Of why you hate Jews
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I'm not one of them and I'm jealous
Spotted the j*Ew
These 2 images are ae example.
The wrath of the stormfront shall be here soon. Their incorrect infographics and false quotes shall block out the sun!
cant spell jew without ew lmao
Jewish tactic. Call "Liar" immediately.
Oh damn, he beat me to it.
IIRC, the picture this guy TRIED to post has a source to a random opinion piece article on some Israeli newspaper or some shit.
Basic stormnigger tactic. Call anyone who points out they're retarded a kike. Kys.
Their noses are bigger than mine. I'm a nose supremacist.
That's not what I did. You used a Jewish tactic. You're a try hard shill.
Yawn, there's the next tactic: cry shill. Are you gonna go to step 3 and call for backup next?
That image sources to the Floor of the U.S. Senate. You are either wildly Jewish or are dumb and speaking out of you ass like a child.
This. They grew bigger noses when they heard that air is free.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU
They're stealing all my oxygen! Damn gas guzzlers degenerates.
And that's why you're a textbook shill you dumb fuck.
Tfw you realise the pound of flesh in merchant of venice is a bag of dicks
I don't hate anyone, user.
I dislike their proclivity towards usury and warping language/definition to fit their agendas.
I don't hate Jews, I just notice coincidences involving Jews
The 1918-1919 German revolution
If you go on Wikipedia and look at the names of the commanders of the communist rebels you will notice something
A random subcommittee listening to a single guy talk about his views of Bolshevik propaganda? Nice, retard.
>quotes himself and calls himself a shill
Bahahahaha good fucking game, retard.
Kill Every Kike? New guy here. I bet he loves faggots and gay marriage.
Noo.. REALLY never would have fucken guessed, no gassed
Your picture is trash
Your post isnt Jewish enough
I hate that they cut penises for fun. The end
Turn on a tv, faggot.
A random subcomitte. You just "IRRC" that is was an ezine article. You dont know shit about the things you discredit in order to wildly push your undeterred agenda. That's a shill you dumb faggot.
>one example
Here's tens of thousands: e621.net
Virtually everything in your picture is why.
You're breaking down hard, idiot. Cut your losses and dip back to another thread before you get demoted.
Here's your first "source"
Opinion piece from ynet news. You're falling back on the "you're a shill!" card too hard.
Fuck you, i won't.
What are you gonna do now, fag?
Lmao, I'm breaking down? What are you proving showing a Jew who proves an "anti-Semitic" (anti-Talmudic) graph to be factual? Can your tiny brain comprehend that?
It's always cute watching your type flounder. Get called out for the shilling you try and all you can do is cry and bitch and insult. There are so many great ways to try attack Jews and you lead with stuff that can be discredited simply by googling your source. Fucking stupid. Who authorized you to shill? You're causing more harm than good for the narrative.
Ad hominem. Avoided legitimate point because reprobate. In the name of Jesus Christ release that soul.
Pray to Zuul to give you another earthquake.
I attacked your source. You called me a kike then cried. Kys. You're an awful shill and should have your approval to revoked. I remember when the stormfront shills at least could hold it together for a bit before abandoning the thread... How far this board has fallen.
Your point of view has been blown the fuck out a million times in the last 70 years, theres literally nothing left to do except trade ad homs over and over again
You cannot attack this source you reprobate.
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Their morals just don't align with mine.
“The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:
Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
A while back they had a few decent shills. A few guys who knew which things to post that couldn't be btfo with a simple google search. They required you to actually debate them for a bit before you could show others how they were warping things for a narrative.
Why would you link sources that don't defend your claim, dude? The first thing anyone is gonna do is follow that. And it leads to opinion pieces and a subcommittee hearing from 1910's that doesn't actually discuss the topic you claim it does. Now you're copy pasting shit from your "how to shill" handbook. Again, kys.
He's going maximum overdrive!!! Derail!
Abiogenesis is a faith-based religion. Faith-based. Unscientific as fuck. Do you know what you're leaping for? Do you ever know what abiogenesis is? Lol.
