Why is the "melting pot" concept dangerous or not dangerous?
School me on why multiculturalism is bad
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What is balkanization?
You are from the US. Why the fuck do you need any schooling
The melting pot s a jewish concept which is literally taken from a play of the same name by (((Israel Zangwell))). It was never part of America's foundation. America was supposed to be an anglo-saxon nation.
People organize based on ethnicity. Ethnic groups are groups with common genetics and history. They are like a super extended family. Mixing leads to conflict and animosity as our base instincts kick in and we seek to safeguard ourselves from outsiders who will compete with us for resources.
>implying national socialism is about hate for other
There is nothing wrong with the melting pot. Pluralism is the political philosophy that made America and the democracies of the world great. People should be valued for their differences, because the more differences you have, the more ideas you have to combine to create the possible amount of ambitions, dreams, and accomplishments.
Multiculturalism is not pluralism, though. It means something different in every country.
In Canada it means encouraging the creation of ethnicity-X-only business associations, social clubs, schools, and neighborhoods.
In France it means ghettos of "foreigners" with French citizenship where the police refuse to go.
In the UK and Sweden it means different legal standards for people because of their religion and the culture of their ancestors.
In Germany it means a source of cheap workers who can be used a tool to exercise diplomatic pressure on their home countries.
In short, multiculturalism is segregation with a friendly face. Don't you dare dissent, user. They'll call you the racist and tell you to stay out of "their" neighborhood.
It was hard enough when we did it with Europeans and had enough land to get away from each other. Now mudpeople who shit in the street and yell at shaitan five times a day want to live in a safer, more stable nation, not realizing they are the reason their home nations are shitholes.
>Pluralism is the political philosophy that made America and the democracies of the world great
citation needed
You do realize that melting pot and multiculturalism are opposites, right? Or are you retarded?
Because it's a very jewish idea and it never works in practice. I'm not into my children and grandchildren being genocided and being a minority in their own country. There is plenty of reeom for everyone on this earth. White people need their own place just like everyone else. As it stand, we are a minority in the world anyway.
because OP is a faggot kike thats why
Multiculturalism basically is a just another tool to degrade and destroy American culture just like degeneracy and control of media, with the end goal of being able to present Communism as a realistic alternative.
well, the minorities in the US don't seem to be too happy, and the whites are also getting rather pissed. can't have race problems without racial minorities.
> in Germany it means a source of cheap workers.
My god they took in like 1.2 million, over 80% are on welfare, and 2015 their welfare literally doubled by $5.6 billion and as of December 2016 just over 30,000 refugees\ migrants found employment. A plethora of them are illiterate in their own language
Come live in Queens NY and you'll see just why multicultralism is absolutely unnecessary
A certain (high) degree of ethnic homogeneity is required for a happy, healthy society.
Multiculturalism makes society less cohesive, less connected, less happy, etc.
This is a result of immutable human nature, not something that can be entirely "unlearned"
why is it good?
Merkel is indeed, really, really dumb. She thought she was just repeating the Turk importation from the 70s.
It's not that it's bad.
It's just that people who migrate here have a hard time integrating or they don't at all. They place their past traditionsand values before their supposed "adopted" one.
Because there is no such thing as the "melting pot", people self segregate into their own communities due to natural ingroup preference and compete for finite resources.
Animosity follows
Because it doesn't melt.
KEK! This right here! Retard libshits never realize their own retardation.
People who say diversity is a strength are lairs, when you mix a large portion of cultures together in one clump
Their is bound to be disagreement in how certain things should be done, this alone is bound to cause conflict and no one will get along with each other. Listen colsely people were never nice people are sick creatures willing to sacrifice anyone and anything if they can protect themselves you see it in the news everyday you see it in public so next time someone says diversity is a strength don't believe keep an open mind and remember what human nature is about and it's all about the survival.
who is the 10 on the left?
It's ugly. It would change and destroy ancient European sites and traditions. Culture is what bind a society together, therefore the multicultural society is an oxymoron. Have you ever listened to Götterdämmerung and thought to yourself "well this is good and all but I would like more diversity. Let's get some Mexican music in there."? No? That would be fucking retarded, right? Now you know how I feel about people that want a larger non-German population in Germany.
Lets take Sweden as an example of forced multiculturalism.
