousands of our young men.
we haven't allowed our military to behave as one since the civil war.
No they won't. Lost to Iraq, lost to Afghanistan, lost to Vietnam, lost to Korea, lost to Iraq a second time. Biggest military in history and your shit country can't defeat a backwater shithole bombed into the stone age.
Wait til you lose to Venezuela, the keks will be immense.
Can't wait for server vs server.
Military might cannot be measured by money spent. Just because billions go from one jew account into another jew bank account it wont make a military stronger.
Overpriced missile with 500Kg of explosives that costs a million dollars is not going to do more damage than the same missile that costs 20K dollars.
>kill 2 million gooks
>"if you kill your enemies, they win"
leaf logic checks out
Venezuela rekt trump? R you stupid or something? Maduros retarded son threatened to "invade the white house in new york"(let that sink in) because trump has been sanctioning the shit out of our retarded regime. Trump singlehandedly put maduros regime to a corner in a few months solely thru discourse and you have the audacity to say they "recked" him because they said hes trying to be like reagan? Fuck of with that shit fag bitch. Fyi maduro can even name the states in venezuela, he most likely doesnt know who the fuck reagan even is.
So at this point, what's even the rationale for spending the equivalent of Ontario's entire economy if there's no value advantage. How do Americans keep going with it?
Keeps people employed, employed people spend money. Times are good when money keeps moving. Also don't forget the Research and Development aspect. North koreas nuclear and missile program appears to have advanced much faster after failure was no longer punished. Imagine how well a R and D scientist who is handsomely paid in the US might do.
So it's just welfare? So much for being against "socialism."
I thought the reason we don't have many nuclear countermeasures was due to de escalation measures put into place so that nuclear war would be less palatable to both parties.
De-escalation measures with russia, that is.
He's daddy material. Huff
>(((US))) making empty threats again
Don't they get bored?
I said years ago, after I got back in 06' that we should have nuked the middle east and sent in robots to get the oil.
That is a bad thing you dum dum. Koreans make a lot of computers and cars and shit. (inb4 Kia: Hyundais are actually good now)
Pretty much, but it also does help to make some people better employees in the civilian world, though a good number get fried and end up not being able to contribute. I'd say that part is kind of a wash though as the ones who do end up being a net positive end up supporting those, through taxes, who become a net negative. I mean what other options are there for some? I guess we could have full service gas stations, more general laborers(cut grass, fix this, move that) and maids and drivers and what not.
Jim Mattis is held in pretty high regard by almost everyone who knows anything, which clearly doesn't include you two numbskulls.
>Jeffrey Lewis
I detect a cryptojew. Like Richard Lewis.
Our complacency is due to having a new form of weapon tech that we're quite sure will annihilate Rocket Man in one shot.
>quite sure
But of course we don't want to show our hand to other countries like Russia and China, right?
Fuck you OP, you didnt specify this is ANNUALLY
Its called twitter. It can now be armed with the condemnation X105 Super tweet.
We need to be well armed to defend Israel's interests all over the world.
Let's archive that
>qz com/967895/throughout-history-women-rulers-were-more-likely-to-wage-war-than-men
>7 trillion over a decade
It would take North Korea's economy 600 YEARS to reach that level of TOTAL economic output and the U.S. is still impotent.
Show flag.
This ad tho. Half jew half italian?
our military is strictly for defense of Israel and our NATO allies.
c'mon we've been over this
Memes aren't reality. Here's a (You). The rest of your shit isn't worth acknowledging because as a massive cock slurping faggot you are genetically programmed to ignore anything that approaches a rational argument and simply spew more and more memes like a whore whose mouth is overflowing with nut.
>Pretending it wasn't a strategic failure
losing like a motherfuk in syria rn though.
also just barely holding onto the part of Iraq we actually wanted
The only failure in Vietnam was bureaucracy repeatedly tying the military's hands and not allowing them to actually finish off the VC and NVA. The VC was no longer a functional fighting force by the end of the Tet Offensive and the NVA was a speed bump.
But their holdouts kept hiding in Laos and Cambodia and southern China and rather than just burning them out (China was in literally no position to challenge us militarily, we were already on a war footing and they were far too busy purging internal dissidents) the bureaucratic micromanaging cuntflaps in DC kept saying "no... No we can't do that we will look too aggressive."
