When did you realize the liberal lifestyle is more fun than being a racist/libertarian...

When did you realize the liberal lifestyle is more fun than being a racist/libertarian? This crowd at this show is 97% liberal. The liberal knows how to get fucked up. The liberal knows how to have fun. I am the liberal now.

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But you guys are always unhappy and instead of attempting to find happiness the only joy you find is when you steal it from others.

You're a vampire. Subhuman even.

You might not die a virgin now.

I used to try to be a liberal, I can only do it if I'm highly intoxicated though.
Then I found a conservative gf and that's it.

Happy people don't need drugs to escape reality

Come on maaan, don't politicize electro
Who THE FUCK thinks of politics when you're wasted & dancing your ass off.

>97% Liberal

And 100% retarded

Yes that all the drugs and alcohol sold by IsraeliDefenseForces(tm) while the Jews plunder your country, its people, and the planet to the point of total destruction.

There's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, only temporary fixes and highs with desolate, agonizing lows. The party life ends in prison or death.

Shows are fucking boring man, you can barely hear the music over the screaming, the food is shit, and your balls deep in other peoples sweat and stench.

>standing in a crowded of jumping idiots looking at the pretty lazers and getting your eardrums blasted out.

Depends on your definition of fun.

Fun is subjective. 0/10 thread.

Yes goy ingest the research chemicals made at the Jewish University in Tel Aviv to help enlighten(tm) you. Yes pay hundreds of dollars to Jewish promoters and Jewish companies to meet other cattl--ehem-young people. Yes Goyim, go have (((fun))) while we rape your country and its environment and its laws and prepare to rape the cosmos itself.

If you can find a liberal girl that's really into you and she's into fun shit like molly or Lucy, it's much better than a conservative.

The liberal doesn't understand politics. That's why they sound stupid and why the people in the rave are likely liberal. The liberal life style. Get a girlfriend that likes to get fucked up with you and you won't even need politics. People always questions how can you become bluepilled. Well, this is how.

This show had only right-wingers having more fun while celebrating their ethno-state

If you're sober. If you're super fucked up, it's incredible.

I know this is bait, but I don't care.

If libs are so fun-loving, how come they devote 99% of their time to attacking other people's fun? Books, movies, music, tv, comics. Everything. Hell, even taking away politics and the question of "problematic" content, these people have to be the most boring, prudish school-marmish people I've ever seen.

I used to think the people doing that were all conservatives and religious types, but as I got older and did more research, I found that even during the 80s the "moral guardians" were always 98% liberal. It's just that (((someone))) pushed crazies like Jack Chick and Phil Phillips to look like the forefront of the movement. But it was always libs.

I'd rather find a girl that would make a suitable mother for my children desu

Virginity is good. Everyone but me gotta learn

It is fun. A couple of times.

Just like megachurch is fun. A couple of times.

Right wingers don't understand politics

you're confusing people on the internet with actual people

Because these same liberals are stuck in their reality. They do crazy shit like hella acid and then believe they found the truth to everything when they really haven't and then they sound retarded. They make shit more complicated on purpose because they think it makes them more articulate.

Bro you sound like an unhappy degenerate who only feels good when you are doing drugs

I used to be immersed in hippie culture and music festivals in my youth. Most of these kids are high school dropouts traveling around the country with mommy and daddy's money trying progressively harder drugs until their parents find them dead in the bedroom they grew up in with a needle in their arm.

"Liberal lifestyle" is pure degeneracy.

>LOL leftists know how tu PARTEE
>posts pic of massive mainstream EDM festival
>being in a massive crowd of 80 IQ pic related, listening to the worst electronic music ever created is "fun"

Looks a like a shit life

You can probably turn a girl that likes to do the shit I listed into a housewife, in time.

Bruh. I'm as right wing as it gets and I love to dance at festivals with half naked qts

What's up with the Israelis at the EDM scenes? You aren't fucking joking. You know!

Nah I was happy without the drugs, but after getting a taste of the liberal life style, I want more. When you do 4 hits of L in one of the shows in pic related, you really get a true taste of pure bliss.

But I like seclusion. I like my quiet places with my books and breaks to go to the gym. The liberal lifestyle of whirlwind lust and the plunger sinking ever downward to give you that exhilarating high; simply does not appeal to me. I can't have my titillating discussions about Alt history, or play vidya with a slut barren of children but full with penises. I can't do anything I like in the liberal lifestyle. So I just don't like it

We don't care about your dancing with other shirtless men fantasies.

What if you're someone with a ok paying job that just wants to have fun and knows he won't get addicted to hard drugs because he won't do them. Like someone that goes to those events and gets fucked up but responsibly? Would you give a shit then?

So you're idea of being a liberal is being some loser addicted to drugs?

I don't know, I can't take that lifestyle anymore.
I stopped feeling the fun from it a while ago

Tripping balls on acid and getting mugged by a couple of nigs in midtown Memphis was my #1 redpilling experience. I walked home in a daze and thought about the Alabama State Troopers who made their last stand on the Birmingham bridge and thought "holy shit, they were right".

They also have a life expectancy of 50

endless degeneracy won't give your life meaning. you'll wind up empty inside.

Disgusting hive mind

Nope. Real life all the way. I once tried to write a book on horror movies and id exhaustive research on the 80's-90's "Satanic Panic" culture of the time and outcry over heavy metal and slasher movies. I'd swallowed the narrative that it was all conservatives who were against those things, but nope. With a few notable exceptions, it was nearly all liberals. The people whining about horror movies? Feminists. The ones whining about tabletop RPGs? Multiculturalists angry about monsters from non-white religions being used "offensively". The ones crusading against heavy metal? Jews, mad about "Nazi influence" in the genre.