Majority of population in Sweden are natives white Swedes of protestant Christian religion. Biggest group of foreigners are muslim arabs.
One of many big differences between these two groups is that Swedes have around 1.5 child per couple while muslim arab sandnigers have around 7 kids.
So you see every cent of money that Swedes pay for healthcare and welfare is funding these invading sandniggers to replace the native Swedes in Sweden.
Add to that the fact that the Swedish feminist government imported around 250000 muslim arab sandniggers in the last 3 years out of which 220000 are men from the ages of 16 to 36.
In the same 16 to 36 age bracket there is only a million 1000000 native white Swedes.
Suicide of one solid culture and replacement with shit sandnigger culture.
For starters, girls won't look like that in about 20 to 30 years.
Also this
No other image destroys multiculturalism so quickly and succinctly.
When everything gets blended, cultures cease to exist until we are all just a boring sea of brown people with no culture, no identity.
Because the beauty in your picture will be wiped from the earth.
It's not. Globalization is natural as is self segregation. Things aren't as simple as "keep them out" or "let them in" but the exchange of ideas and culture and the resulting losing if that culture and the changing of ideas is what happens as business becomes the language we all speak.
That's a fantasy of a stereotypical specific liberal fantasy. Abstraction of abstraction and then commentary on that. Kind of useless.
Thanks for the perspective Sup Forums
Eat shit.
That's a bit depressing to think about.
>can't have race problems without racial minorities.
Yep, and that's exactly right. It's kind of the whole point summed up into one sentence.
white women truly are the best looking women in this world
I swear Sup Forums is secretly the board where people post hot chicks, not /s/
>Merkel is indeed, really, really dumb.
I love what the Italian PM said about her. He said "Angela Merkel is an unfuckable pig" KEK!
Because inferior races will never be contented with the rights and freedoms granted to them by Whites.
They will only be happy when they plunder the White people.
Come to brazil.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Doesn't that mean that pro-white is pro racist? Does this mean that if you have brothers and sisters, any affection your parents share with your siblings is anti-you?
= suicide
At least you acknowledge that white people exist when you used the word "white" in your reply to me, user. Did you know that some anti-whites deny even that, saying "how do you define white?," "race is a social construct," "only one race—human," etc.?
i am canadian and let me tell you, living in a multicultural society is actually a great thing. we have white people and we have brown people. just like any other place. I for 1 am a brown person, have bown friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, canadian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.
Yes. How could I not know that shit? What does that change?
Multiculteralism is not the same as the melting pot.
Multiculteralism is a tribal system where each keeps to their own. Although this sounds good it isn't since you are in the same nation as other groups. Thus, the group with the largest population will dominate in a democratic country. Due to current projections this means that by 2050 non whites will control western society. Non-whites do not have our best interests in mind. They care more about their own homelands, they don't have the same values, they are dirty, the blacks and Muslims are violent and want to exterminate us. This is why Multiculteralism is bad.
The melting pot may sound better, but it contradicts our nature. We want to be around people who look and act like us. Groups will inevitably still largely split along ethnic lines resulting in a diluted version of multiculturalism. Even if it was successful the results would be horrendous: White's would rapidly become a tiny Aboriginal sized minority and Western society would be lost forever.
We must protect our race, Western society in general, and each of its wholesome cultures (the gays and shit need to be disposed of since they will not make society better in any way and are a waste of resources).
Lets talk about the aftermath of WW2 and the redrafting of the middle east.
Enough said.
Whites have never built a culture of their own its always been on the backs of other races
why do you post pics of women people on this board will never in a million years get?
I don't think you know what culture is. Colonialism was nothing more than economic exploitation; a natural succession to conquering the world using superior technology.
what book is that?
If white men werent inferior then other cultures wouldnt intrude on them. White men need women to cook and clean for them. They didnt even know proper crop rotation methods until they got crafty and learned from natives
Because not all cultures are equal. Some have medieval values. Some believe that girls of different region can be freely raped. Some think that AIDS is cured by sticking your dick into a virgin. Some believe in raising as many children as possible.
If you introduce multiculturalism, you bring all the backwards and dangerous values the other cultures hold. Additionally, as some of these cultures raise huge families by tradition, it also means that they will inevitable out breed other cultures, becoming a dominant culture by sheer numbers alone.
