Post your redpills here for lurkers and newfags
Other urls found in this thread:
The secret to becoming immortal and staying young forever is to wear diapers.
this thread is useless when that's your OP pic. not even a redpill. get this fag shit out of here
lol, can you try any harder?
Racial bias against miscegenation is likely biological in origin.
>increased conception risk [across the different stages of the menstrual cycle] was positively associated with several measures of race bias. This association was particularly strong when perceived vulnerability to sexual coercion was high.
1) The highest rate of ADHD, at 15.2%, is in the mixed race category.
2) The highest rate of 'Learning Disability, at 14.6%, is in the mixed race category.
3) The highest rate of 'Behavioral Difficulty', at 12.8%, is in the mixed race category.
46.7% of population in 2000
62.01% of autism cases in 1987
43.47% of autism cases in 2003
32.4% of population in 2000
9.72% of autism cases in 1987
23.09% of autism cases in 2003
6.4% of population in 2000
15.37% of autism cases in 1987
8.98% of autism cases in 2003
Native American:
0.5 of population in 2000
0.36% of autism cases in 1987
0.22% of autism cases in 2003
Asian/Pacific Islander:
11.1 of population in 2000
Autism cases:
1987: 3.71% (Asian) + 0.22% (Polynesian) + 2.38% (Filipino)
2003: 7.74% (Asian) + 0.17% (Polynesian) + 2.85% (Filipino)
2.9% of population in 2000
6.16% of autism cases in 1987
13.50% of autism cases in 2003
mixed race people only account for 2.9% of the population in 2000 but in 2003 make up 13.50 % of all autism cases
We should have Nuclear energy power our civilization.
December 25, 2016
Victim(s): Tricia Lynn McCauley 46
Attacker(s): Duane Adrian Johnson
Description: Johnson, awaiting trial on previous charges, kidnapped Tricia on Christmas Eve as he headed to a Christmas party, before violently raping her, then beating and strangling her to death. Tricia’s naked body was found inside her car outside a pharmacy. Johnson was arrested inside with her car keys in his possession. Link(s):
three years to the day
what a fucking ride
They're sliding hard tonight.
I got a bunch
HUGE amount of links. A lot of them are old though.
My diaper fetish helped me realize what happens in the bedroom doesn't matter, but what you do in the world away from your private life is the important thing.
Traps are Gay
>t. Otto Dix
>Whites first domesticated dogs 40,000 years ago
>A Genome-Wide Analysis of Populations from European Russia Reveals a New Pole of Genetic Diversity in Northern Europe, and the out-of-Africa theory is once again disproven
>Ancient mummies prove that China was inhabited by whites centuries before the ancestors of modern Chinese migrated into the region from Siberia
>Victim dated to 170 years before his voyage proves that syphilis was NOT introduced to Europe by Columbus and that Europe had repeatedly come into contact with the Americas before 1492
>Whites from central Europe and the Caucasus region were the first inhabitants of China, arriving a thousand years before the ancestors of modern Chinese or Turkic peoples (Uighurs) showed up
>Blue eyes can be traced to a single ancestor with the mutation between 6 and 10,000 years ago
>37,000 year old remains proves that modern Europeans are genetically identical to prehistoric Europeans, whites had no appreciable mixing with other races, and the out-of-Africa theory has, once again, been disproven
>European fairy tales such as Rumpelstiltskin and Beauty and the Beast can be traced back thousands of years, with one tale going all the way back to the bronze age
Old but very important 1/2
>Physical and DNA evidence shows that whites were the first people to inhabit Europe, the Middle East, China, northern India, North and South America, the Pacific islands, and northern Africa; our ancestral homeland covers half the planet
>Ghenghis Khan was historically described as having green eyes and red hair, features not uncommon to Mongols of the period
>Whites 'domesticated' cats 10,000 years ago, except cats domesticated themselves
>DNA shows that ancient Phoenicians are white
>Prior to islam and the subsequent invasion and conquest by bedouin islamoniggers from Arabia, the Middle East, stretching from Iran to Syria to Palestine and even Egypt and Libya, was genetically predominantly white, not semitic, turkic, or africoid; following the rise of Islam, the Arabs carried out a campaign of ethnic cleansing that made the Middle East today predominantly Arabic and Muslim
KB Threads:
Even just reading the OP's are important. Truth scares shills like nothing else.
For those who fell for the Yuri Bezmenov meme.
Sorry but these baby-tier measures are not enough to protect you from the Carnivorous project. Security is a myth and has been for several years.
Yes, I know, for ants.
Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall is a Marxist concept, that is objectively true.
Labor Theory of Value has been first suggested by Adam Smith and David Ricardo, and revised by Marx.
Communists are such massive faggots I can scarcely believe it.
