G-g-goyim? Please tell me that you're going to buy this!!!
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme.
What? You don't like seeing brave, nazi killing African Americans having sex with white women?
It is the only thing that arouses me at this point in my life.
Cheers! Pre order the "literally hitler" edition and it comes with a chasity belt for you to wear while a nigger fucks your wife. I can't wait!
Do they have any idea about this political climate? The type of people that originally bought their games are going to see this as more political propaganda and feel disgusted.
This is a joke right? Way too on the nose
And the people in the comment section are literally applauding the normalizing of eliminating their own race. The Jews are good.
No one will buy it and they will lose millions/billions.
It's not a big deal because they are losing so handily at the moment.
black men fucking white pigs isn't new
Sadly, most people are extremely hyped for this new game. The trailer itself has tons of likes and good comments.
I'll be getting the game too. I don't like the scene at all but I just like the gameplay and such.
>They've walled off New Orleans and are systematically purging the city
wtf I love Wolfenstein now
>I'm such a cuck faggot that I love normalizing the destruction of white people because I literally have to play video games
Wow, user.
>coal burning
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jesus H Christ man they're not even hiding it anymore
>giving money to a video game dev will KILL the white race because of less than 10 seconds of libshit
Mate it's just a fucking video game, and the entire point of the series is messing up Nazis (Which the fatso actually was)
Man I regret supporting Bethesda over the years, what's with every company politicizing themselves, it's like the dems treat corporations as weapons.
>This is real
someone spam them that youre gonna pirate the game
fuck i should have torrented fallout 4
You should only play games cuckolds are scared of like Dota 2 or Garfield Kart
...And Bethesda just lost another paying fan. Can't wait to see Elder Scrolls get the Mass Effect Andromeda treatment.
gonna be up alll night with my Dragons Age Dildo Edition Golden +1 nippleclips on reeeeeaaalll tight!
It's weird to me that people are praising and buying a simulation for torturing and killing hundreds of strangers based on their ideology.
It's not even a war game. It's fetishistic.
I unironically think there's a point where vidya and VR go "too far". Using it as a tool to normalize not only political violence, but sadistic killing, is depraved.
Nazis watch out, Blow Job Blazkowicz is on the case.
>walled off New Orleans
>walled off a city that is literally already walled off
niggers don't even know what a levee is. Bethesda deserves to be purged along with New Orleans.
Wolfenstein has been a thing since the late 90s.
Stop being triggered. If anything, this new game does a lot to make it a lot more gray.
When you sneak instead of shooting the Nazi infantries, they would actually have dialogue that makes them more sympathetic.
>black man and a fat white woman
I thought stereotyping was racist
>Appealing to the apparently large gaming cuck demographic
I must be the only one not into First Person Shooters.
I prefer the Third Person games with 360degree cameras.
This tbqh, the old wolfenstein was made by gen-xers who took the "nazis were just proud soldiers brainwashed by evil racism" pill
It was never really meant to be a huge selling or overly serious game, the endboss was mecha hitler for crying out loud
You have some shit taste my friend
Yeah, the games message hasn't really changed at all. It was about shooting bad guys who are the Nazis. I don't know why this new game suddenly gets Sup Forums triggered for some reason. As if the dozens of previous Wolfenstein games didn't exist.
What time, I don't want to watch all of this shit.
why you so triggered kid? i was gunning down nazis by the droves in wolfenstien games before you were even born. if your offense is driven by you identifying with literal nazis and you feel attacked you should kill ys cos u sound like a waste
I don't know, maybe because a nigger is raping a white land whale?
Honestly it doesn't look that interesting and that's without factoring in the sassy black woman being a constant irritation.
I like the fat acceptance.
No, the games message has changed pretty dramatically
Before wolfensteim was made by a AAA company it was a goofy ww2 themed stealth game
But things are a lot different with this one, minor things like how its in an alternate history where the axis win ww2, whereas the others were just ww2 + paranormal stuff
And before, the narrative wasn't "kill all the evil white people", because there was no narrative or message
Did you watch the trailer? Its consensual, the evil nazi woman is just submitting to her rightful african dominator
This. If anything this should be offensive to liberals as it's promoting the stereotype of black men going for fat white loser women.
We need somebody to make a game about Nazis purging Europe. But It wouldn't be allowed anywhere, because... muh freespeech, ya know.
I really didn't realize this until you said it. It's really just a fetish at this point. It's unbelievable to see people applaud the further destruction of the only people who stood up against evil. Sometimes you have to stand back in complete awe of how far this really is and how brainwashed and naive this planet has become.
>Do they have any idea about this political climate?
Oh, they're well aware.
>The type of people that originally bought their games are going to see this as more political propaganda and feel disgusted.
It's pretty fucking clear that this is political propaganda in the first place.
Well they kind of need the axis to win WW2 for there to be a reason of this game's existence.
Also, there was no message about "kill all evil white people" in this game or the previous one. WTF are you even on about. You clearly haven't played the game at all.
I'll pirate it at most
Remember when the initial games were satire
It is your American duty to buy this game goy.
You're not a racist, are you?
lol where do you think the press F to pay respects meme came from?
