I was reading through yourbrainonporn.com and have decided that enough is enough. What're some tips for breaking an addiction and not relapsing?
How did you break your porn addiction?
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Workout, lift heavy fucking weights
>What're some tips for breaking an addiction and not relapsing?
SO you need to start by deleting everything. Makes it harder to use porn, and therefore gives you more time to stop yourself.
If you're just trying to quit porn and not going full NoFap, it's really not that hard.
There is nothing wrong with porn. In fact after watching enough porn I'm convinced it's true essence is related to the redpill in different ways.
Zionist nations like Israel are the ones against porn. Look it up.
when you get the urge go for a walk.. get out of your environment
Stop it.
I eventually stopped being able to get erections.
i didnt lmao
Is there even any science behind Nofap? At least we've got pretty credible studies and facts proving that porn is bad for you. I feel like it's just the placebo effect for most people, idk.
when I got to the point of watching alpha male hypnos and realized I was manufacturing a perfect orgasm everytime for my brain. Even got so bad I would take lsd or mushrooms and try to time my orgasm when I was peaking....it is amazing let me tell you but have had ed probs in the past. no fap is gay just don't fucking do it more than once in a day. same thing with anything moderation and self control is key you know when you are doing something you shouldn't so keep yourself in check. improve yourself everyday
"How did you break your porn addiction? "
Why would you even want to?
climb down the ladder. masturbate without porn, then stop masturbating
Get an actual woman, instead of a keyboard?
for me I became bitter against porn stars. They're a bunch of narcissistic cunts who need 2 lbs of makeup on their face to look presentable enough to get a cock in their mouth on camera.
Then they have the audacity to think of themselves as some sort of "celebrity" that is deserving of praise in our society. Some porn cunts have gone public about how some UFC guy rejected her once and omfg fuck him forever!
Wrong. You're a waste of a vagina. You do porn then you say men who jerk off to your videos are losers who can't get a girlfriend. Have you ever had feelings for a girl, only to find out while you're home alone thinking about her she is getting fucked every which way by some guy?
Stop wasting your time jerking off to those cunts, user. Rise above that shit and do better for yourself. Don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they can use their worn-out pussies to entice you.
I deleted all my vids and put internet filters
same senpai they are all massive lefties on twitter
I have no sensitivity in my penis so I've been nofap my entire life, I wish I could feel pleasure through my dick but it will never happen. Don't squander what you have user but also control yourself, mixed answer yes but moderation is always key.
less time on the computer, after a couple of hours on the web your mind will start to be tempted by porn, by reducing your time online overall you'll have less urges. also using the internet in public places like a library or cafe.
I'm just not that into it.
i fapped so much my penis refused to get hard
each time i've been able to get it up again, the longer the recovery took
no fap will come to you
You can be /fit/ and still watch pr0n, just don't be a profligate by masturbating daily. Use pr0n in moderation.
>inb4 Muh jooo shill
Fapping too much will reduce your testosterone and probably your zinc levels. But not ejaculating at all for 2+ weeks will cause your t levels to go down too. The key is moderation. Or actually having a 3D girlfriend.
I keep my porn in a password encrypted folder, and I keep the password in my car. That stops me from being impulsive. I only look once every 5 to 7 days, sometimes longer. All my favorite porn is in that folder, which stops me from downloading new stuff. If I do get new content, it's at the same time I unlock my folder. Basically, find a system that reduces impulsive porn viewing. If you can't do that, give it up cold turkey.
Standing desk
I found myself getting fucking bored of it. I'd have to watch like 20 videos skipping only to the highlights to get off. When I came it felt like nothing so I stopped.
>been fapping with porn for 10+ years
>dick still works perfectly
>can fap without porn after 2 days
Is this only a problem for cutlets?
Realize that these actors and actresses fake it for a living. After thinking about that it's pretty easy to uncuck urself.Masturbating is healthy tho
>How did you break your porn addiction
I didn't, been free for a couple days though
>What're some tips for breaking an addiction and not relapsing?
Try not putting your hand on your dick.
