What have you done to advance the White race today?

What have you done to advance the White race today?

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Fucked my white wife. What have you done, faggot?

I changed my banana hammock for the first time in two weeks.

I talked to some white guys and told them a black man stole my bike. They looked spooked and pretended I didn't say that.


Posted a few Identity evropa flyers around my campus. Dumbass campus PD are looking for 3 people who weren't involved with my lads and I in doing so.

Im polite, insightful, helpful and hardworking. Offering guidance in the workplace and friendship with opportunity to whites around me. I actively work to encourage people to better themselves and end degeneracy. Spooks get shit on

I made 11k. Saving up to start a family.

>First child due next year
What do I win?

Turkey baster and shunning women. Is that the faggot Hadrian feared by The Nose? Or bisexual Alexander?

>post flyers
what the actual fuck

bought more defense stocks before trump's speech
gotta beat the jews at their game

>a fucking bust
Is there any quicker way to indicate you're a pretentious retard? Bet you have that as your Twitter avatar, faggot.

Yeah he said campus police. College campuses will punish you harshly for wrongthink.

Smoked weed and jacked off

Called my Republican senator to implore him to keep ACA safe as fuck from Republican healthcare bill fuckery

posted this post


took my 5 year old niece to tee ball practice, and told her not to talk to niggers.


Rather than go after a white qt I chose to pursue an asian waifu in pohotgraphy

Though she is probably talking to some indian now

>practiced homosexuality
The Romans made fun of the Greeks for their "homerotic" practices. Also what greeks practiced was nothing like homosexuality today. Gay relationships were never a real thing, it was more a form of male-male bonding that often didn't even involve sex.

Kill yourself for perpetuating this stupid myth.

I posted a photo of a statue on the internet

I didn't smoke pot today. 4th day without. I need that nigger stuff out of my life.

Got a white guy to buy LiteCoin
Worked a construction job, probably gone put the mexicans on the site out of work because of my work ethic/ability

probably going to*

youtube got shoahed ummmm I didn't have much other then liked videos and a video that was about world war one with brits and germans coming together.
btw daily reminder germs that are 20-32 are already a minority

I returned some tapes to the video rental place

Bless you brother

What year did you post this in?
Happiness and a future for white children

I became a white nationalist today actually, was a hard pill to swallow

The white race will never advance until we take over all the media, textbooks, banks, politics, economy.

I banged my white gf till the was twitching today

Drafted the beginning of a business plan and worked out for 4 hours. Also did not masturbate.

I guess Kek is pleased with my performance

Proposed to my white girlfriend (she said yes) so we can start our white family.

I did some activism on the chans. Told those Christcuck faggots to return to the gods of their ancestors.

Helped my white children with homework and guided them in doing their daily chores.



I made my buddies to raid the snapchat of my local student council wit hate facts about Dreamers.

Rob another white guy. Because I don't care about race. It's about me. NOT YOU!!!! My own race will lie, steal, and cheat me regardless. You think I'm going to bail you out because I'm white? FUCK YOU!! You aint shit!!!

Let her go, Tyrone. It's not worth it.

Worked out for about an hour, ate some chicken, and played Witcher 3. You?

>talked to a white QT
>didn't spill spaghetti
>didn't eat like shit
>went for a run
>was nice to an old white granny and made her smile (respecting elders is important)
>looked like an alpha kicking some druggie out at work
I think I did at least a little for the white race today

red-pilled my turbo-cuck baby-boomer dad, feels very manly to defeat your own father in intellectual combat

I wage slaved at my job, marginally improving my investment capabilities.


>I made 11k. Saving up to start a family.
>Saving to start a family
how old are you man

I am a southern italian therefore I couldn't do anything but hope they stay strong and continue to be great

what a shit country this is


Finally switched my major to something that will lead my career path into politics.
Gentlemen, in 30-odd years, you will refer to me as Führer und Bundeskanzler.

i drove a personally modified truck at stupid speeds to improve my prowess at making a semi truck do rolling burnouts.

also, butt stuff with doggo.

Got off the bed.

Got off pol and went to bed

When I masturbated to porn, I avoided interracial videos

I am the caricature of a lazy degenerate. Along with many other things including porn, drugs, and general laziness, I skipped class today even though it might have a negative effect on my grade. What do Sup Forums?

You're a dopamine addict; the only way to cure that addiction is to do productive things that give off dopamine.