Is he right?
Are people with high IQs successful no matter what?
Is he right?
No. I have an IQ of 208 and I'm a NEET.
>no matter what
I've seen a lot of "high IQ" people get duped by virtuous leftist meme
Yea no that's bullshit.
High IQ gives you like a 60% chance of being successful.
source: high IQ and has achieved fuckall
No, the man with the highest IQ in the world is a bouncer at his local bar.
IQ is basically a measure of your potential.
You can always choose to squander it.
there is a war on people with high IQ its called "diversity"
Nah. I've got a high IQ and my biggest accomplishment was marrying a woman who makes 6 figures and is okay with me playing vidya and shitposting all day as long as I do some house chores.
Sounds like you made it bruh. She hot?
152 and pretty much useless.
he say's according to the studies he's seen that iq is a great predictor of future success and it likely is. but whether or not that's true to the degree he suggests i wouldn't know without looking at the studies and i don't care that much since i have low iq anyways.
I went to high school with a guy that had a high iq but a bad personality and no work ethic. He is a wreck and has been borderline homeless. The most sucessful people have high iq's but it's not a guarantee.
success is 80% dedication/work, 20% mental acuity.
>t. brainlet
more like 80% connections and 20% work
you are shit at lying
Depends on your level of consciousness + high iq. You can be medium iq but have high consciousness and be successful.
”no matter what” = "unequivocally successful"
I doubt he's said that
>bald cult retard tells me what being successful is
i cant even watch this hack without my asshole puckering up
High IQ is yes. Look at AFRICA or the middle east, THEY CANT EVEN FLY A SPACESHIP TO THE MOON. Think retards THINKKK
You only call him a cult leader because you are a shill and watch way to many Thunderf00t videos
It's the other way around - people with low IQ usually aren't very successful.
High IQ means that you will get comfy with your life - if you okay with being a NEET, you will be a NEET, if not - you will become better.
I, for example, choose to be a scientist. The wage is not that good, but I'm fully satisfied with my job.
No I work construction weekdays and at retail on weekends, but I do invest in cryptos so who knows
Well, if you're basically smart but go through rough patches the idea is you can turn things around. You're never *completely* fucked unless you get sent to prison.
But if stupid you're screwed from birth. That's one way of looking at it.
Only until they a prisoner of their own degeneracy. Which recently(somewhat) has become popular. Oh yeah do whatever you want the far left will say. No, find what you do best, take pride, and never let their shit bring you down along with them.
It depends what you refer to as smart. If you mean smart as strategically, action oriented know what to do, smart then yes. Its always good to keep the control of large companies and critical areas in the hands of those who don't fuck up very often.
It's almost as if you dont understand that life exists outside of who you watch on youtube.
80% kike nepotism 20% sucking dicks
Forgetting high contentiousness. Which, as Molymeme will tell you, is an indicator of conservatism.
150 IQ and blew all my chances.
>Is he right?
If you're a typical misesian autist or jew who advocates the dissolution of families, nothing can stop ya.
No. Intelligence has to be groomed into something useful and there's a lot of other qualities that are more important. Lots of smart people that can't do anything at all, had their souls crushed, whatever.
hes a stupid jewish shill fuck him hope dies of aids
Didn't Nikola Tesla end up homeless?
If I recall correctly, if you test life success and IQ, their correlation is very high, it removes nearly 60% of the variance in testing, which more or less means that if you have a high IQ your life is 60% more likely to be successful, but it doesn't guarantee it.
>no matter what
Is that his actual position?
>High IQ gives you like a 60% chance of being successful.
>source: high IQ and has achieved fuckall
High IQ here
riddled with anxiety and depression and have done nothing.
No. There are many highly intelligent people that ended up living under a bridge or going insane
No. There's studies that show that there isn't a correlation between higher IQs and high salaries or more prestigious jobs (but there is a correlation between IQ and job security; but it is very small).
An important thing to remember is IQ doesn't really mean born genius, it just means you have a higher capability for retaining information longer. That doesn't immediately translate to being more successful; it just means that 110 IQ person putting in a little bit of work = 100 IQ person putting in slightly more work than that.
I'm a lazy, layabout child rape victim autist who barely passed high school and dropped out of community college.
Pretty smart, but damaged as fuck.
I live comfortably on $50k a year.
I think you mean conscientiousness. You're right though; I'd rather hire a hard worker with an IQ of 90 than a poorly disciplined worker with an IQ of 140.
>Are people with high IQs successful no matter what?
fuck no
No but he died poor
He never said that.