I forgot abou the previous remake, thoight that was under a different company
Either way, you cant argue that the game isnt pure political propaganda
theres a certain smug satisfaction that springs to mind when i think of how i have never played a wolfenstein game ta ta plebs.
>paying 90bucks for single playthrough games
that's the epitome of cuckoldry, no wonder they're targeting lefties to buy their games
Its really not. It looks that way now because of all the controversy with the Alt Right and Neo Nazis.
The game doesn't take itself seriously at all. The only attempt at any sort of politics deals with the protagonist dealing with PTSD from war and I wouldn't say that is inherently political in nature either.
>Has a eating and mental disorder
>Fucks up everything even though her mother kept giving her a second chance
>Runs away because her mother wanted to help her
>Fucks a nigger
Unfortunately they took a great series such as Wolfenstien to do this with. The game will sell tons because of the name alone, along with the games in the past being great.
buy it goyim
Pick one Sup Forums
What exactly are they doing with it?
They had black people in the last Wolfenstein game. Does interracial sex really bother you people that much. Its a fictional fat german girl with mommy issues for fuck sake,
OMG Theyre going to insert politics into TES arent they!?
Go away, nigger.
I don't like this shit shoveled down my damn throat every fucking day. Random commercial comes on, it's some interracial couple. Biggest thing pushing on social media? Interracial couples. Playing videogames? Have some more interracial couples. It's always black on white too. I never see a white/poo, asian/black, mexican/black couple. It is literally only black on white.
>late 90s
I don't know why people are still paying for their games?
Don't give the jews credit for this. Blame the fucking idiots who keep using the name Nazi and the swastika. Should have scrapped them and started with something new.
I get your point but it's wolfenstein, it's always been like this.
>that's the joke
dont buy it faggot pirate it at most. Stop being a cuck faggot.
>such a big bitch that he can't even handle wolfenstein without getting triggered anymore
Don't link me jewtube.
I have also achieved this feel, also checked.
normies don't know about torrents i guess
Wolfenstein has always been about killing nazis. I always thought it was kind of cool that they decided to go with an alternate timeline thing. Opens more avenues for them.
>TFW you will never get to kill nazis with John F Kennedy.
Actually I think CoD black ops 1 or 2 did that. Except they were also zombies.
funny thing is that it looks like the game-play is pretty fucking tame. even golden-eye 64 footage manages to look more engaging and threatening.
Same. I have always preferred third person shooters. FPS players are fighting game tier retards.
do the normies realize that the people who bought the first wolfenstein games were literal "nazis" by their standards? kek
Those examples you posted I have never even seen before you posted right here, Someone wanna name any actual nationwide examples? Shit, all I can think of is Kim K. always fucking black guys, but 90% of the stormfags don't consider armenians white anyways
I woke up to this when Inglorious Bastards came out and I wasn't even red pilled back then.
It was just sadistic violence and didn't make me empathise with Jews at all.
New order was clearly less political than this, watch the trailers for that and then watch this one.
This is pretty sad honestly. They have to make game after game where you kill Nazis just to try and make people hate them and all it does it make people like them more.
Quentin tarantino said in few interviews it was supposed to protray the allies as savages and the nazis as noble in some
mind fuck way. Don't rememeber the exact wording he used tho.I definatly eneded up sympathizing with the germans in the movie.
if anything that's insulting to blacks considering it's their biggest stereotype
oh well, we said fascism is bad so niggers love fat white women lol xD
How exactly is it more political? Just because they have a sex scene gag?
Have you even watched both trailers? There is a clear difference.
Let's be real here, this isn't Bethesda. This isn't even ID. They farmed the series out to some mediocre and tasteless Swede studio that has (((them))) whispering in their ear about how they should piss people off because bad publicity is still publicity.
You missed out. In it's day Wolfenstein was both groundbreaking in game play and pure campy fun without some Somali sexually degrading an obese Nazi slam pig with issues.
like me. I'm a fucking huge wolf-fan. i own them all and tons of swag and all sorts of shit I've been collecting since wolf3d. the last two games were alright, but cringy at times. this iz blatant propaganda and i will not buy this trash
I have. They tried to emphasize gloom and despair in the previous game.
The new one is being marketed to be a more fun and humorous and not being taken so seriously.
Its just a marketing decision.
I've seen most of these as YouTube ads. Maybe Google is taunting me
what IQ does it to find FPS' enjoyable? 60-80?
Wolfenstein The New Order (2014) is a game where you fight the Nazis who won WW2: Its just a normal videogame.
Wolfenstein The New Colossus (2016) pretty much the same thing: OMG, its making a political statement against fascism and Trump
Its fucking stupid. People are gonna see it the way they want to see it. The fact is we have yet to see one thing from the game that shows them pushing a hamfisted political message
So is it true there's a big fat white German bitch in this game? I have a fat fetish and I seem to have a thing in particular for very fat blonds.
>buying FPS at full price
It will be 20 USD by Christmas.
Going to buy it just so I can vividly imagine a NatSoc america.
Not anything owned by Activision
RtCW was the peak of the series. One of my fav games ever.
It was a premium genre before the great dumbing down of the gaming scene in mid-2000s. Today we see dumbing down 2.0.