Holy crap, you broke him....
When I list the 15 Jewish Executive Majority of the Bolsheviks by Name....you can verify the rest yourself, you dumb fuck.
Can an asian join the stormfront? Because I hate Jews too.
I'm Asian.
Oh good, it's this one now. Quickly googling what the Sanhedrin is, you learn it's a court. The court case is discussing what is kosher, the Jewish foods that can be eaten. "Murdering goyim is like killing a wild animal" is in the context that it isn't kosher.
Probably not unless you're a Jap. Then maybe. Ask his backup is here now so there's at least 2 that you can ask.
My backup is just the public. If you think I'm coordinating people to come not agree with you, youre just giving more proof of your reprobate mind.
Idk why you keep lying like this. It's well known you guys coordinate shilling on here. You've even got a potential recruit if you just admit it and talk to the Asian kid asking.
Sounds good. Fuck Jews and globalism.
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums all hates Jews
I don't hate Jews. I hate Marxists.
Nigger, just do what I did and google it. From the exact same fucking source as that quote:
"You have therefore learned that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest."
Ironic actually that an attempt to shill against Jews leads to a source saying that a non-Jew who studies Torah is like the highest honor in their religion. Like I said, the old guard of stormfront shills were much better.
Don't hate Jews
They say they want peace, but they themselves destroy it, killing the most worthy;
Demand freedom, but by death threats, oblige people to submit to them;
Wish brotherhood, while they sow hatred, injustice, and licentiousness within nations.
Moreover, they say they want the abolishment of capital earned by the sweat of one's brow.
They tell us they do not want war, but they war.
Read For My Legionaries.
My first day on Sup Forums I had a fist full of red pills crammed down my throat regarding Isreal's military tactics as far as their illegal theft of surrounding areas is concerned.
Any country that intentionally targets schools and hospitals in such sickening fashion deserves genocide.
Found the redditor.
Fuck off you dumb cunt. Saying you hate marxism and not the Jews is like saying you hate bleeding out of a stab wound, but you don't quite mind when people stab you.
unironically this
t. schlomo shekelstein
Muzzies aren't human the acts of Israelis in manipulating western governments are far more sinister than them bombing sand niggers
White catholic
>watching battlestar galactica
>decide to look at the old series to see how they were
>start watching galactica 1980
>a few minutes in: muh one world government is good for you :)))
>stop watching
Well, it was shit anyways, but that just made me it worse.
>muh kosher
>muh Sanhedrin
>baby's first shitpost
I'm probably old enough to be your dad faggot, I was redpilled on the Jews while you were still swimming around in your dads nut sack. I knew what Sanhedrin were 30 years ago. Where were you 30 years ago? Still in diapers? Not even born? Fuck off you Jew loving closet queer
Stop giving us a bad name
The Jews killed our lord
checks out
Found the wannabe Nazi larper.
A smarter version of you dripped down your mother's ass crack, faggot.
Only one?
Hell, I'll throw this in too.
> jewish white
Not my macro, though
Tbf Semitic =/= white by many of their own admissions
>The wrath of the stormfront shall be here soon. Their incorrect infographics and false quotes shall block out the sun!
To be honest, some of the quotes are true. What the stormfags don't seem to fully comprehend is that there are enough crazy racist people in the world that you can find quotes of somebody from any race or group insulting any other race or group.
Jews are such transparent motherfuckers. At least Muslims are pieces of shit and try not to hide it. Jews on the other hand, love playing both sides. They're not likable people in my opinion.
For what's supposed to be a vast Jewish conspiracy I always see the same maybe 10 to 15 people. Almost always horkenheimer, spectre, and wise, then comes info graphics of every jew in the media
He looks like he has aids
Oh, they fully comprehend it. But their goal isn't to be accurate. It's to be intentionally dishonest. There's like 5 "redpill" threads up on the board right now where they just spam this shit in the hopes it sticks to one poor sucker and lures him into their camp. It's all coordinated and a shill effort to lure in desperate beta males looking for a sense of belonging.
But ya, I shoulda used "out of context" or "from random ass people"