Why do Jews fear the White man so much?
Why do Jews fear the White man so much?
Better question.
Why do the jews fear the roman so much?
We are talking modern day, there aren't anymore Romans living among us..
because whites have a history of creating systems. whites have higher spatial IQs and only slightly lower verbal IQs
if you were being serious, you would see jews and whites as the two highest forms of human. it follows that we are their highest threat and vice versa
Oh really?
Rome may rise again one day.
we don't
pic related, it's me
kys LARPer
Because white peoples are the true Israeli
u part of the swole left??
are you talking about the lost ten tribes migrating to Europe? i heard this theory before
That man is clearly orange, argument discarded.
A lot of jews are white makes you faggot
Just pull your pants down a little more
ohhhh yey
come on bb
show bobs n vagene bb
oh nice vary nice
small framed manlets roiding is always hilarious, even society mocks you from a physical standpoint
I dont fear the white man
Stupid arrogant goy
because Jews fear the Meth
Testing my ban. Also you are gay.
Says the dirty brown spic
the two things are highly correlated
we get it you like this webm stop spamming it everywhere for no reason
They fear his purity
They strive to corrupt his purity because they cannot be pure like he is
He is naturally altruistic and they are not. But they WANT to be...but go about it wrong because they think they know best. They do not. They are arrogant.
THEY force being altruistic - and this fake process hurts the innocent people of the world. And its aimed at White people.
White people get fed up and burn their ass. Jews wonder why and repeat.
Please jews. Stop hurting us. Self identify as a problem. Admit it. Help us and we help you and let us move on together.
all i'd have to do is ruffle your hair and you'd reeee looking for a mirror
because they cannot control people who are in 5-6th dimension already
Why do jews fear the samurai so much?
At least I'm not orange :^)
A multiracial empire
Basically the America of the Antiquity a good thing that this degenerated shithole died
It is forbidden for Jews to get tattoos. I find this image to be highly questionable.
>no shoulder width
When will they learn?