>tfw the latest NYTimes article on the alt-right doesn't mention pol
Tfw the latest NYTimes article on the alt-right doesn't mention pol
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MSM does not want to see any more of their followers come here and lose them to the red pill.
The "Alt-Right" is their creation - their way of attempting to harness and co-opt the beliefs and energies that infuse this place.
The "Alternative Right" website had existed for at least 5-10 years before this election, but they acted like it was a brand-new phenomenon.
It's just more sapir-whorf language manipulation. By naming something, they control it. The phrase is their way of controlling the narrative about us. Not mentioning Sup Forums was obviously intentional, both as a slight and as the previous poster said, to keep new minds away.
>n Charlottesville, he marched alongside hundreds of young neo-Nazis and white supremacists before he was sprayed with Mace by a counterprotester and witnessed the car attack that killed Heather Heyer.
speak normal gook
This. Any discussion without moderation quickly turns right.
fucking this
if you identify yourself as alt right you need to stop
Sounds gay, why not just call yourself a nationalist
"In Charlottesville, he marched alongside hundreds of young neo-Nazis and white supremacists before he was sprayed with Mace by a counterprotester and witnessed the car attack that killed Heather Heyer."
so he was marching with the antifa. There were no neonazis around during the car attack
It's accurate, one of the few articles that categorize Breitbart, Milo, CountaCulchah correctly.
RIP Greg Johnson's anonymity. You had a good run
he looks like a big jew
No he doesn't. He looks like good aryan stick
This is hilarious, the alt-right is 99.99% online, i'd never heard of the London forum or Stead Steadman until now. And i'm sure David Irving isn't alt-right. And those shorts, wtf? If anyone larps as a nazi like this, they have to be some sort of spook.
Whatever, this isn't for our benefit, this is for the Lefties consuming this tripe 'see, the alt-right are nazi's, they're in the public square, they're real!!'. 100% kike fantasy, they've taken a utterly absurd fringe, unknown to the majority and gave it leadership credentials. This is nothing more than an exercise in defining the alt-right in terms advantageous to themselves.
So you know next to nothing about the alt right.
They should reward this guy with a new apartment in a Malmo no-go zone.
lmao, i know it's not a bunch of khaki short wearing boomers larping as hitler youth in London reading David Irving. The fuck out of here man.
If I ever slip up and reveal my power level, I'm just gonna say I'm undercover
>ur wrong
>doesn't follow up with an explanation on why the poster is wrong
Why did you even bother to post?
>NYtimes doesn't want to attract even more newfags to Sup Forums
>an fucking Swede
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
worth watching just for the last 3 seconds. lmao
If you don't know Greg Johnson, Counter Currents, the London Forum, or David Irving, you are not knowledgeable about the alt right. Anyone familiar with the alt right beyond what they hear on CNN did not need any explanation, and I don't care about people who did
>doesn't mention pol
good, Sup Forums does not seek publicity
>my year in kekistan
>San Fransisco
Oh i've heard of them, but the only time was when reading a Vice/Atlantic/Vox/NYMag type expose of the (((Alt-Right))).
>I drank the Koolaid and alt-right© knows my real name
Sucks for you idiot
Actually, the things they said sounded ambitious, smart and measured, with just enough danger to pique interest.
heather died of a heart attack from being spooked, she was 3trillion lbs overweight
Are you proud of that?
>grindr Greg
Sodomites belong in a bog, user
>going undercover with a meme
Cool story.
Dumbest thing nu-pol controlled opposition reddit cancer ever did was playing directly into Alinsky's rule #13.
Is /pole/, /dareisayit/, \areseekritclub\\
This man is a hero for exposing these racists and fascists like David Irving for what they are.
Am i proud that i don't run in circles that dress in hitler youth uniform and groom young Swedish boys in London cafes, that i don't larp as a germanic pagan and carry a drinking horn to take ceremonial libations in public as part of some clownish, pseudo rite? You betcha, you fucking dopey cunt.
Post your drinking horn, faggot. Give us a laugh.
Does your Mum iron your shorts, you fucking Nonce?
And while “globalist” may be one of the >alt-right’s favorite slurs, Hope Not Hate conclusively shows that the alt-right is itself now a global movement with regular interaction among far-right figures from Scotland to Sweden to Seattle.