I only have one vid of a super hot girl praising her own ass. As in ass worship for guys. She shows it off and talks about how guys love it and look at her while she walks etc and shows her beautiful ass. I never get tired of it. I guess you could call it soft porn. But yeah... I am addicted to ass videos/pictures...
I'm cut and I have a crazy libido. Then again I'm active for 12+ hours a day so that probably has something to do with it. Having a job does wonders for your "stamina"
I didn't. Take a break for a couple of weeks makes it even better when you come back.
Light weights to stop thinking about jackin.
I'm 22 and I do it like 5 times a day
it's like pain relief
Living in army housing with the national guard and college dorm housing on the civilian side. I just don't have the privacy to do it more than once in a few weeks. I also don't want to sleep around because I couldn't respect myself if I did.
Jerk off without watching porn and when u finish u wont feel the need to watch porn. That's how I did it.
Jesus how many times a day did you masturbate?
I do it once at night everyday, Trying hard to quit.
Learn how to tell yourself "No".
For me I never had sensitivity so I never masturbated.
>How did you break your porn addiction?
started watching porn on my phone while fucking my gf
Masturbated so hard and continuously it began to hurt. The I couldn't for a week and I just, stopped.
Don't come to Sup Forums or you will be tempted.
Mutilated at birth?
Get my bros on board, $20 to play last man standing gets the moolah just like the Seinfeld episode. So far the only way I've kicked it for longer than a month.
No but I had bad phimosis. Someone on here said something related to bacteria may have robbed me of my sensitivity when I was a kid since I wasn't taught to pull the skin back and it was agonizing whenever I would. I can do it now without pain but it took a lot of practice and patience.
I can't remember the bacterial infection/disease that user told me though.
fuck i need a distraction with the grip these Jews have, I think what is most dangerous is that it makes it harder for babies cause less sex drive
Have you sought medical help on the issue?
Also do you orgasm? Are you able to ejaculate?
>muh dick infection
RIP user's benis
By only watching amateur webcam girls
Not really no, I figured nothing is going to really change. I can touch it and everything but I feel little to nothing.
I can ejaculate but I don't feel it when it happens unless it's in my sleep, in which I only feel it in my testicles. But that stopped a while back so I've not had any semen leave my body as far as I know for about half a year now, since my last night ejaculation.
Teach your kids to clean their dicks or they'll end up like me I guess, no drive to succeed because I won't get to taste the fruits of my labors in regards to women. I've managed to fuck a few girls when I was a teenager but I don't think I ever came then, just went soft after a while.
I never watched or looked at porn very much, I just spend my time hoarding, collecting and sorting material related to my fetishes. Keeps me focused mentally and is enjoyable, even if I could be spend the time looking at it instead of collecting it.
getcoldturkey.com is your friend
The basic version is free but you can pay for more advanced versions (I used the basic version, you may want to pay, up to you). Just blacklist every porn site you regularly browse. Inevitably you will go looking for others in moments of weakness, so just keep adding more and more sites to it. Worth a try, worked for me.
Also obviously delete any porn you have downloaded.
I would try going to a doctor/specialist in the field. I don't know how your medical system works though, but here in Norway my doctor would guide me to one.
Would Viagra work for you?
Realized I was going to die alone and a disappointment to my family. All the people who loved me are going to die. I will have no one. No family. No one to help. No one who will call me to check in. I will be alone. Completely alone.
It made me weep. It made made me despair.
Goerbels is so fucking kawaii hhooly shit
Also it's quite interesting to know that if the nerves of your penis isn't working as they should, you don't have orgasm/feel the orgasm. I thought that was purely in the brain.
I wonder if men mutilated at brith have a "weaker" orgasms due to lacking many nerve endings.
Maybe some scientists would find your case interesting and use it for research?
I can try I guess but I don't feel I'm missing much and the rise of STDs has me terrified, the last girl I slept with ended up with HIV about a week after we stopped seeing each other and it left me spooked.
And I can get erections without much of an issue, was laying on my bed earlier watching a show and had a no reason boner for a while, so I don't think I'd need viagra.