>Shitty samsung appliances never cleaning dishes correctly and the oven smells like gas when I turn it on
>I'm expected to care if a bajillion SoKo's get shoah'd
>Lol ur losing in places you don't even have active combat troops stationed
More memes. More bullshit.
Take this, you're desperate for it.
I'd say a major problem was also Diem. We really should have not had a catholic bimbo in there alienating 95% of the south's population.
Diem was literally the only competent leader they had, and we blew his head off because he wasn't democratic enough.
The South was fucked that moment, even Ho Chi Minh couldn't believe the colossal fuck up they made.
By the time you got to 1968, then you already had years of shitty action and resources wasted.
desu just look at our military.
Got a bunch of niggers and spics and trannies and faggots all in their own little cliques and the white bois get shit on for being white and constantly fed diversity bullshit. They ain't fighting to defend their country, and they even been told it ain't even their country and it never was. So what the fuck they fighting for? Some bankers? Fighting for that paycheck and gi bill? You gonna fight hard for that or just do enough to not get in trouble?
Grew up getting told by all the media that violence is never the answer and then they hand you a gun and tell you to go kill some boys that ain't never did nothing to you til you invaded THEIR country. And even when you're at war you can't just kill them all even if you wanted, you gotta follow a million different rules to even fire a few bullets at a guy who's trying to kill you.
Meanwhile, the enemy ain't gotta follow no goddamn rules. And he's fighting to defend his country, a country that's belonged to him for a thousand years, maybe a few thousand, and he's fighting in an army full of people just like him, who all love their country and each other and will die for each other. Meanwhile you gotta fight alongside this nigger who thinks you got white privilege because you studied hard and aced your tests and didn't drive drunk and got promoted before he did. Hell, you gotta keep an eye on him cuz you're worried he might try to lay you out and blame it on the enemy.
How you sposed to win a war with an army like that? How? What sort of self-righteous arrogant, ignorant fuck heads would even create an army like that? Try to send an army like that off to fight a war?
When the American army was all white, it won some wars my man. It never lost a goddamn war. But after civil rights mixing up the units and cucking the military, it just been fail after fail.
He may have been competent on a tactical level but he was bad for PR and made southerners feel like the south was just a puppet state and vestige of colonialism. It likely drove more southerners to join the nva that otherwise would have with a Buddhist president or at least someone that downplayed their catholic faith.
Canning him at the last moment though no doubt made things even worse.
America's army is meant to keep americans subjugated, not win wars.
America hasn't won a single war it wasn't fighting against itself.
Well this illusive figure you're referring to as far as I know didn't exist.
Diem was brutal but effective, like Park in Korea.
We could stomp the Norks into the dust in less than a week. The problem is that the moment we target them they'll attack Seoul, which is within artillery range. We aren't cucked, we just decided that it isn't worth starting a worthless fight early when we will suffer such losses.
Actually it was pretty much years upon years of LZ X-ray on fucking repeat.
The VC couldn't take a direct engagement because they would get fucking obliterated (when they tried to in 68 with Tet, it ended their ability to function as a paramilitary entity).
The NVA were poorly equipped, poorly trained, low morale bullet sponges that relied on ambush tactics and hiding caches behind women and children in remote villages to avoid being outright annihilated. Anytime they tried to challenge the US military head on in a conventional engagement they were flat out buttfucked at bayonet point.
Oh, and Vietnam is a capitalist nation now. What we went there to preserve in the first place. Oh, and a US ally.
Kinda seems like we got what we wanted.
>Why are Americans so cucked for the military?
>What's the point of it if you're too pussy to use?
Show your flag, faggot.
I actually laughed really hard and out loud. Thank you
>Venezuela owning anyone
Reminder that Mattis, Kelly, and McMaster have never won a war. As generals, this is their only job, and they are all failures at it. If they worked in private industry, they would all have been fired decades ago and would be working at Taco Bell right now.
I thought Trump liked winners, so why has he hired all of these losers onto his team and put them in charge of everything?
Take a good look at what you so desperately crave.. and know that you will never receive it from me.
>implying they could afford the bad PR of having a bunch of flag-draped coffins coming home
Would be worse than Afghanistan and Vietnam.
>3 posts by this ID
>All bait
No (You) for you.