DELETED threads brought back to life so you can see what they dont want you to see
read this, i know its long
Life is a balance between two polarities - order and chaos, male and female, Yin and Yang. Our current political system in the US is constructed to overfeed the population on one element or the other. The left can be easily manipulated through emotion and blind idealism, they have far too much Yin. The right can be easily manipulated through aggressive hatred and fear of the other, they have far too much Yang. The truth lies in being able to integrate both sides. You don't have to be a Nazi or fascist to recognize that Zionism is a problem, or that not all tradition and authority should be viewed with contempt. You don't have to be a commie or a SJW to recognize that our current economic system fucks over the many in favor of the corrupt few, or that people should be allowed to be judged on individual merit rather than the demographic trends of their entire race.
You can be anti-Zionist and still recognize the wisdom and benefits of noncorrupted Judaism. You can be "red-pilled" and understand the dynamics between the sexes without holding contempt for all women and refusing to recognize their merits, both as a group and as individuals.
Back to Yin and Yang, both the eternal Jew and the eternal woman represent the chaotic Yin element. They are subversive and chaotic in their very nature, and if this chaos element becomes too powerful and unchallenged, you get shit like Zionism and modern feminism. But not everything subversive is bad, sometimes it is the necessary element that opens up space for continuing dialogue and evolution. Likewise, there is plenty of room to respect our heritage and reward self-reliance without overdosing on Yang and devolving into a hateful fascist tyranny that chokes out all compassion and human decency that makes a humane society, or stifles the dynamic chaos that makes life exciting and worth living.
TL;DR - the red pills you find on Sup Forums can be good medicine, but make sure you don't overdose
What am I meant to be seeing here?
We said red pills, not blue pills you degenerate fuck. No one gives a shit about weed except burn outs and losers
>b-but doctors smoke weed too b-bro
>not me though, I work at a gas station
The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.
Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?
Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.
fuck off, gaylord
>Jews declared economic war on Germany previous to the rise of the Nazis
>Jews attempted a communist takeover of Germany early on after the soviet revolution
>Hitler did nothing wrong. he fought communism politically, degeneracy socially, and debt slavery financially.
>Nazis were celebrated as liberators as they rolled across communist Europe
>France and England declared war on Germany, no war of German aggression
>After he steamrolled France and pushed England to the sea, he offered peace to the Brits over two dozen times over the next two years
>No death camps were found by the western allies, all were found by the Soviets, who by that point in history had about 2 decades worth of mass murders of millions of white Christians in Russia, among their own holocaust and purges, so they knew exactly how to set the stage
>the Nazis had the most successful society on earth for a decade. while the entire world was suffering through the great depression, Nazi Germany's NatSoc was working with absolute efficiency. 0% unemployment. go look at some of those old pictures of Nazi Germany and try to find an unhappy German.
communism is the great evil in the world, the true danger. we backed the wrong team.
Great advice!
Wires holding them in place it seems.
>hurr I don't understand economics
Nice appeal to authority btw.
These threads need to be banned. Nobody is reading these, you fucking faggots. You're not going to change some Leftist shills mind with a few graphics, toolbag. Fuck off.
kys kike
If you have liberal friends, who don't see commies as an issue, show them this pic. its from the milo event in berkeley
>that third one
The cannabis red pill is real shill.
Good read
Daily reminder that the only people on the Left who make out in all that shitshow are the relatively small handful of wolves in sheep's clothing that have figured out a way to profit by it. The greater mass will be just as steeped in failure and dejection 10/20/30 years from now as they are now, provided they don't wake up.
Wrong. The Left are "have-nots" through and through. The Left are the ones with their little beakies open crying for handouts. Not so much of that on the Right. Sure there are people on the Right who profit from all this political "chaos," but the ones who don't are EARNING their lives in other ways.
Stay mad and bereft, Lefties. Or wake the fuck up and stop being such a lead little cunt.
wew › 82304757
Weed is for people who've given up at best and idiots and degenerates at worst
>but muh Hunter S Thompson smoked weed every day and he was very creative and made lots of money selling his incoherent rants to the Jewish media and definitely wasn't a wife beater or child abuser
>and don't forget muh supposedly intellectual arguments about why weedsmokers are great people and it's everyone else who is the problem even though I know fucking nothing about basically anything except how to be really good at [insert computer game] and my self-righteous bullshit provides zero solutions while my shit habit contributes only to furthering degeneracy and the cause of those who would undermine the fabric of our societies
>cannabis and most other drugs legal in natsoc Germany
>cannabis not banned by a single white country (or any country) until the the 1930s
>Trads and reactionaries jump on the substance control bandwagon even though cannabis was never banned in traditional societies
>drug war a huge money sink for taxpayers for decades, shitskin gangs enriching themselves through the thriving black market
What is it with the spergouts from some anons about this? Drug prohibition is a Jew scam
I don't give a about high thc mj, I do give a fuck about hemp though.
You can just look at the paper industry to see who would fight tooth and nail to stop it. Any nigger can grow a field of hemp in less time, with less water and get a higher yield per acre than muh trees.
What am I supposed to see?
>drugs where legal until the consequences where apparent
>Drug prohibition is a Jew scam
tell that to all the pharma corps owned by jews
There are no (((coincidences))), just Jewing