Look at us
We are the jew now
Wrong, I know all three of you are god damn retards.
Haven't you noticed how they NEVER mention Sup Forums in these articles despite knowing full well it's the mothership?
When they talk about Russian social media interference they honest-to-god really mean Sup Forums. Hillary Clinton said in a recent interview that Pizzagate was a Russian propaganda campaign - she knows that's bullshit.
Richard Spencer, 'Russian Interference', Fake News are all surrogate words for Sup Forums. Their 'proof' that the Fake News was a Russian thing was just a small amount of shitty spam ads on facebook that nobody saw.
They're afraid to mention Sup Forums for one simple reason. They're scared of memes and the irony and they don't want people to see it because it disrupts their stereotypical view of white nationalists. They want you to look at the faggot with a lisp and his corny grandiose speeches or Putin the bond villain when you think of the alt-right, not ironic memes that can actually penetrate normie consciousness.
better than getting your info on right wing politics from a liberal rag.
>doesn't mention pol
It took me some time to understand exactly why they refused to name Sup Forums and Sup Forums in particular. At first I just thought it was due to ignorance and bad journalism.
But it has become obvious that even though they disagree with us, they know that if they name us, they'll drive hordes of normies here, and a substantial portion of those normies will eventually swallow the red pill.
>Stead Steadman
Wait, you know don't know who Steadman is? LOL
this desu, fucking swedes ruin everything
I thought the alt-right hated sweden and mocked it? is this article just bullshit?
Too late. Sup Forums is 4 times more active than all the political subs on reddit combined.
They call out the dailystormer by name.
how long can they manage to avoid naming pol ?
Only brainlets, stormers and agents that wave big nazi flags around at televised gatherings call themselves alt right
It is even longer than that.
The Alternative right exists entirely because of William F. Buckley who committed two main purges (Of the Birchers and the Immigration people) there may have been others which can be alternative considering how Buckley somehow became an arbiter of conservatism. Either way it is basically a non entity.
> circles that dress in hitler youth uniform
Please do tell me what that means because I don't fucking see anyone wearing a Hitler youth uniform.
Please note the article is categorized as 'op-ed' meaning it is based on very little facts and is mostly just the authors feelings, opinions, and conjecture.
>When they talk about Russian social media interference they honest-to-god really mean Sup Forums. Hillary Clinton said in a recent interview that Pizzagate was a Russian propaganda campaign - she knows that's bullshit.
Cyka blyat! I never knew that I was Russian!
CNN made that mistake in april 2016.
Direct front page link to Sup Forums.
Consequences were never the same.
I get my info from Sup Forums, blogs, twitter follows and websites. The only time i read about these clowns is in lefty articles. They're non-existent here. So don't fucking mischaracterise what i say.
>going undercover
What is this, the mob? It's a bunch of faggots on an anime board.
It's funny, i search 4plebs archive for Steadman and there's like zero mentions of him. Really makes you think.
anyone who posts pictures in which "Sup Forums" in embodied by a single person doesn't understand Sup Forums at all. Sup Forums is so far from consensus it's hard to give an analogy.
Sup Forums falls under the umbrella that alt-right describes. it's not a club with memebers and leaders, it's just a general description of the marketplace of ideas in the new ethno-nationalist, far-right zeitgeist.
There are plenty of good reasons to not take on a name or identity with a specific ideology; it makes you easier to attack and classify. Sup Forums has historically never identified as alt-right and never should. The terms that describe this amorphous rightist zeitgeist are going to change over time, and so will the movement.
But- if you genuinely think Sup Forums isn't a part of what "alt-right" currently describes, you're delusional, like some leftists going "HEY DONT LABEL ME MAN, I'm not a COMMUNIST, I just believe in a global revolution of the proletariat seizing the means of production".
They are not ANTIFA but a group of 20 people from 8pol leftypol. They organize on discord and blast 80 anti-Spencer meme with different IDs to drown out rational discussion about him. If every second post screams "SHILL" or "CIA" they can kill any pro-Spencer discussion.
You can recognize them by the character-assassination conehead shops and retarded posting style/memes. Their infamous shills like Moarpheus even admit it.
