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Worry about your own issues leaf. Sort yourself out
No, help me out.
John Doe # 2
Best to be looking at the side views.......they tried to make him out to be Jose Padilla but that was really pushing the ethnic side
To be honest Mc Veigh was hanging with NEOs in the matrix.....of FBI set ups and informants planted inside the groups as cover for their operations.
The man who was running most of these ops was a certain white bwoy
test run for building 7, sure
And who else would be able to get away with it all on the time they had to plant it....
Someone who made sure that the majority of their officers were out of the building and bring it down on children in a day care?
The same man raping children in the Church of Satan Cult at the Presidio and other places....
Made themselves quite obvious in their targeting of the DEA building there, staging a quick distraction and the forming of the Clinton Anti Terror Bill's with their tragedy, while shifting their operations from Texas rigs to Mena via plane routes.
The DEA in Oklahoma City was into the Offshore routes and were cracking down on the Bush bro's and their routes....so the vengeance was blowing this building and moving the operations to Mena, AR
They were so obvious that these operations were patterned in Mexico as well .....where there were bombs inside and then the external explosion was set to trigger both.
In this case the few remaining columns left were found to be rigged as well.
Numerous statements and recordings showed multiple explosions
Also to note, one of the first antrhax attacks in the US came from a Sheriff that was targeted for investigating the Clintons in AR.
He was close to their racket of businessmen
He had them pegged using the airport and was gathering info about these affairs, tying BACK to the OKC and the RENO/WACO FIASCO
The OKC? The OK CORRAL....?
Now its really clear.....
Bombs and Anthrax.......2 times.....
The same people and now the same people running these affairs as a "Treasure Map"
I remember when bill made the statement it was because of the libertarians
top kek
Only a high ranking military official could make this happen....
Michael Aquino bombing them for investigating him at the Presidio and disavowing him as a decorated soldier.
Working with the CABAL......
Gear down on the meth there bud.
why is it that nutjob conspiritards can never plan out 1 coherent post?
All terrorists are the same: stupid losers who think they can change the world.
Keep speaking brother
pic related mfw read these threads
So all of Sup Forums
shut the fuck up faggot virgin
To late the secret tapes we're on cassini just crashed into Saturn
And the award for biggest faggot and load of shit on Sup Forums tonight goes to OP
My dad claims that he is John Doe number 2.
Muh secret EMP machine
Pretty convenient that the entire ATF division, McVeigh's target, was out that day.
How many personnel were assigned to the office?
they were probably busy hiring a truck and setting up the bo--
someone had to set up the ...
Typical Division size. 24 Agents.
Why didnt it colapse? A plane didnt hit it. Or hit building 7
PEPE's Pink Undies Reminds Me Of This.....
Truck was found by a pilot making aerial photos that day before....
Said it was his regular route and when he saw the truck that it was weird he snapped photos....
He's not wrong, check out youtube.com
In b4 psyops comes in to discredit everyone in here for research, the reason why (((they))) keep this shit hidden is by doubling down and pretending it doesnt exist; to keep shoving other shit in your face because not enough people care or want to make a difference (people have to work, etc). Building 7 is the smoking gun that they're laughing at all of us with.
>not posting the full high res version
its okay, I wouldnt either, who wants a visit from a mysterious van. You know their algorithms keep improving? you best be behind a hundred proxies
20 years ago user.....
link to a documentary?
Holy fucking shit I ever tied the two together but you're right the anthranx and bombing do make a lot of sense can you keep dumping what ever you got?
No, it wasn't. user was posting last night about how his dad is the missing co conspirator. He posted regional info about northwest Arizona that few know about when McVeigh lived there and worked at True Value
Is that your dad?
Nah it wasn't. John Doe #2 was tortured and blackbagged. Who cares anyway?
It wasnt an inside job. Oklahoma city scared the shit out of the government so bad they stopped their police state bullshit until 9/11, and even then focused mostly on muslims. Before Oklahoma city they'd flexed with Waco and Ruby Ridge, but the reality that the repercussions for such heavy handed actions was this.