Shit bait, character assassination thread
>30 yr
>124 IQ
>Make 28k a year
I'm far from being a genius but I definitely underachieve.
Id say it would depend on the job, the gap between 90 to 140 is gigantic and a person that has an iq of 90 will have a hard time on complex jobs that have very little repetition.
>tfw I'll never be a trophy hubby
Not really if I'm honest. She's average looking but not fat. We get along nicely. She wants to be some corporate big timer some day and I'm happy to just drive a forklift or whatever. Did that shit for years until we moved for work one time and she just told me to stay home. It gets pretty boring if I'm honest.
Whatever you have to tell yourself.
154 here. Nope. Instability most of my life. Hated school. Often socially retarded. Diagnosed ADHD. Found out much later I was actually high functioning autistic. I'm not homeless or on drugs or anything but I wouldn't call myself "successful" either. Stefan is way overrated anyway. I mean, look at brilliant high IQ mathematicians. Are they "successful" no matter what ? I don't think so, but it depends on your definition of success, I guess. I guarantee you the poor autistic guy, always muttering rain man style, while bagging my groceries, has an IQ way beyond mine and he is not the picture of success. Seems to me it's lower IQ worker bees and yes men that experience the most success in life.
Pic related
>An important thing to remember is IQ doesn't really mean born genius, it just means you have a higher capability for retaining information longer.
No, retard leaf, it doesn't mean that at all.
Retaining information is a function of memory, not IQ. Yes, it helps if a person has a good memory because it makes it easier to process information if you don't have to constantly access source material, but it has nothing to do with IQ itself.
IQ, in the general sense, is the ability to understand and process new information and make decisions based on that information. The higher a person's IQ, the faster they can absorb and process information and the more accurate their decisions are based on that information.
This is true no matter what type of IQ is being considered.
Other traits factor in, of course, drive being one of the main ones. When I taught computer science I would tell each class, "Some of you will pick this information quickly. For others it will take a bit longer. All that matters in the end is that you understand it."
And that is mostly true. Whether you understand it in 5 minutes or 5 hours, in the end, what matters most is that you get it. Of course the guy who understands it in 5 minutes has a huge time advantage over the 5 hour guy and can absorb loads more information in the same time frame, but, if the slower person is willing to put in the time, they can eventually attain the same level of knowledge as the fast person.
But if you combine high IQ with a very strong work/study ethic, forget it. No one is catching those guys.
I have a high IQ and I'm very successful in what I do. I am one of the top players in my MMO.
Who's to say being a bouncer at a bar is squandering your intelligence? You don't have to find a cure for cancer to be a valuable good person. That's a very simple-minded Asian mindset.
If she's not fat and she shaves her pussy then to me that is hot.
i'm at minimum 130 iq (probably around 145)
it's more of a disability than anything for me: Social awkwardness, being overwhelmed with interests and information addiction, motivation issues. basically terminal NEETness, although I have a job.
I think that location matters a lot. I knew a guy that made 1600 on the SAT (or so other claimed), and he became the white version of smokey from Scary movie.. he ended up in food service in his 20s, although he's maybe cleaned up his life by now. If he (or I) was raised in NYC, then perhaps he would've become a stock trader or a high-line accountant or something
It's a strong predictor, but correlation is not causation
He made like 200,000 on some gameshow I believe. I think there are major diminishing returns after the 130 level anyway.. his 'theory of everything' or whatever is pretty wacky
>information addiction
Major problem for me. It's a constant distraction.
First time I've ever heard anyone mention it .
No, YouTube celebrities are always wrong.
Meme machine since 1997, dude
I have a high IQ, I'm 31, living at home with anxiety, no job, suicidal. the only social experience I get is random pity sex with the 14 year old down the street. I would say that's a bullshit claim
Even people with IQ's of like 120 can grasp most important concepts like why you need to keep a good credit score and how to run a business. That's right about there the level on the bell curve above which you almost never find black people, but you do find a healthy portion of white people.
No, my brother is a genius but he's also mentally ill and can barely function. He graduated from college at 17 but lost his shit after his 21st birthday and pretty much lost all his success over night. He met the president and went to other countries for genius club type shit and now he talks to people who aren't even there and thinks my parents sacrifices one of our siblings who never even existed.
If he weren't crazy he would be extremely successful so I guess there is truth to it.
IQ is the best predictor of success we have, however there are always gonna be high IQ people that are unsuccessful. Also, life is easier for them, im sure other people who arent as lazy can post stats about what having a bottom 10% IQ is like.
>random pity sex with the 14 year old down the street.
Nigga what the fuck?
