Post the weirdest evangelion theories
Post the weirdest evangelion theories
Michael Jackson
Brayden Peterson
it's a steaming pile of shit
Ethan Murphy
shinji impregnates a unconscious asuka
Cooper Brooks
OP said theories not facts.
Isaiah Wood
Asuka is a transvestite
Dominic Perez
Anno help Kubrik fake the moon landings, and the stain of blood on the moon is his little nod to the Shining, were Kubrik pretty much screams the truth about Apollo 11 at the audience.
Connor Phillips
From an earlier thread.
Nathan Hughes
Ethan Gutierrez
Hey what was the deal with the moon/kaworu-christ in the rebuilds? I think i understood the story pretty good except that part.
Ryder Nelson
Isn't that rei is a timelord the whole plot of EoE?