There was never any point in history, where mixing multiple cultures allowed for long term peace and prosperity for everyone involved. One culture will always stand out as the alpha, and become dominant over all the others; usually through bloodshed.
Multiculturalism is giving up your status as the most influential culture living in an area. It is inviting invaders to take over your space.
Huh, so they are different concepts. Thanks for clearing that up.
Jokes on you, I nailed this chick for 6 months when she was 18.
Whites were always weak they needed slaves and to use mind games to get where they are. MOST slaves were sold to whites by blacks. Yall NEVER had control or power and still dont. That's why your daughters dont want anything to do with you and dont give 2 shits about preserving your family lineages
Races and cultures can get along in peace if they are in diferent countries.
Once you start mixing them you start having problems like we are in America at the moment.
It's common grounds which make people get along.
It's like this would you prefer to live with 3 other white guys from your own country or would you rather live with 1 chinese guy, 1 african guy and 1 south american guy?
That tech was stolen and white washed. The Vikings landed in america and did nothing with it. Whites never had real power
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Sure you did buddy. And I'm a chef at wendy's with a 12 inch cock making 800k a year
screencapped your perfect reply but that flag......you are aware user that flag you bear represents everything you just said? the eu is inviting in inferior cultures?
That's not true; the feudal era of Japan is proof of that. The Middle East is full of people of the same general religion that want to kill each other. Civil wars happen.
And I don't know what wars we've ever had with China Town.
Ok, so what's the endgame? What's the point of encouraging multiculturalism if it's a destructive force?
Because mixed race is an easy race to control
I can't speak for others but I do it to show my appreciation when someone answers my questions. I assumed most of these attractive women would be universal in their appeal. You don't like them user?
to establish a 1 world govt you need to destroy the concepts of nations
1st is nationalism,you shame waving the flag
you promote race mixing and open boarders
race mixing means you belong to no land,suddenly england isnt important when you aint a pure blooded englishman,when you are 12% scottish and 34% portugese and there is nigger and chink and everything else in your dna suddenly herritage isnt important (it is)
you undermine faith,boarders the values and traditions and eventually form large unions like the EU
the globalists want one race of brown 90 iq point tax mules with no traditions or faith and they will build us "new tradiitons" and we will worship money and consumerism
I do, but I feel like it sets false or unattainable standards for the people on this board
The liberals are idiots, they think that multiethnic is equal to multicultural.
pretty women catch the eye of the virgins on here so due to this psychological trick the reader is more likely to stop and read the post thus increasing the likelyhood of getting yous
also this is a trap btw you stopped to read it you flammin fags
>very funny, but the difference is I'm actually telling the truth. And yes, I'm 6'4"
First, the 'melting pot' idea was never a founding tenet of America. It only became popular in the 20th century because of (((pure coincidences))).
Second, multiculturalism leads to low-trust and observably low-functioning societies.:
>The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.
>In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogeneous settings.
From a biological standpoint, multiculturalism is unsustainable. Eventually the disparities between groups will cause shifts in demographics. Lower birthrate groups, which are lower because they are K-selective compared to others, will eventually be demographically replaced in an egalitarian society, or even worse, a society that puts the economic and social interests of the r-selected above the K groups, which is what we have now. This is only amplified with infinite immigration-based economic expansion policies that the west has.
Plus a whole host of other problems:
>increases Poverty
>decreases voter turnout. Study of 650 elections around the world.
>lowers charitable giving within communities, creates problems for fundraisers and policy makers sciencedirect.com
>strong negative impact on economic growth
>lowers innovation
>immigration, a factor of wealth inequality in the USA
>associated with civil wars
You are justifying genocide.
there is no white race,its a jew phrase to put us all under an umbrella so some broke as slav in romania has to feel guilty for what 1% of americans did 200 years ago in the slave trade
there is the anglo saxon race,celtic,nordic,germanic,norman,slavic,picts etc
bamboozled again
Makes sense, but wouldn't a plan involving the creation of a world state as you've described it be an extremely longterm process, possibly taking decades to complete? How would the enactors of the plan see the "benefits" when they finally came to fruition? I would think the old farts who came up with it would be dead by then.
You're making leaps in logic all over the place. I can't follow you.
You are justifying genocide.
