Ask a former black nationalist anything

Ask a former black nationalist anything.


what characteristic of white people are you most jealous of?


What is a black nationalist? What does it mean?

She's a jew.

Why would you stop being a black nationalist?

Why don't you go back to Africa? How much money would it take to get you to renounce US citizenship and go?


>looks at any black nation
that looks like a place i would want to live.

why former, what happened

its one of those 1 post by this id thread uh ?


Ok everybody out of the pool

whats your view on sovereignty, race, nationalism, and politics

Essentially, the movement for a semi-autonomous Marxist ethno-state.

As they define it: "the movement to give black people equal representation in positions of power governing themselves." More definitions follow.

Black nationalism is a movement to change the governmental structure of the United States by allying itself with a white proletarian movement and for laws passed in response to black nationalist protests, this goal can be reached.

Black nationalism, to understand it, one must understand what laws they aim to be passed, their goals, and the means to get to it.

Already there is a representative government but what black nationalists want is that these "representatives" black nationalists want for black people are are administrators, likely appointed by the Federal government out of programs that do not exist yet.

Most of the south will fall to being governed by appointed officials, among them, the so called black representatives. Populous counties in the north will be administered by the Federal government in the event there be a large congregation of blacks anywhere in that county.

If you have studied communism, you'd recognize what I describe as a proletariat. The proletariat, remember, is not the workers, but it is a branch of government of the socialist state which claims to represent a certain group of people--workers, or in this instance, blacks--and this branch of government has legal authority over that group.

If you dont get it, think of the Black National Caucus or NAACP. They claim to represent all black people in America but decry black republicans as traitors. In contrast, a proletariat claims to represent the peasants but governs them without consent and punishes peasants that oppose the proletariat. Only difference is a proletariat has legal muscle to enforce laws and punish detractors.

Booker T. Washington or W. E. B. Du Bois?

was there an "aha" moment? Or did it just occur gradually until one dat you realized you dindnt give a fuck/it wasnt for you? maybe a combo?

how did you stop being black? Follow up question, can you teach all the rest of the darkies how to do that too?

you forgot to ask for his life story as well dumbass


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Did you give up being black, or being nationalist?

thoughts on race and iq?

Why are you a former nationalist?

Are you black?

The soviet union had "ethnostates." Like the Armenian and Turkish ethnostates. The Soviet Union drew borders around where those people lived, and called it an autonomous state. The government in the turkish area is Turks, in the Armenian area it is Amenians, etc.

But the government of this so called autonomous state is appointed by the Communist Party and takes directives from Moscow. So they're not really their own nations.

Translate that to America. You have a socialist America. The south is administered as a separate region from the rest of the country, considered a "black autonomous state" with a black proletariat appointed by the socialist government in Washington DC.

The "proletariat" likely will be from the merging of other departments made by "Civil rights laws."

why do you people stink so much

Are you enlightened enough to accept White rule?

She's Latina.
My Latina waifu

holy shit thays quite a bit more sophisticated than i realized. do you think jews have infiltrated the movement or have yall neen hiding your power level

How do so many people not understand that it's by thread?

this ->

even jew rule by the sound of it. im impressed blackanon

Seriously , I have recently become interested in white nationalism, I am probably too old to make a difference. I am interested in knowing what made you abandon your own interests in nationalism ?

>Former black nationalist
Why did you stop being a good person and return to niggatry?

Their lack of racism
It's a communist movement that takes true representative government away from everyone. See my two posts describing the goals of black nationalis,
Booker T Washington
What you call "the jewish conspiracy" which isnt really a jewish conspiracy but a minority of elitist jews working with likeminded people of other ethnicities to in a conspiracy to destroy all nations--from the start.

Do you believe Black Nats and White Nats should work together as they had common goals, like how Rockwell and Malcolm X were fond of each other?

Do you think civic nationalism is just another way to push multiculturalism in the united stated? If yes, how would you solve the issue of having millions of black people that hate USA and/or does not identify to US history/culture that have a huge voting influence on your country.

Gave up on being a nationalist. Nationalism is shit actually. Originally started in the 1800s in Europe as a progressive movement to unite chiefdoms under a strong central government. Communists including Karl Marx supported it because a strong central government, a National government" had to exist before socialism started being enforced.

In 1848, Marx was arrested in Germany and sentenced to death for taking part in an attempted Nationalist rebellion to overthrow a duke.

Pic related: and the flag in pic related was the German nationalist flag.

Ok, I see where Your coming from. I can actually see it's potentially the same exact end result as globalism. What's the answer race relations are worse than ever, us whites have a history of taking stuff extreme when we finally snap. Is the JQ the only thing that's relevant? Media says we're all ready for racial strife, while a whole lot of people are bi racial and in interracial relationships?