He may not be crazy. He may remember things from another universe, and experiences the Mandela effect. He may be speaking to their spirits
I think it depends on how you measure success
He's a sexual predator
fucking bigots it was a sexual emergency.
This all depends on how one thinks of intelligence.
If you think of intelligence like it's a thing that can be picked up and measured, you have no place in the conversation.
Intelligence is an expression in measure, attempting to expose latent ability in structuralist problem solving when it comes to recognizing and manipulating patterns.
Naturally, a person who is into these kind of endeavors will show better expressive scores on the metric. Likewise, a person who is into these sorts of things will have an experience with their expressive intellect that is not only re-enforced, but also sought in today's markets where higher-finance or funding take place. It's a success feed-back loop.
One could be uninterested in expressing the limits of their intellect by problem solving - as that's what a fucking metric is - and could score less than their potential. Likewise, someone could score higher by guessing a few right.
It's a metric.
Take what you will in the problem-set of your own measures, when it comes to IQ.
Here is your correlation.
my IQ is 62 and i made a billion dollars sucking nigger cocks
The second best predictor of success is concientiousness, which is also genetic.
It means you will find more ways to get what you want. If all you want is to smoke crack then it goes to waste. But you could still call that success by your own standards you don't need a suit and a bunch of jewbucks.
remove yourself from this planet
If he is their spirits say some crazy ass shit.
I plan to soon. Going to hang myself after getting shitface drunk
It's more of a generalization. You can still have high iq morons, that's for sure.
That's a typo. 24
i hope you get arrested by feds and spend the rest of your life in solitary confinement suffering before you can end yourself
Arrested for suicide? Really now
Here's a way to think about it: the smartest birds are abductive 'thinkers'.
The smartest people have been inductive thinkers
IQ measures a form of deductive structuralist reasoning.
There you have 'intelligence' as a model from the bottom-up; in a process related to very-successful survival, in theorizing general relativity, and in doing good on an IQ test.
>living at home with anxiety, no job, suicidal.
Get on antidepressants. You'll either be super-motivated to finally kill yourself or else you'll at least have the energy to start fixing yourself. They will do a number on that anxiety problem too.
Their meds don't do anything. Buspar, hydroxyzine, it's all garbage. Ativan was the only useful drug but Trump scared pharma and i can't get it anymore
you're on a watchlist now faggot
IQ if it's working as intended should show just that. It can't account for factors beyond the person's own competence like their peers, but as an adult in a free nation you should be able to remove yourself from a toxic environment.
High IQ people TEND to be more successful. Just as societies with higher IQ populations TEND to be more successful and advanced.
He is not speaking in absolutes, and OP, if you knew shit-all about statistics you would know the answer to your question. faggot
No. Some take a look at the system and just laugh at it, or get angry about it, and refuse to participate. They go live in the woods or work as bouncers.
I haven't cared for watches since smart phones came out, watches are basically useless these days, more of a fashion thing than practical. That's my opinion anyway. That's about all, peace out
IQ represents potential, and potential =/= action. But yes, high-IQ individuals generally have more success. Unfortunately, liberals cannot understand basic statistics or research methodology. To them, a fringe case invalidates the average.
>high IQ and has achieved fuckall
>Flag of South Africa
Thank you for the flag, my dude
My IQ is 125 and I do very well, thank you very much.
Buspar and Hydroxyzine are shit for all those
Get on Wellbutrin and an SSRI like Zoloft or Prozac and take nenzos aw meed
For ultra successful people you also need perseverance, an early start, a line of dedicated coaches, and a 'smart' way of practicing. To top that off you have to experience some early success to get you hooked on the dopamine of it all. Pure inherent talent will still give you a theoretical leg up however.
Read "Talent isn't Everything"
They won't give me anything helpful. I've been seeing doctors for like 7 years. I'm useless as a human, better off as fertilizer and worm food. I procrastinate or I'd be dead already
Bipolar or schitzo. Why is he not medicated
My IQ is 130. I earn $800 a week cooking in a pub.. I started off as a shy dish pig now I'm the cook, that's the most success I've had lol. i'm 19 and I have no idea what I want to do with my life, help.
saying if youre smarter youll tend to do better in life isnt really saying anything
>no matter what?
nope. but more likely than not.
a lot of it depends on age. Ir goes down to some extent with age, but the big killer is that neuro-plasticity really takes a hit in the late 20's early 30's so even very high IQ people get 'stuck in their ways' IE: they can elaborate on systems they understand but have more difficulty / less interest in figuring out new ones. You see it in academia all the time.
IQ 149
Haven't had a real job in 9 years.
No friends.
No girlfriend.