What is (((their))) endgame? Why have they been amassing all that political and economical power, plus control of the media? They even control the internet now, which we thought was our last hope vs them.
What is (((their))) endgame? Why have they been amassing all that political and economical power...
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worldwide luciferian religion, absolute control over the world and eventually the extermination of all gentiles.
currently they eat children's pineal glands to communicate with their satanic overlords.
in the tulmud they say us white people will be their slaves and we are less than dogs
Shouldn't they be more weary of Asians? They have less control over them, don't they?
>he actually thinks that the jews don't control the asians
truth to be told us asians are insectoids and can be controlled with crypted signals
>crypted signals
Like what? example?
oy vey we've already infiltrated the white house good goyim.
asians are a hivemind, as long as they control the queen is all ok.
Waste of quads.
what signals do i need to use to get any asian woman to have sex with me?
Watch out for the Jew
I imagine they want to create some kind of Snowpiercer scenario, but without the snow.
>Kabbalah and Sabbatianism
>Banned from mainstream Judaism shortly after their creation for being radical heretical offshoots
they are trying to become god
they are luciferians
this shouldn't be news to anyone on Sup Forums
what you all need to do is recognize, personally, that you cannot accept this. and you know this--all of you. some of you aren't there yet.
stop waffling on: this is a game, this is a larp
how are you here?
god makes this possible
luciferians believe they can become god.
christians are baptized in the blood of christ.
the blood of god.
have faith in christ!
For anyone who doesn't believe in religion, satanism sounds as stupid as christianism, so I've never paid much attention to those sort of redpills.
oh, ok then. That's pretty sad desu.
just like my life
it's not redpills
redpills are just a way people hit rock bottom, spiritually
what the hell is this ( ( ( white person ) ) ) trying to say?, he's trying to jew us?
i appreciate the extra spaces
it's simple
information is being occulted from you
you put your faith into one or the other
it's not as simple as that? it's gray?
you have a choice, which really isn't a choice if you think about it.
why is the only place on the internet that allows free speech, the last bastion of jesus christ.
this isn't rebellion.
think about what you value. everything christ preaches is here. the racism is for the birds. the sexism is for the birds. it's all turned up to 11 right now.
you wouldn't be here if you didn't in some respect/believe in christ.
so, the old theory that certain elements in the jewish religion are worshipers of saturn? and i dont know how i feel about rabbi yeshua
put faith your faith in jesus
put your faith in pol (nothing)
put your faith lucifer (yes they [all elite, CERN was commissioned for the elite to become GOD] worship saturn)-- lucifer thought he could become god. Humans. Elites. Have the hubris to believe they can still do this--become god. they have not seen god. they do not know faith. Lucifer is here in heart. he's been here since the fall. He has domain over man. Christ is coming, though. have faith.