A disgruntled army vet and a friend coordinated the near total destruction of a federal building on a shoe string budget of van and a lot of fertilizer. There are millions of vets, McVeigh did more for American liberty and freedom than most, he was a god damn patriot.
Wasn't the exact building he targeted the ones with the hostage rescue unit that were responsible for both Waco and ruby ridge?
Timothy McVeigh did nothing wrong
He decided his vengeance was to level their playing field..to scare them away from prosecuting
This is the psychological warfare specialist that created these as their "trial runs" in the post Bush Contra Scandal years.
"In 1999, Paul Bonacci, who had been kept as a child sex slave by Lawrence King, positively identified Lt. Col. Michael Aquino as an associate of King, who he said was known to the children only as ‘the Colonel’. Rusty Nelson, King’s personal photographer, also identified Aquino as the man that he once saw King give a briefcase full of money and bearer bonds to, and who King had told him was involved in the Contra gun and cocaine trafficking operation being run by George Bush Sr. and Lt. Col. Oliver North.
1989 (May) – Lt. Col. Michael Aquino was again questioned in connection with child abuse investigations. This time, at least five children in three cities were making the accusations. The children had seen Aquino in newspaper and television coverage of the Presidio case and immediately recognized him as one of their abusers. The children were from Ukiah, Santa Rosa, and Fort Bragg.
1990 (August 31) – Lt. Col. Michael Aquino was processed out of the Army after being investigated for satanic ritual child abuse in the Presidio case. Although never formally charged, according to court documents, Aquino was ‘titled’ in a Report of Investigation by the Army’s Criminal Investigative Division (CID) for “indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing”. The child abuse charges remained against Aquino because, according to the CID, the evidence of alibi offered by Aquino “was not persuasive.” Aquino has since denied that he was ever processed out of the Army and even claims that he was selected as one of their first Space Intelligence Officers during this same year, and was stationed at Cheyenne Mountain for four years of active duty before retiring. There is no evidence that this is true."
wee *v detected
Said he was a "Space Intelligence Officer".....
OK we believe that one....
Disgruntled huh.....sounds like he had a person to craft his personal complaint for him,......
Another scripted farce in Oklahoma
Timothy McVeigh was a monster that slaughtered many innocent people
can we find a picture of comey back during that time, if i recall he was in the area for fbi during that time.
i know who's literally connected those dots, mrcati channel on jewtube.
>analysis you won't see anywhere else
>not just another muh gematria digit dindu
that's michael aquino, satanist retired mil.
Seconding this. This is interesting. I was just a kid when it happened so I never knew what the Oklahoma City bombing was about.
This is 1000% percent correct. Congrats, leaf. You got it.
If you begin to re-analyse Timothy Mcveigh, and the WACO incident, you will see that the CIA has ALWAYS been afraid of the Rise of the "Alt-Right"......That's why they used a CIA operative to "SHUT DOWN" the Charlottesville rally.....
This time...they will fail to stop our movement.
what was happening, at those times, contextually, that they used to discredit?
Clinton + Libertatians right?
What other truths have been close?
Also they hate inter-generational equity
>WACO incident,
this guy got wrecked
Here's a quick rundown:
>Family is on their own land
>God loving, 2nd Amendment Americans
>FBI go to ask questions
>Shoot first, ask questions later
>American defends himself
>Stand off with police
>Finally stand off ends, but Americans get pissed off at FBI for being a police state, 2nd Amendment Conservatives protest against Government
>Movement is gaining traction
>FBI is sued and looses, unprecedented
>All of a sudden, Timothy McVeigh bombs a fucking building out of nowhere....the "Alt-right" is blamed
>The movement subsides, and the government continues to expand power
Pretty much, in a nut shell.
They tried to do it again with Charlottesville with their CIA plant....but this time it's failed. Sup Forums figured it all out, and our movement grows stronger.