Sup Forums is a hurtbox of contrarian anti-consensus.
It's in the video in the NYtimes aricle above. The giu from the London forum, Stead Steadman, that the undercover boy meets is in a Hitler youth get up.There's a screenshot. Watch the video.
You consider that hitler youth? LMAO fucking shit man its shirts and a fucking long sleeve shirt. What do you want him to wear a fucking t-shirt and shorts? maybe some flip flops?
Sup Forums changed from adult making cold decisions that make sense to a kid that yells and tries to get public attention, just like Sup Forums
From rational to emotional thinking
From right to left(shills)
Anyone who'd walk around in public in a nazi uniform is a cringelord who deserves to be gassed along with the rest of them.
How long have you been here? You don't know jack shit mr.BLM memeflag faggot.
>anti-spencer is leftypol
Never been to MPC I see.
Fuck, you're right, that's just normal London daywear. Nothing to see here, totally normal. Fuck me, am i being trolled or something? Surely no one is this fucking stupid?
>some fat coalburning whore died of a heart attack (brought on by decades of mcdonalds and cigarettes) next to a traffic accident
Seriously man you should fucking know people dress weird as shit all over london. Have you ever looked through lookbook? Come on man give me a fucking break.
This. I've very rarely found Sup Forumslacks actually identifying with the label alt-right.
I know they exist tho. Nutcases will autistically pick up any label.
>rip grindr greg
nothing of value was lost
Yes also Spencer deleted the website Alternative Right without telling any other contributor
He got lucky and media platforms him because he's like the Westboro baptist church
Its not something we all say watch the guy in the video no one says alt-right outside of Jared Taylor which I would agree with. However that one guy says hes a white nationalist and I would say the same but I don't really give a fuck what they call me unlike you faggot fucks. They've been calling us nazeeee racicic forever ive just accepted i am a racist nazi alt-right whatever you want to call me I embrace it so sshould you
wtf are you talking about Spencer didn't delete shit altright.com
i have but i'm sure there are tons of shills there
No user you are the russians
Long enough to know that Sup Forums wasn't like this earlier. It was mostly informative posts and not behaving like niggers. But luckily there are still such places.
But...is kowloon based?
The guy is a fucking boomer larping as hitler youth. The cringe levels are off the charts, or he's a spook.
desu it looked comfy for a cyberpunk dystopia
You might be right because of reddit being here but don't fucking tell me people didn't advocate for shit like the alt-right and spencer. It really wouldn't suprise me if Spencer saw posts from /new/ asking for people to move out of there basement to actually do something. I know I've been asking for a fucking long ass time and praying that something like Spencer and all the other guys would happen. We only ever had people like Jared Taylor who was getting old and all the other old guys. I remember one post specifically that black pilled the fuck outta me back on /new/. It was the realization that there was no young blood out in public doing shit like Amren. Now we have fucking tons of these groups.
Its fucking funny because from an oldfag perspective all these alt-right movements (europe identity and so on) imagined. I'd never fucking thought about shit like this taking off in a million years. I know that there are hardly any oldfags around anymore because I actually have to say shit like this.
Hes dressed weird who gives a shit hes not running around roman saluting or giving Hitler speeches calm your ass down.
>no cuck porn tab
are you even trying user?
>the game
ok you got me
He's an embarrassment, a turn-off, a repellent, off-putting, unpalatable, obnoxious, awful, cringe-inducing, repulsive. The fact anyone would consider this acceptable is staggering. They have to be a spook, there's no other explanation.
sorry he isn't a beauty expert like the rest of you british fucks.
Go brush your teeth hot stuff.
>user doesn't realize he's talking to one
If you think this post said anything profound or relevant there's zero chance you are older than 20 years old.
It makes me sick to see people so ready to condemn us just for being white and having white interests in mind. I'll never get used to it.
Its funny none of them said anything that was really bad.
>he thinks Sup Forums is the altright
back to reddt, then kys
And what's wrong with that? This isn't the Dickie Spencer Fan Club.
>almost at the same fucking time
Nice shillg guys.
>the majority consensus of 4 or more years of mostly free speech is white nationalism+gas the kikes+race war now
>this is not alt-right
defend your premises