I am right here

>I am right here.
>Still we haven't found her.

What went wrong?


Good thing he's probably unable to use the net to go here any more, he'd only be sadder at what Sup Forums has become with this cucking generation.

>90% of cases have unknown cause

If there is a thing I am legitimately terrified of, it's stuff like this.
It can randomly hit you anytime and fuck you up for no particular reason.

I'm more scared of amnesia or some sort of shock that leads to you having to relearn everything. Just fucking imagine that, I'd take death over that anytime.

What if ALS-kun was a fake?

Who would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>look at what Sup Forums has become with this cucking generations
>things used to be better when a bunch of faggots cryed ecause of a dying fag

Kill yourself faggot and take the ASLfag with you. I mean just look at those fags.

>;_; I don't know you user,but i love you too
>;_; If it happens i'll make sure to think of you, user
>I'm crying,thank you user
>You'll be alive in my heart when s3 aris.

This is Tumblr level shit of faggotery.
>Ugh another user is dying how sad better tell him that i love him and always think of him.
Bunch of fags and so are you.

Someone is really desperate in trying to fit in. Sup Forums is the other way, cuntnugget.

fuck off