Youjo Senki

Chapter is out, have no idea where the rest is.

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Speeking of crazy Loli novels, Girl who ate a death god finished translating today. Decent ending too.

Nanasawa is one of the best WN/LN authors out there.


>Diener wants to build a 1000 year kingdom
>it lasts 15 years tops
>the place turns into a bunch of warlords squabbling over territory
>Schera gets to eat potatoes with her men
And everything was right in the world, now I wish I could find illustrations beyond the 3 I have.

Dont forget
>Diener gets turned into spaghetti
Everything was right indeed. Even katrina was alive, if you count being a lich as alive.

Sure beats being 2 feet under.

>Praise god in order for the prototype magic device not explode in her face and wipe out everything within nuke explosion radius

I want to protect this smile and give her a comfy desk job

Translation fucking when?