Why are rednecks such degenerate trash?
Why are rednecks such degenerate trash?
don't u mean humans?
Seems like a fun lifestyle to me
Because they got nigger brains.
They are white niggers. Most southerners are. Thats why the north beat them so badly.
They still make disposables?
Part of the human condition, O.P.
Pirates get all the hunkiest bruise womrens.
Hey, that's an anti-white slur isn't it, O.P.?
Are you anti-white or something?
Actually the Southerners were much better soldiers. It's just that the North had more money and more manpower (mostly due to conscripts, including immigrants grabbed off the boat). So eventually the North won after much effort.
"Cherokee" blood
because they've been abandoned
There's not any proof that the O.P. is even from the South since that design is used everywhere where it's rural, lad.
The north used European conscripts like total pussies.
That roastie is fucking nasty. I wouldn't even fuck her with your dick, OP
>Not helping your sister's 'bake sell'
Keep it in the family user
I like the expression on her face.
She looks like some sort of sly animal.
Conscription is not so bad.
Simple, their ancestors were indentured servants who were sent to America because they were the trash of Britain.
i fucking hate camera culture. put your stupid phones away and live.
op, the reason is drugs. drugs ruin any culture
ready to pounce
the meth is wearing off
Read it again, it says European conscripts. Conscription is one thing, conscription right off the boat is another.
If you want to see pure degeneration, go to a ghetto
>drugs ruin any culture
>muh drugs are bad waahh some people have no self control so we should make everyone suffer
Fuck off
>Hire a stripper for a party
>People take pictures
Are you surprised?
Yeah thats why they marched right into cannon fire and cost them the war. Only a nigger would be so bold.
Their ancestors are Scottish and Irish, literally the most inbred people before moving to America, they became even more inbred after moving to America.
This. Most rednecks just drink anyways.
Uh oh, looks like druggie needs his fix!
quick! someone shit in a bottle so this addict can get his jenkem fix!
The only thing sad in this picture is that poor old biker with the disposable camera. Imagine him, stuck in the habits of his youth, eagerly driving down to the Walgreens to get his photos back, looking forward to whacking it to this youthful piece of trailer ass, paying for his purchase, then opening the envelope, quickly looking through to find it, then, his heart falling when he sees all the nudity has been blocked out. They won't develop porn.
every explanation for white trash explains niggers as well
/pol knows we're essentially the same, deep down!
So? Let him rot himself away. As long as he doesn't drain the system and dies alone like any addict unwilling to change will, what's the problem?
Every race has a lower end of the bell curve, some racial groups just have more that fall into the low IQ category than others. Rednecks are not even comparible to niggers. Poor whites commit less crime than rich blacks. Also, rednecks can survive on their own in the wild when SHTF, they live it most days anyway.
They're on the left end of the bell curve
i once went to one of these 'red neck' parties, these dudes are cool as fuck. white people are the best.
>they've been abandoned
And gone feral
what shoe brand is that
The more I have to be around dumb, white trash pseudo-niggers the more I lose faith in being racist. Mentalism might be a better way to go.
100% of them are cucks
All using standalone cameras rather than their phones they let their wives go through when they come back from the kkk rally.
She's wearing shoes, here feet must look horrible.
they're probably descendants of continental immigrants. benjamin franklin was right.
No cell phones for filming. Whites are the worst kek
do they even exist anymore? I had some like it in the early 2000s
They marched into cannon fire because the Civil War used primarily conventional tactics, involving firing lines and mass-charges. Not only that, the ability to gauge enemy strength wasn't quite as sophisticated as it is today.
A miscalculation can easily lead to a slaughter. It happened quite a bit during WW1. eg the Somme
Alright, have fun with your mongrel race.
>spotted the drug addict.
>if you do any drugs you're an addict
Fuck off
You clearly don't know the difference between whitetrash and rednecks.
tfw redneck
Because they're German, and Germans are low IQ rural trash in the US
They've had their staunchly protestant culture replaced with blind conumerism
What's the difference?
How can Sup Forums say white people are the master race when people like juggalos exist?
Of course, Sup Forums will just blame rednecks and juggalos on da joos.
>Protestant culture actually being good to begin with..
