Burgers think we actually landed on the moon.
*snorts very audibly*
Burgers think we actually landed on the moon.
*snorts very audibly*
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Bump, where are all the angry burger brains?
Burger brains, why you no take bait =(
Wow, I haven't seen this one yet... what the heck... let's not even hide the fact that this is all digital foolery. Imagine what it would take to actually film this. As if the ISS is like a film studio up there where they make cuts and edits like this, hahahaha
Woah. This is amazing. I haven't seen these man, thank you. No wonder they destroyed all the original films. You could digitally remaster it today into high def and I bet you'd see all the fakery come out then.
Its pretty obvious that the doll was edited out of the video in the beginning pretty crudely. I'm not sure what your trying to imply here
We did. The conspiracy is to make is think we didn't. We have been back to the moon hundreds of times since. We found something good.
Whole china space walk is funny
>tfw too autistic to make redpilled friends to play the illuminati game
What? Like behind a blue screen or something? Fuck are you talking about.
wait for the pinky shills to arrive on this one
This is approx 5 hours of real time footage, and the clouds are miraculously still.
webm form
Chris Cassidy accidentally tell the truth. They are also hanging upside down.
NASA faking the moon landing;
They took this dune buggy with them to the moon, drove around and then came back safe and sound... in the 60s.
>That webm
That second video is totally damning. They didn't go to the moon fellas. Time to back up your bags.
>burger meme
Have you eaten your mandatory burger today? I know I did.
fuck off
We should challenge NASA to go back to the moon.
See the kinds of excuses they come up with.
Holy actual shit fuck
Im sold. Are we sure that wasn't a reflection or light?
bump bump bump
Bump because there is strange things in this thread
WTF based norse be based
Are you also the Archiving Anders?
NASA can't be fake.
You can't fake big operations with so many pe-
bump bump bump
why is that flag not floating freely?
All burgers should see this stuff, in a previous thread they all thought they landed on the moon, kek.
That one doesn't totally convince me, but the other ones are solid.
Honestly, this camera trick they played, as explained in this video, with the window to make it seem like they were far away from the planet, convinces me they never went to the moon.
It confirms they were only at lower Earth orbit at the time. So there's no way they reached the moon later that day, as said.
That's where the faked moon landing footage comes in, with the astronauts literally on the ground. That was shot on Earth. In reality, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins must have just toured the Earth in low orbit and then flown down.
Their faces go beetred every time they flip which shouldn't happen in zerog AFAIK. With gravity yes since blood goes to wherever gravity pulls.
what the fuck are these cards?
>check flag
im american, i dont think we did.
there is a baseball under whatever the fuck teleports in
Know how I know the moon landing was real?
If it were fake, the Russians or Chinese would have proved it and would have been shitting on the U.S. about it for decades.
Nice hotspot in the middle of the MayaSphere.
falt earthers are so funny, whats more plausible that the guy used his pinky or NASA is fake, like holy shit
Actually, Russia was the first to successfully "fake" a space operation
>see sputnik
I think they did but not when they say that they did it.
>on Sup Forums
>believes the masonic jew baal earth
Illuminati card game...very fun to play actually
Why would they have to fake putting a tiny satellite into space? And if it were fake, why would the Americans not immediately humiliate them by proving that they had not in fact done it?
That's a fucking space suit you autists, this is fucking hilarious
Because they lied to you. Simple as that
this just makes me think we actually did go to the moon but that the modern NASA is what is mostly fake
Is that from that one island that the "mars" rover is on. I think it's by greenland?
You ever look at the lunar lander? I mean really take a good look at it. It took 6 million dollars and is literally a shelving unit held together with tape.
Who would try to pull something with a pinky and not their index finger?
No they wouldn't lol. That's like Russia making an official announcement that Sandy Hook was faked. They don't do this kind of shit. That would be the end of all diplomacy.
Burgers are the most retarded, whites.
>international conspiracy
>billions of dollars pumped into it
>let mistakes in their lies show through
Why do you think they would make blatant mistakes that autistic people can see?
Or maybe they were explainable events.
Mason queers lie to us about everything.
Could be. I think Neil and Buzz and Mike did actually go up into lower Earth orbit and just toured the planet and came back down later. All the moon landing stuff, however, was filmed on Earth. Modern day NASA is next level fakery. Just cgi and greenscreen bullshit.
You can literally observe the ISS through a telescope.
Idk what you are on anout with the flat earth. But faked missions I'm open to.
Not to mention being able to talk with the ISS on a HAM radio in certain spots and days. I guess it's not groundbreaking but it's something
Idk, same reason Sandy Hook was so sloppy. Sometimes they just don't put their A game into it.
Like... why weren't there even any hurt children at least? Every single one that got shot also died... not one surviver. Not one that even went to a hospital. All just... declared dead on the spot. No wounded.
If you don't know the history of those cards then you wouldn't know the flat earth gambit.
All i know about these cards is they predate 911 and have se spoopy shit in them.
Nobody has ever produced source that the guy's apartment was raided.
I also remember that thing about how an astronaut's suit was getting filled with water, and "no one could explain it" lol.
>Nobody has ever produced source that the guy's apartment was raided.
lol then I think you know more than I do.
do flat-earthers believe we have a one-world government?
and not a "shady guys manipulating world events from behind the scenes" but a full blown global government entity
nigger with enough force something can drift down in that manner & appear to be "falling"
dont be so god damn stupid
Do you have an explanation for everything in this thread?
The flat earth is the checkered board
can you repost that deleted webm?
isn't water used to cool their suits?
I thought that but this guys suit just filled up with water in like 2 or 3 minutes. Do space suits carry this kind of water in them? I remember watching it on cable news (I guess they had to mention it) and at the time they were all befuddled and said "we have to investigate how this happened, and how that much water filled his suit." It was kind of lols.
I don't know what is more scientifically impossible the moon landing or the holocaust.