Just stop watching it you pussy. Do you have no self control?
look up delta fosb
some protein in the brain that's associated with addictive behaviors. it accumulates in the brain, the only way to get rid of it is to not partake in said addictive behaviors over a long period of time
Hey maybe So! My mother told me when I was born she had some strange globe/orb shaped things that came out with me, I think she said they were clear and the the doctors kept them in a bucket for her to look at. I've never heard about it happening with anyone else and I can't find the book she said they were mentioned in later. But if I can advance science them I'm pretty much for it.
by wanking. it usually breaks the addiction for a day or two.
i only jerk off to memory/imagination of giving cunnilingus. attend to her needs after a nice long foreplay, then she'll let you stick it in for a quick pound and/or insemination
>the only way to get rid of it is to not partake in said addictive behaviors over a long period of time
>you have to be addicted to overcoming your addictions to beat them
Don't you want a wife and children? You said you went soft when you had intercourse previously, Viagra would help with that.
Intercourse with a woman isn't really just about the orgasm, but her body warmth and touch, and her pleasure.
Your best bet would be a specialist in male sexual function (medical/biological and not psychology).
>Intercourse with a woman
don't even bother. americans have this high-and-tight, stick-it-in culture that makes them think all of sex involves banging a circumcised penis into a vagina.
I do, and I'm talking to a girl now but one of her friends is a bitch and complains about me to her nearly everyday.
I went soft after a while of fucking, so I don't know if it is really an issue of Viagra needed or if I just lose interest since it's not really stimulating to me. When I am able to save up enough for a specialist I'll go.
Yet you can still respect yourself after fiddling around with your own genitalia like a monkey??
nofap is virgin make believe. you will never get laid.
I didn't and life is good. This chr*stian chastity meme needs to die.
>tfw im good looking but can't put up with women for more that 5 minutes
Im fucked
Went from at least once daily to maybe once a week and started lifting
Attractive girls are actually distracting now
Feels good to have self-control
don't do "no fap" just do no porn. If you get horny and want to watch porn then just try to fap with imagination. You'll find it's harder to do and you wont force yourself to do it so much.
Ive been off the porn for months and ive never felt so good in ny life.
tell yourself porn is a literal drug (and it nearly is). remind yourself you would not take meth if someone offered it to you so why are you going to look at porn. same thing.
>tell yourself porn is a literal drug (and it nearly is)
good advice
>thinks American women have standards on the dicks they take outside of size, some don't even care if it's covered in stds.
Lifting weights, listening to music
ive never been able to get past a month of no pmo. But Im on day 5 and my plan is to go a full 90 days.
For me, its about my will power.
I am also trying to get into medical school. So, I am channeling all of my sexual energy and frustration really into my studying and getting good grades.
Just be prepared to start waking up angry around day 15.
>I'm 22 and I do it like 5 times a day
>it's like pain relief
same my dude
>have a crazy libido
only jerk when I get hard
>get hard 6-7 times a day
pls halp
Trying, brother, I'm trying.
Doesn't work.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH lord help me !!!!
By taking pueraria murrifica and applying progesterone cream to my chest every day.
I stopped watching it
fww i had a an easier time quitting heroin
No fap is bad for you. Fapping without porn is what you want.
>be me
>use every amount of free time to vidya and porn
>one day 5 AM with dick in hand after 4 hour session
>realize this can't be good
>especially when I have errands 11 AM
>decide to quit
>start nofap POM same day
That was 89 days ago. Never felt better.
I can't go three days with out looking at (((porn))).
Send help.
Of course they don't want porn in Israel.
They know it's destructive power over society and the family unit. They want the goy to watch it though. And there is only one Zionist nation.
That better have been b8.
I got bored with porn when I started having sex with girls.
Focus on using your imagination when you feel like orgasming. Keep yourself preoccupied with other things.
Focus focus on your goal.
>deleting everything
does anybody actually save porn? i used to but found it was pointless because i never viewed it after that fap, always was on the hunt for something new so naturally just stream whatever for free on x pornsite
Sex scenes in movies always made me uncomfortable as a kid, so I never got into watching porn videos.
Guess being a cuck just ain't in my blood.
no point in stopping completely, its only bad in excess.
Just stop watching hardcore porn.
and alternate between using material and your imagination.
Is it the porn itself that is bad? I find myself mostly reading erotic literature to get myself off rather than pictures and videos.