Race is not merely skin deep. It's genetics are deeply rooted. It impacts intelligence, physical abilities, biological makeup, etc.
There are absolutely some races who (ON AVERAGE) are more intelligent than others.
It's an unfortunate truth that everybody is NOT created equal. All testing in universities, high schools, IQ tests, etc all prove it. Even the co-discoverer of DNA admitted it and got the lashing of a lifetime from SJW and morons alike.
Now you want to mix that up? Melt the stupid with the smart? Melt the inferior with the more superior (comparatively speaking)?
Educate yourself.
The real (((trick))) is that they measure money as debt generated. Since refugees generate massive debt for taking in their retarded asses and giving them a first world living standard,that the government has to then borrow, they therefore indeed generates wealth.
The fact that you've even asked this tells me you've never lived in a white minority city in the US. Come down to Philly so you can see how fun diversity is.
it has been going on for decades user
our dads knew about it even...our fate was sealed after ww2 we have already lost the war and the outcome is now only becoming obvious
we are the resistance right now.
and the likes of koch brothers and soros have sons who have interests in keeping to the path
why? because for business globalism as i described is good it means centralized power,one bank one currency total control over all resources and no redtape or conflicting laws
IE you can shoot an invader in one state and get a slap on the back but the state next door you will get jailed etc
they want uniform laws uniform regulations and uniform laungage culture and race across the world
See your image?
That won't exist anymore if you don't change course.
Ancient Rome. Open up a history book.
A culture with no identity is easy to control
Because there is no such thing as multiculturalism. There is always a dominant culture. For example, you can't have separate laws with origins in different cultures contradicting each other. Only one culture is dominant, and oppresses the others. Therefore, you don't get harmony, you get tension.
nufag detected
for every non white american that moves to america the culture of white america gets slightly weaker each time
you import 3rd world people you import 3rd world values,rarely do they fully assimilate.
What is the point in genociding yourself? Do you people really not have survival instincts? Do you value your neighbor's children over your own? Do you value Jamal's children over your neghbors? Wtf is going through your mind?
It kills social capital, People stop trusting each other, across race and even within the same race (that latter I can't explain - just, maybe, overgeneralization of mistrust).
This study has been replicated many times since. Putnam himself sat on it because he didn't like what he found - it took a grad student finding it, to make him publish it.
You can't change human nature - you get on better with those biologically and culturally closer to you. Nathan Damigo relates how, he grew up with Vietnamese and Hispanics and so on in San Jose CA, but never felt the same rapport with them as he found with midwestern white guys in Iraq. People get on better with people more like them. And the converse is true, too.
Western culture can accommodate other cultures but none of the available other cultures can accommodate other cultures.
time to spill a bottle of redpills
the melting pot is actually better. in Canada we are called a cultural mosaic, where we will keep our differences and be nice to each other. this is the wrong kind of thinking because all those non-white Canadians nationalistic tendencies will default back to their homeland.
look at Richmond in British Columbia, Canada. it is basically a chinese city on Canadian soil. what the fuck is going to happen if China and Canada ever come to a major disagreement?
exactly, which is why if it keeps up a new culture will dominate and white people WILL be oppressed. Actually oppressed, because other cultures don't care about 'minorities'.
What if some are dumb and their only idea is to have sex and wreck stuff? Or, "Inshallah! If God wills it, it will happen!"
Multiculturalism reduces culture. Keeping small enclaves or communities is one thing esp. if a culture has been wiped out (e.g. by commies). But multiculturalism as practiced eliminates and attacks Western civ cultures. Why transplant foreign cultures here even to the point they begin to predominate especially when like Islam they are hostile to the country's culture? Again multiculturalism is just a euphemism for replacing Western cultures.
You'll eventually not have those two fine looking whamen around, get em over to muslimbro
One token black guy, and no white woman at his side. I want to frame this above my fire place to remember the good ole days before the race war, and relighting of the ovens.
haiti = niggers killed all the whites and dressed up in their clothes,now they eat dirt biscuits
rhodesia = children raped in front of parents and fathers fed into woodchippers,now whitey is gone they are begging for aid and starving to death
where the white man goes civilization follows him,and if we die so too does civilization.
is that a subaru brat in the background? truely the most patrician of subarus. also with all those plants i would assume its humid there, im impressed that it hasnt been eaten by rust yet.