The way to help blacks is to teach them that their history isnt literally 100% oppression until the 1960s. There was several decades of blacks becoming doctors and bankers leading up into the 1960s, before the black nationalist rebellion of the 60s and drugs destroyed that.

In Korea, black America POWs didnt take to North Korean brainwashing methods because they were more patriotic.

Furthermore, stop idealizing Martin Luther King, whom sought to divide races, sympathized with rioters, hated conservatism and very definitely was a communist. Can't teach blacks to love America or try to better themselves when their role model was against those things.

why is every implicitly/explicitly anti-white organisation always a breeding ground for communists ? every fucking time

thx user, appreciated

How did you stop being black?

Wow! It's too bad we have to live surrounded by so many people that are not capable of thinking an communication on your level.

Unfortunately if crap ever explodes we won't have time to compare brainpans', I will shoot any dindu raping, looting, killing in my view. Nothing at all personal.

k but you still support ethno nationalism ? seems like you have quarrels with the bagage that the black nationalist movement has with it, not the concept itself

whats your opinion on hotep ?

Can black nationalism ever separate itself from communism? Or is the go to for minority populations? There are plenty of African nationalist movements - in Africa, that don't seem to be communist. Can you support those?

Why did you stop being a black nationalist?

The "aha" moment was when I thought long and hard about what "black power in the ghetto" means. Why should there have to be that where blacks have been treated fairly?

Black nationalists believe because the black man is subject to a black nation, even if he doesnt recognize that nation, then federal laws, state laws and local ordinances have not jurisdiction over him. Remember how the Black panthers said all black people in prison in the U.S. for any reason are political prisoners.

In order for there to be black power in the ghetto, an appointed group of black representatives would have to govern over a section of a city with a large black population. This authority would be appointed by the federal government and could act outside the jurisdiction not only of state laws and city ordinances, but also the U.S. constitution.

The "ahah" moment would be when I realized that the goal is for the federal government to define how ghettoes will be governed outside the constitution.

The reason progressive groups like the NAACP and Al Sharpton's NAN will support legal fees for psychotic murderers is because those murderers play a role in making lawlessness pervade in the ghetto as a means to discredit authority of local and state governments.
Definitely a difference in IQs but I believe that's becoming less relevant over the years. There is a thing called "epigenetics" where the lifestyle of a person modifies the genome. For example, twins separated at birth are found to have different DNA structures later in life. Being familiar with this concept, it shouldn't be surprising there's a phenomenon of black millenials being 20 IQ points higher than their parents. One generation of racial IQ differences left to go before harmony.
There's plenty of noncommunist African nationalist movements but by being pro-African nationhood, they're anti sovereignty for the individual nations of Africa. Communists build communism with noncommunist hands.

I havent studied Hotep yet. But the problem with the concept of the ethnostate is, though nations traditionally have been drawn around ethnic lines, the creation of modern ethnic states would render an individual to be an end to his race, not an end to himself. Rights of individuals can be infringe for the so called rights of the group.

you can have "nationalist" country like the USA, centralized but also many powers to the states, and individual rights. It doesn't have to mean big government.

>a minority of elitist jews working with likeminded people of other ethnicities to in a conspiracy to destroy all nations--from the start
Oh, please don't stop here. Tell us more pls

why the fuck are you selling your people out to the jews

What happens if the white nationalist and black nationalist start working together to achieve both of their separate ethno states?

Should we unite to destroy the elites or are niggers to retarded to understand that?

So if you say that CivNat gives way to multiculturalism but the danger of the ethnostate is the trampling of the individual... just how the fuck do we dig ourselves out of this mess, in your opinion?

the reason the marxists were allied with nationalists in the 1848 was because marxists thought the proletariot revolution was inevitable. the marxists got really pissed off when the communist revolution never materialized

*COUGH* Rockwell and Malcolm X *COUGH*

how does it feel?

So you're basically just a lolbertardian?

1) Are you a nigger?

2) Do you think people have a right to self-determination?

>The way to help blacks is to teach them that their history isnt literally 100% oppression until the 1960s. There was several decades of blacks becoming doctors and bankers leading up into the 1960s, before the black nationalist rebellion of the 60s and drugs destroyed that.

3) How the fuck do you teach that though? Niggers don't care about that shit, they only care about gibs me dats, they DON'T WANT to integrate with white society. They hate the way we do things and they prefer our own. Since that's the case, why don't we just live apart?

Haitians expelled all the whites from their country didn't they? And now they live in what white people would call "squalor" - but that's how they clearly like it, so let them live like that! I have no interest in expending taxes on people who hate us and hate our societies!

Why is it "former"?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on Farakhan if you're still here.

My only problems with him are
>believes the Holohoax or won't admit it's a lie
>often conflates jews with whites
>doesnt focus on the greater issue THE JQ

Good answer to a stupid question!