God I fuckin love electric festivals. Cocaine, ketamine, acid, titties, tent sex, large amounts of laughter and alcohol. Oh and loud, mind melting bass music and lasers as far as the eye can see


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Yeah no shit you want more of the liberal life style, it's ultimate escapism. You sound like you were pretty sheltered before this. You just need to grow up man. There's no point in going to these festivals. Do drugs and listen to music? Maybe fuck some random? What's the fulfillment?

But getting intoxicated, having an insane time with some crazy q t 3.14 with a shit ton of people with the same objective as you can be extremely fun. You should try it. Maybe you might change your mind.

I don't understand concerts

When I was younger I went to lots of bluegrass festivals, some really based old people there made barbecue chicken and everyone there was participating in the music, almost everyone their had an instrument with them. But it seems like most people would rather go into one huge stadium and worship a few people onstage at a time while they get wasted to hide the fact that they might not actually be enjoying themselves

Not really drugs. But everyone knows the liberal lifestyle isn't about being sober. That's what my conservative grandpa does. Get it now??

As someone who lived that life, this. And the worst part is you can't undo those experiences, and they follow you regardless of where you are

best festivals I've attended

Bonnaroo 06
Bonnaroo 07
Lollapalooza 07
Voodoo Fest 07

All major festivals with INSANE lineups. None were EDM festivals. The late 00's were truly the golden age of festivals. All downhill since.

Who wants to become old? 70+

You sound upset that you let your political views obstruct from the very things that make us human

I guess I just don't get the same amount of "fun" out of getting wasted as liberals do.

This guy gets it!! Everyone should experience that awesome shit at least once in their life.

>being a mindless consumerist lefty weedman is good

No thanks.

While I enjoy my bottle of whiskey and cold beer, I have other ways to entertain myself. I don't need to listen to shitty music while tripping balls to have fun.

Because people don't die at 30 and if you dont act with the 50-70 years after that in mind you will set yourself up for suffering. For a informative look at this compare the views of the writer in




This transition from carefree libertine to existential crisis happened all within the space of two years/

You're some dumb cunt that thinks they are special because they have friends
Guess what nigger
Lots of people here have friends
go out
enjoy festivals
enjoy dinners
enjoy parties
yet still think leftism is a disease more akin to being suicidal than altruistic

deal with it

I just found it extremely entertaining. I was music illiterate and going to this one music festival a few days ago really made me want to listen to more music like the ones they played. I am pretty sheltered not gonna lie, but I wasn't when I was in high school and actually did some of the liberal lifestyle ( did every drug pretty much). But never music festivals or raves or something like that. I don't know it's just fun man. Especially when you do it with someone that likes enjoying these things too. In the end I just want to find a q t 3.14 that likes to do crazy shit and live happily ever after. The liberal lifestyle.

>When did you realize the liberal lifestyle is more fun than being a racist/libertarian?

It isn't, as a recovered liberalfag from around 15-20 years ago, I know that all my leftist feelings were rooted in envy, personal dissatisfaction and the need to bring those nasty conservatives down to my low level because they didn't "care about the important things I cared about", such as wealth redistribution and other lame topics meant for edgy teens. Being a leftist is WAY more about being hateful than being right of center.

>The liberal knows how to get fucked up.

That which is permanently fucked up most certainly knows how to remain fucked up, OP.

i like to go out now and again but it gets boring really fast and i find that i end up wanting to be at home unless im incredibly drunk

Again, there's no fulfillment in doing any of that. I'm going to say it again, it's ultimate escapism. And jam music gets old trust me. You shouldn't latch on to a lifestyle because it appeals to you right now as you see it. I don't even know why I'm trying to give you advice. Go do whatever man. I'm just telling you it's a huge waste of time. You'll turn into a Wookie if you get too into this "liberal lifestyle". That isn't even what it is. Not every liberal goes to music festivals

Not every liberal goes to every music festival but everybody at the music festival is a liberal. The liberal lifestyle is a degenerate life style is the point. doesn't really have much to do with music events.

Yeah dude. And everyone who goes to their first festival acts like OP too. "It was the best experience ever! I love STS9! Jam music all the way! I want to do it forever!"

Just looks like a picture of a bunch of faggots paying $100 to escape the shunnings they deserve for a night.

Sorry, I'm not a fucking kid anymore.

Okay grandpa. Stay mad at the kids because they have the energy to dance and not get tired of 30 minutes of standing.

This does not make any sense.......

But I still party like a fucking degen, you don't have to be a leftard to do that. I spent most of the weekend too trashed to drive, got my dick sucked 4 times by 4 different sluts, and got in a fight on saturday night just for the hell of it.

Come at me.

A lot of libertarians do a shit ton of drugs

Lmao right in your retarded face, Amish tired after 30 minutes of standing hahahaha!

When did you realize that when you're not getting high or going to some wild exciting event that has essentially the same effect on your brain that you're incredibly sad just existing?

Of course liberal lifestyle is more pleasant. I prefer though to defer gratification and focus on self-improvement, my relationship with similarily minded gf, career and later bringing up children. The more resources I invest into these things, the more successful my genes will be. Hedonistic pleasure is completely irrelevant to life success.

Because they don't live outside a retard traditionalist borderline communist theocratic utopia.. Riight?
Think of the dialog that goes on out there. STIMULATING, I'd most certainly imagine.

ex-raver here. been there, done that and grew up.

Sounds country as fuuk to me. As long as you're holding down a legit livin' & only doing such things on average 1nce a month, no harm no foul.

Fun for like a few hours, then you go home and realize what a degenerate you are before the depression sets in. That is assuming you're normal and not a sociopath.

Go fuck yourself, liberals.