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get fucking or get fucked
Birthrates have changed a bit since the apex of multiculturalism, friendo.
Does this mean more Taco trucks?
So basically 300 years ago America
Hopefully the nukes drop before then.
Let me tell you guys something
No matter how white someone is, if that person has a baby with a taco nigger, that baby is not going to be white. At all. So, yes, I do believe that whites will become a minority sometime soon in the future
Did this already get debunked? Whites had a majority of babies for the first time this year.
What the fuck has skin color got to do with anything? Stop being a bunch of fucking racial collectivists, literally right wing SJWs.
I think if white people are so scared about this they should just go ahead and commit suicide to speed along the process.
thank god
dying race
Try 2024.
I'm probably whiter than you, filthy mongrel.
US government is a internally a silent battle both for and against this. believe it or not democrats fight to keep abortion legal in order to prevent this. for that reason the date is irrelevant. we *were* likely to become minorities as the result of a massive increase in the hispanic population, but after Trumps presidency that figure will likely change drastically.
I'm Italian, English, German, and Dutch. Where should i ditch to? each of my grandparents are from those countries
ugh so fucking beautiful 10/10 and im not a huge sucker like that too often
>bet he says "Bu-b-b-but I'm like 100% german
>actually thinks that german blood isnt 50% jew and 50%mongoloid
>the fag will never know what it's like to be pure nordic race
Whites will be a minority under age 18 by 2020
How does that deal with the increasing non-white population that will prey on the new white children?
All that means is if every one of us take a single life, we could be 100% white
Not that I'm implying that should happen, it's just interesting how fragile demographics are
Only losers who have no personal accomplishments of their own put so much importance on what race they are. It's just divide an conquer tactics, and most of this board seems to take the bait.
More like 2028 by now.
Yeah, that's right. You win the game.
Now shut the fuck up. You're scaring the fishes.
Libertarians are pussy forever-alone faggots. You fought no wars. And you are proud of that? Fuck off, you don't deserve this country.
Capitalist open border freaks caused this. Capitalists shipped all jobs to communist china to help them build up.
Capitalists want open borders so they get more money and the white working class gets more violence and depressed wages.
I don't know if you guys know capitalists sucked the dick off communists in ww2. American capitalists are anti white. Listen to hitler about capitalists
this statistic only works if you count ooga-boogas, ching-chongs, hey-eses, and poo-in-loos as the same generic trash race
so nobody with a mind cares
I don't want to be a libertarian collectivist. Doing whats right for my race is better than larping about free markets to a generation who is more socialist
White people are a shrinking minority globally but WE NEED DIVERSITY AND TOLLERANCE IN WHITE COUNTRIES NAO!
Capitalists let these people in because they are anti white. Why would they let h1bs in when we have trained people here? They want those shitskins to steal our tech
Money is always the color green.
The founding fathers owned niggers as slaves and genocided Indians so whites could live in peace here. You will never amount to half of what our racist founders were. That's the truth
I only understand one of those words
Owning slaves certainly worked out well for the country.
White birthrates overtook all minorities in the U.S. last year, not to mention already being a majority. Additionally, it's been eight years since that estimation was made.
Whites have always been the minority. Hasn't stopped us from taking over the fucking planet.
black, yellow, brown, and nigger brown
Either you raise your raise the number of your folk or you will be destroyed by the masses being stirred up by communists. There is no middle ground.
Get fucking and reproduce in larger numbers or get fucked by being outbreed in your own nation and be destroyed forever.
>mfw the media keeps demonizing white families
we've been on the path to extinction for decades.
White people are only 23% in America already.
Should have posted the pidgin version for Mer'cucks to cheer on.
Good, white people are a scourge on this earth
Thanks for the input, schlomo.
we white people have got a lot of fucking to do
This is retarded. The severity is much more short term. You HAVE to kill non-whites. There NEEDS to be a racewar.
T. Mexican
We'll still be a plurality (the largest ethnic group, for you illiterate NEETs).
There's literally nothing to worry about.
>Minorities set to be majority
this kinda makes me think.
Look at the population change of mexico vs canada.
This is why you dont let in people that breed like mice.
Race is the basis of culture and thus identity, and everyone knows it. Where you come from does matter, as does the preservation of one's family history. That won't happen without appreciation and commitment to one's kin.
Race also determines body, so, pride in your race overlaps significantly with pride in various aspects of one's form such as complexion, hair, eyes, height, etc. You wouldn't ask people not to love themselves for who they are, but when that love is connected to a knowledge of one's lineage and a will to maintain it, you claim it's evidence of insecurity.
kys f4g, pride is healthy. You're free to not give a fuck about who you are or where you come from, if that's what you believe.
Everyone who is even a little serious has felt that, but the fact is, if we were to engage in organized political violence we would be treated as domestic terrorists and next thing you know we're getting hit with airstrikes by modern militaries.
That's if we would be successful. You understand? The reason the jews are winning is because immigration is plausibly deniable. Normal people aren't aware, and don't believe, that foreign peoples are being used as a weapon by globalist jews to mongrelize populations through forced integration.
That's why you see so much passivity, it's cognitive dissonance. What's happening is so much more horrible than what's supposed to be happening, no one wants to admit that their life is at stake when they can just carry on enjoying the decaying fruits of modern decadence.
a people without an identity are easy to control. Revolutions are started when people are homogenous, when they're a mish mash, they are powerless... like in brazil or LA
That isn't a viable solution.
>stop being white
I swear lolbergs are retarded.
>the Chad Brazil
>the virgin Mexico
>the wizard canada
>a memeberterian just called the founding fathers and White America before his time right wing SJWs. you'll grow up some day, kid. but this is 18+ forum
And? It isn't like minorities are treated any differently.
Hispanic fertility plummeted after 2008 so this is a bit wrong.
subhuman tribalists will never allow for a libertarian society.
>Affirmative action
You're deluded if you think whites will be treated as nicely as non-whites have been treated
newest of new fags if you really think that.
>White people minority in US population by 2042
I politely decline your generous offer.
This is the main reason why I fear my children becoming a minority. They call it "White privilege". not "majority privilege"
Not for you it isn't.
These articles are bullshit. Whites will still be in the millions, and not to mention these statistics are usually pitting whites against everyone else. It's garbage and anyone who feels panicked by this trash is a moron.
We should just go full nip. No minorities even if we fuck so little that our country disappears.
I'd rather have no America than brown America.
10% - 15% in 34 years. This is actually much slower than the rate it was decreasing before.
Best thing ever cause these guys are not black, the new racial divide will like the time old one, black vs non blacks