When you learned about DILATION, did it turn you against the trannies who endorse it?
When you learned about DILATION, did it turn you against the trannies who endorse it?
I never learned about DILATION because I'm not into faggot shit. Teach me your homo secrets
Meh. Like it or not, sex bot threads are popular now. Looks the same. I wouldnt sleep with it but how does this affect you? You goin around hitting on dyke looking "men"?
Only against the ones with a franken-pussy.
>literally mixes genders
>cries about variants on such
>an involuntary muscle spasm in women is just like a wound trying to close
Anything to keep the delusion alive
I don't care what someone does to their own body, not my problem.
I dont give a damn what it is. Break down the work peter. It says vagin. Ismus. Meaning "the definition of vagina". Meaning "stay closed". Oh well it's not an ass it can't really do that
When I learned about dilation, I thought 'this is it, something that can be weaponized and use to unfuck the minds of retards who were thinking about having surgery'.
Anyone who can be saved will avoid this fate (and hopefully break the kike degenerate conditioning) and those who go through with it anyway are so far gone that they're not worth saving.
Lads my wife wants to fuck me up the ass and has expressed interests in buying a strap-on. I already told her that ten years of marriage has earned her the right to my asshole but the longer I think about it the less I want it.
What do
i don't know why they don't just keep their dick
if i was to have any sympathy at all i'd say having your dick surgically removed and having to jam things in the wound all day is almost the most awful thing i can imagine
can't we just drug them or something?
You're crazy. Lot offered his daughters. They werent gay. When you marry. Along with forgetting about Christ. You also share your bodies now. If you both agree you do it. Also she has no g spots
Don't do it you enormous fag
Become a woman and/or get ass cancer
Gays have more ass cancer but much less prostate cancer.
Why do you talk like a crazy person? You're certainly not helping the image of your people.
>no quotes around "vagina"
what the fuck
no, because i already believed they should be made an example of and purged
it is not hate of the sinner, it is saving the sinner from becoming a virus that infects others
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
That sounds illogical. Truvada doesnt work on pussy
I am here to do two things. Help and be honest. You wanna do cunnilingus and inhale cancerous fungi you go right ahead tulip boi
Grab em
When they get a vag hole put in them somehow through surgery they are required to use the dildo things in OP's pic to keep the wound open or else their vagina will close up. At first it's all the time but later on it's a few hours per day or something.
it made me wana dilate them if you know what i mean
she's been reading too many of the old chinese cartoons.
You're here to ooze gobbledygook and that's all you're achieving.
What;s the point of it, Dr. Faggot? It can't get hard and it has no feeling. Why not stick with a strap on and diddle the clit afterward? It's all a money making scheme and the idiots that fall for it come out worse than they were than when they went in.
Nope you shitpost and then whine
Why not both. Also they look pretty sweet and have interchangeable parts. As long as no nano bots go inside me im good
There was a video posted awhile back. it will haunt me forever
Yes the oldest meme on this site. Summer is almost over
No. She might think she wants to do it, but you'll never be able to take that manhood back. Every other competing male out there will now have more alpha points than you, because they have not (yet) bent over and opened up their asshole to her. Wtf user, I'm judging you for ever considering this.
You're fucking retarded.
>she's been reading too many of the old chinese cartoons.
oh she sounds cool actually but i don't think either of you are going to like it much
Your words are the pus dripping from the open infected gash that is your psyche, and your body as you know is only an extension of the mind. I'm sure you've royally mangled that too.
Please grab more asses in an end zone stare at urinal cocks and visit /soc/ please
>describing his leg holes
Awesome. So is your mom
Are those pipes or something they look like dildos for homos who have a bad itch near the back of their asshole
Look at my difibulator its a real neat-o invention
It made me feel really bad for those deranged faggots
>eating tits
What else is new
Why? Whats the difference
Maybe youll change your evil ways one day pol when you decide to raise your own 8yr old trans kid as a post modern art project
i heard from two gay dudes talking so no?
Wtf i hate tension now
Don't fucking do it, it's a shit test. Woman push shit they know you don't want to do as a test of your aggression and willingness to resist. If you give in she will lose all respect for you.
Who cares
Your scrote?
Women are fucking retarded, bring on the sex bots. Sex bots don't play mind games.
>1 post by this faggot
You're completely right and I'll just kindly remind her that shit comes from there.
I know I shouldn't reply but I'm fascinated by you in a Louis Theroux kind of way. Nothing you say makes sense and it reeks of a genuine insanity rather than yet another lost troll. We have crusty homeless types like you all over Amsterdam, the hippie faggots who destroyed their minds with drugs in the '60's and now wander babbling aimlessly. You better kill yourself now lest you wanna end up the same.
Mmm... Clams
>is a fucking super mario country who needed mine to house his royal family because big bad hitler
No. Transpussies literally have impacted hair in the back which has to be cleaned out.
I must be starving, cus that looks somewhat good to me right now.
Sometimes people have beefy labia or turkey neck dicks or rumoured bullshit about the "cons" of fiveskin restoration. If youre losing your mind when it comes to cilia and vaginas i cant help you
I find it horribly gross but I'm sure the majority of trannies keep their dicks and its something I don't really concern myself with. I've always thought we should still look for alternative ways to treat gender dysphoria but its an issue I care less than the legalization of weed.
Help yourself instead, to a bullet. Or a railroad track if you're not American.
How fucking poor do you have to be that that is even an actual food option?
You came in here with your little organ grinding monkey and put on a show and now you're wimping with tail between legs like a poodle and a bitch
>beefy labia
Are these colored recorders?
You are the man. What do your balls tell you to do?
Only answer that when you've given your balls 3-5 days rest to think about things.
PEGGGING???? AHAHA no bitch I thought you meant DEEP THROATING YOU... is what they'll say.
key word here is 'vagina'. a 'neo-vagina' is some kind of medically created abomination, therefore not a 'vagina'. honestly i'm not convinced you're not a shill. you've been posting pro tranny bullshit for weeks. you are not changing hearts and mind, you fucking degenerate. how does it feel to be an absolute waste of human flesh and free air? inb4 'i know you are but what am i?'
Was against trannies and their delusions before learning of this disgusting practice. This just confirms that they are unfit for any role that requires mental stability, physical ability and consistent attendance. Which technically makes them worse than niggers.
What you say literally makes no sense
Are you bullied, mentally ill or both?
Are those recorders?
Clean the meat and boil it it was pretty good
Teenage kids are always poor : ) dont worry i forgige you
I also eat stuff like this