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Hahaha. When did this happen?

hahahahahahahahaha I love this timeline



what if he's legitimately retarded though?

It's okay. He went back to give q handshake and a speech.

Wait are you guys trying to imply Trump ISN'T Israel's bitch? Because he is. Thoroughly.

Aw man why does he have to look so sad after

Lmao, he doesn't want to touch the jew boy.

Old news, don't let it fool you, Trump backs Isreal 100% Just another shill......SAD.



yes clearly your plethora of 0 evidence compared to this makes sense

or is he supposed to not touch the jewstone like the countless presidents before him and make the media crucify him as an antisemite

literal airhead

>yfw the kikes are so jewish that they didn't want to pay for a full menorah sconce decoration, and instead settled for 5 candles.

Fucking mindless jackass

>compared to this
Compared to what exactly?

aren't we all?

was it autism?


This is when trump went to Israel months ago. Obvious ADD. its before e decided to suck Israel's cock, this is NOT recent


>he has to do the same as all the other presidents or he the bad guy

Stupid fucking nigger goy that's the problem .

Then why did Pro-Israel Bannon leave, and Anti-Israel McMaster stay?


Check the jews twitter, retard

oh no hes appealing to his party!
f-fucking kike

supporting Israel is literally spammed in the dead jew book all of the south worships

why are south americans so brainless? how can they read text and only exclusively interpret literal meanings from it?

i just dont understand how you monkeys are even considered human

the webm you retarded abo?
what the hell else

Watch this :

Go back to the_donald

You're kidding aren't you? Countless examples of Trump saying he loves Israel, the US needs to defend Israel more, his daughter is a Jew, his grandkids are Jews, and a webm where he didn't notice Bibi's outstretched hand is your evidence that he's somehow anti-Israel?

i cant help it
it could be a tiny face on a normal head
or it could be a normal face on a humongous head
i spent too long laughing at this

>leaf citing a video from controlled opposition as evidence
just link colbert next time

so you have the reading comprehension of a literal aboriginal and were completely unable to understand anything i typed

Where's the one of him pushing him out of the way???



The absolute STATE of Trump cocksuckers

He has the exact face my grandfather had once his dementia got bad.

>mostly non-americans shitting on Trump

Wow what a surprise

all from completely cucked/monkey countries too
its hilarious

>not cucked

he looks like he woke up too early

>try to hide flag without realizing ids exists

a brand new import from reddit, everyone


Why would I try to hide my flag, my country is 92% white. Yours is barely 56%

Donald "I ain't touching that" Trump

lol, owned

DId you watch it? I'm gonna take a stab and say no you fucking didn't.
Too long for you?

Its over, boys

>t. 56% hellscape

Your white people are niggers and your niggers are double niggers. Your white %, like your currency, is inflated.

Deja Vu, I've been in this time before.

This video is old but gold.

>92% white
No it isnt retard

Heads so far up a mans ass that you all can't even see the game you're in, that is what makes it all so truely sad.
I guess some will never learn. Keep being cucks.
Everything is fake.

Our whites are from England. You have to count Hispanics as white just to get to 56% """""""white""""""" hahahahaha

Fuck off Pajeet

>has to wear a bicycle helmet to jog

>criminals from England


Bibi himself was caught on camera saying (paraphrased) "The Clintons were the most difficult, but it was no issue. America can be steered in the right direction." His wife or child or someone I don't remember asks "and what if America one day says say "no, this is conquering. no." he replied

"It won't happen. It's an impossibility"
During his campain, Trump made a speech to the WJC (World Jewish Congress) I believe it was, and one excerpt of note is something to the effect of: "I know why you're nervous. You're nervous because you can't buy me. You can't. But - don't worry, you don't have to! Really, you don't. You are going to be, and believe me when I say this, very happy. So don't worry."

And the admin is still in bed with the neocon think tanks.Think PNAC. Things like that are getting more complex than ever.

He's right dontcha know

I know you don't know what those look like but maybe you can come to based Straya to have a look-

Oh wait you can't, fuck off we're full


Australia doesn't take race into account with their census. Where'd you get that number?

are you gonna source any one of your autistic claims or do you really expect me to reply to roleplaying

Also it wasn't the WJC it was the RPC


You'll never know this feel.

youre a snarky little bitch aren't you

fuck what a mess

cia factbook is retarded, they probably include blacks as white for America.

what's this expression trying to convey?

Why do you think presidents come and go, but the big policies stay relatively the same? Also, Trump got more Jewish votes than both of the Bushs


No, but they include Hispanics I think.

>10% of land is habitable
>chinks own 50% of it
You're fucked m8


damn im really impressed by baba talking in front of a standing camera right in his face saying things completely out of context
youre really smart dude

He's very friendly. And it's not just "da jews" pendejo

what context would change the meaning of "America can be steered in the right direction"?

Was he reciting lines for a play...? That's not the full footage, put your head to it and you can watch more.

Those last two lines are for (you)

you're dead tonight if i get doubles

here's a little more footage from a simple google


Got nothing to say about the Trump thing do ya?

Kinda telling you jumped right to defending Bibi my buddy.

it appears your legitimate autistic

if i knew what to say to calm down your episode i would

Do you retract your earlier spazout claiming i have no sources for my claims?

Trump is the King of America who the fuck is this guy?

one of the king's "Advisors"


i said that you completely took the text and warped it into a completely different statement and claimed there was no way he didnt see a camera right in his face

then you started having your episode and spamming replies so i got confused

Here it is, incase anyone gave a shit

You suck trudeau's cock tonight if I get doubles

I claimed Bibi said America can be steered. I claimed Trump told the *WJC they didn't need to buy him to be happy.

*was actually the Rpublican Jewish Coalition.

You said I was roleplaying and had no sources.

I provided sources, and your response was

>that is out of context, he didn't mean it that way!

Ok, what way DID he mean it? you haven't responded to me sourcing my Trump claim.

What would you say, for instance, if there was a similar video showing Putin saying something like "America can be steered in the right direction" would you still cry out of context?

Did you even watch the second video I linked, by the way?

>ywn live in a land full of whites that call each other cunts and do hakas and box kangaroos
Why even live?

he knows
this was a slight
you will see the ramifications soon enough
get good w christ


Hey, why Israel is so fucking expensive? No jokes, by 1 month being there I've spent 1k euros on food only.
And one more interesting question, which a couple of jews couldn't answer: What is on verso of 10 Agarot's?

Give him a break,
Trump was thinking about pounding that hot pussy!

This has been my favorite .webm web for awhile.