Don't stop publicly supporting Trump

Trump is the only way forward for a good future. You know this. If he fails, we fail. If he succeeds, we succeed. There is no time more important than the next 3 years and 2 months. We either win on this hill, Trump has a good presidency, or we lose and die a long slow death. An embarrassing last gasp of the white race.

You should recognize the jewish and liberal shills fraternizing with him to make us dislike him. Trump is desperate for a friend so he can't turn them down. There are countless shills pushing demoralization and anti-Trump propaganda.

Support him. Jew media relies on image to sway public image. If an image of Trump with no support is broadcast it will become true. If you let it be known you support him, the jew lie is exposed and they lose all power.

We are living on a razor's edge.

Other urls found in this thread:


>pls support trump he needs a frend
Poor daddy, nobody understands his struggle.

I'll let the Dreamers support him.


Triple double.

I speak the words of Kek.

Through him, I become a conduit of righteous truth.


checking yourself is just tacky.

Do you deny me a prophet sent by divinity himself?

You know trump is a globalist

Did you hear his UN speech, shill?

>Trump is a jew
>He's friends with israel
>He's friends with dems

What a coincidence these are all the things we hate the most. Your tactics are obvious, shill. Spam more threads.

Looking forward for the collapse of the US and the rise of the Chilean world order

Please, all you fags run off the cliff together. Thanks.

Accept the inevitable
Preusschileans gloria

Trump's a failure.
This guy isn't going to help us.

As long as he doesnt sell the positions of our military assets in exchange for Trump Tower Moscow than sure

eat a dick, nigger fucker. maga till death. trump needs to hurry up and attack north korea though.


Trump has to keep calling out NK in front of China. He is baiting Kim to do something stupid. Once Kim does, Trump can justify action in front of the world. He can say NK is a threat to global peace, atrocities and a holocaust of starvation is happening next to one of our allies. If China won't do anything about it I am instituting a joint SK and US military task force to take care of it. China will then get Kim to stand down or face backlash. Once we get Air control of the region, the threat of nukes is minimal.

Attacking NK now would mean WW3.

Don't listen to words watch the action.

Shut up, cuck. I do what I want.

Fuck off dreamer spic. We aren't going to support your beaner-loving amnesty president.



Meh, Accelerationism is the only way forward. At all times we must promote the most destructive and subversive people. Society must collapse.




If nazis like him
Jews like him as well

We must be union
We must be bruders

Digi's don't lie desu.

all the shills and beta numales who jump ship when a gust passes by are pathetic

Jews don't like him. They are trying to kill his support by looking like they like him.

Ben Shapiro is never going to like him.

>Jews are painting Trump in a bad image
No he's doing that pretty well himself lol

They are kids who can't see 2 weeks into the future. Trump has 7 more years. We have to make sure it isn't 3 or god forbid less than 3.


Not what I said, shill.

Jews collapse societies and then collect money from the ashes.

You are buying into it.

He is a traitor
UN speech was neocon garbage etc etc

Its everyday bro