Go on...
rednecks have a more enjoyable life than any of us. lets face it
no retard we agree Japan is the master race
"Whites" aren't the master race.
Maybe in America you could say Jews, East Asians, Irish Catholics, Indians, and old money "WASPS" are the master groups
While blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, German Protestant and Ulster Scots are near the bottom
>Be meth addict
>Don't go to work because you stay up all night doing meth
>Lose job
>Run out of money to buy meth
>Still want meth tho
>Rob your neighbor and sell his belongings
>Buy more meth
Can you spot the point at which this starts to be detrimental to society? I grew up in a shit neighborhood and had my N64 stolen, my PS1 stolen, my PS2 stolen, and my original Xbox stolen...These were all on different occasions and it was always one of my grandfather's drug addicted whores who was the perpetrator.
Fuck those drugged up sluts.
Some rednecks are actual white niggers, although they try to feel better by making fun of black niggers.
Some of them are just fun, down to earh people, though.
It takes about 2 minutes to figure out which group they belong to, and level of drunkenness is a good indicator.
Their ancestors were Ulster-Scots, English and German.
Irish Catholics are literally master race tier in the US.
This was probably taken before camera phones were a thing user. I would guess late 90s or early 00s. I haven't seen a disposable camera in the US in over a decade.
Low IQ
Why the fuck they have to burn things all the time like a caveman who thinks he just invented fire is the worst.
What happens next?
It's obviously an old pic notice how there all using cameras and not phones. I'm gonna need your badge Murphy your off the case
>Saying the truth out loud is "Jewish" now
When was it that /pol became the niggers?
You keep telling yourself that
Jewish influence.
Pavement apes are so much more civilized than rednecks; they keep their strippers indoors.
And Catholics are far more likely to hold liberal views and vote Democrap in the US. What's your point?
Part nigger. Southern whites have 12% African heritage, the South accounts for almost all of the mixed whites in America
That's a pretty sweet data point you have there, faggot. Did your Mom draw that for you?
Only when you factor in Catholic Hispanics.
Live around rednecks.
Can confirm 95% of them belong in the oven.
Some of them are just nice old guys, but the women are total degenerates and not even drunkenly fuckable by 25. Fat tattooed and bad skin from smoking and eating shit.
Fuck rednecks, they aren't quaint and friendly they're disgusting and worthless.
I worked at walgreens as a photo tech for 4 years. We'll develop them, unless it's CP. We also have no way to "block out" the nudity.
>love them
If you have 12% African heritage you're not white.
Also, why is the German Protestant IQ so low? Do they have African admixture?
>IQ tests administered by Boston colleges
>tend to favor Boston demographics
Wow it's nothing
ill smash da cute ass
I like how that doesn't break down white Protestants vs black Protestants even though it breaks down among races for Catholics. Guarantee you white Protestants would be 75%+ trump.
Nigger admixture and a degenerate "culture"
>Dead eyes
makes my dick so hard I can't even describe
Meth and opiates are a huge problem where I live and I grew up around druggies. They don't just keep to themselves and rot away, they commit burglary and other crime and break everything and drive high and leave their dirty needles everywhere. Not to mention I shouldn't have to look at their disgusting faces and bodies whenever I go out. They're violating my rights to decency. You're thinking of potheads, they're not real druggies just idiots.
It should be legal to kill druggies, they shojld be slaughtered en masse.
These tests weren't administered by Boston Colleges. What in the fuck are you talking about?
First you posted an unfunny cartoon, and now you're lying. Maybe suicide could remedy this?
>that fucking footnote
Mormons aren't Protestant. Mormons aren't even Christian.
Jesus this that picture just me me feel bad to be human
>those fat lards old ugly men
>dat whore women clearly not enjoying anything at all with her dead soul facial expression
>act like never seen trash pussy before.
c'mon guys
Why do you Americans allow such filth to exist.
>the Irish Catholic is crying that people call him out on his bullshit
Ulster Scots/Scotch-Irish and German Protestants built the good parts of America. Irish Catholics vote to import refugees and support Antifa.
Deal with it
lmao at blackshirt guy. needs a pepe neat shop
>the guy with the disposable camera
based boomers
The hell you say