Are there any other Hillary voters here?
I can't be the only one dismayed with what I saw at the UN today. I'm also deeply troubled by repeal & replace, RussiaGate, potential DACA end, transgender military ban, and much much more.
Are there any other Hillary voters here?
I can't be the only one dismayed with what I saw at the UN today. I'm also deeply troubled by repeal & replace, RussiaGate, potential DACA end, transgender military ban, and much much more.
Other urls found in this thread:
you've got to be kidding me
Stay deeply troubled then, faggot. You lost.
It's never too late to kys.
>deeply troubled
Don't forget "dark" and "concerning".
Is there a name for the phenomenon of using overly-passive language to try to pass a politically-motivated talking point off as an actual opinion? If not, I'm putting my vote in for "cuckspeak".
not even a little bit. fuck Donald Trump and the GOP.
Look at those pieces of shit on the left. They all need lawyers, especially Manafort.
>Is there a name for the phenomenon of using overly-passive language
Yes, its called 'knee-jerk reaction' to the constant mocking the left get from all the "I'm literally shaking!' posts from novemeber
You have no spine. You still follow that worthless cunt even after all the criminal shit she has done. You are fucking vermin and the world would be better off if you were dead.
I am still literally shaking from November. I don't think I'll ever get over it. Nothing triggers me more than pic related.
You still follow Trump after all the criminal shit he did. Hillary did literally nothing wrong. Australia would be better off with all 'no' voters dead.
Also unhinged, and unsettling. Damn do I hate unsettling.
>potential DACA end
DACA was a FUCKING MEMORANDUM from Janet Napolitano that carried NO LEGAL WEIGHT WHATSOEVER! It wasn't a bill passed by Congress, and it wasn't even an executive order from the president - it was just Janet saying "lol we won't deport you guys you can trust us ;) lol". And now there's a new head of DHS who can do whatever the fuck he wants with the illegal fuckers.
MSM and Bernie helped Trump. Voter fraud is a myth.
oh well
enacting DACA was still the right thing to do and ending it would be beyond cruel.
No they didn't. How the fuck didthey help them? Everyone in the media shilled for Hillary.
>ending daca would be cruel
If voter fraud is a myth, then why do the Democrats fight tooth and nail to resist implementation of any kind of voter identification, even though LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, including the poorest, has voter identification.
I know that feel.
take your meme flag off first then I'll talk to you
morning joe literally everyday during the campaign:
>muh emails
>muh Clinton foundation
>muh Comey
dat free airtime on CNN in the early days
mfw Hillary is on Colbert tonight
You don't get to bring email.
How is ending DACA cruel? You know what's cruel? Abusing American citizens, who you are supposed to be looking out for, so you can score political capital by pandering to non-citizens.
How would you like it if your mother had made you donate your dinner (just your dinner, not hers) to a homeless shelter and then punished you if you said you were hungry? That's child abuse, and that's what the Democrats do to America - abuse her and her people.
>Hillary did nothing wrong.
She has a fucking study posted on her crooked insider trades in the journal of economics and finance...a fucking study! All you can do is push much Russia which has failed so hard it's driven more people away from that worthless cunt because everyone knows it's bullshit.
Hillary Clinton is a disgrace to the democratic party. Not even a Bernie Bro, but I'd take Bernie "Free Everything cause why not" Sanders over that nepotistic criminal arrogant lizard bitch.
Hillary and her voter base need to get the fuck out of my party.
>You still follow Hillary after all the criminal shit she did. Trump did literally nothing wrong.
Fixed that for you
Eat shit nigger
You need to gtfo of my party for not supporting Hillary. Trump is your fault.
Even the niggers in the darkest parts of Africa are subject to voter fraud prevention, having their thumb dipped in an Ink that wont wash off for a week and prevents multiple voting.
yes. Even African Democracy is more legitimate than the USA's.
I clapped through almost the whole thing... trump layed down the fucking law... was more than happy with my trump vote today
We've already had a Kings Moot/Election. Theon/Hillary can go fuck him/herself
This is gold! Even your fellow democrats who have integrity won't have her. Keep kicking that dead horse so more people flee the DNC.
It was a disgrace. Made me miss Obama even more. I didn't know that was possible. Still proud I voted for Obama and Hillary.
Ok what the fuck? were they supposed to ignore when there was an actual investigation going on? And yeah morning joe sure said trump was the greatest! Where are you pulling this shit from? And wow are we supposed to bitch about Clinton's "free air time"?
It honestly sounds like you want to limit freedom of speech which seems pretty typical coming from a supporter of a deep state puppet Like Hillary
Trump is literally YOUR fault for nominating THE ONLY FUCKING CANDIDATE that could POSSIBLY lose against Donald Trump, and doing so using corrupt party power.
The arrogance of you HRC-worshippers (who claim Benghazi wasn't her fault, the arab spring she had nothing to do with, so what if she voted for the Iraq war?, etc etc etc) is the MAIN reason Trump won.
Also, fuck you and fuck public education.
>Shillbots unironically believe the media isn't a wing of the DNC
>MSM helped Trump
>High up Democrats forced the most uncharismatic, unlikeable, incapable individual this side of American history as the candidate
>Runs a hilariously incompetent campaign
>She loses to someone who at least pretended to be relatable by taking a speech class once in his life and by wearing a fucking baseball cap
Golly gee how could this happen, my bad for letting Trump win
>White Drumpf supporters are the reason we are getting dum-
Die in a fire.
Hell yeah ignore that shit! A literal fascist was trying to take over our government and thanks to them he did. Thanks guys. Thanks a lot.
He is with us...
Unlike Trump that bitch has actually done things that should have her in prison! More than once! GTFO! What difference does it make? Right?!
>muh email coverage is the reason Hillary lost!
>same networks reported nonstop about the pussy tapes and Trump still won
Seriously why vote for a pedophilia defender what a women and her part in Waco Texas branch divitians. And all the crazy deaths linked to her. She acts nuts how much power does she need.
Ok so this is a troll thread..... lol
I didn't think there were real Hillary supporters on this boadd
city voter here, passed all 12 grades of school and got my diploma so educated city voter while you're at it, i voted hillary and i'm still with her.
I admit I should of voted for her. I would rather see us destroyed quickly than slowly bled to death.
then why the fuck are you here?
This is exactly what i don't get. you have everywhere else to go to shit up the internet and circlejerk with people who agree with you, like 95% of the internet. Sup Forums is the only place that is inherently defiant of your beliefs. it's like the US and the rest of the western world, all going liberal, but the US is a conservative nation. liberals just go somewhere you're wanted, which is literally everywhere else. if you're so compassionate why take what little is left from from the one place that doesn't want what you're selling?
Wait, what happened today?
I need some good news this morning.
I was a hillary voter, but now I'm a nazi
>Hillary Voter Here
>Proceeds to chug the 5th gallon of soy milk and masturbate to nigger porn.
I voted for Bernoe in the primaries and I want you to neck yourself
You Neo Liberal faggots created Trump
I know this is just poor quality bait. I know there isn't a single real Hillary voter on all of Sup Forums.
However, if there was I would ask them one question. How the fuck can you pieces of shit live with that you have done? That woman was a monster. A completely psychopathic maniac. She was surrounded by death and suffering. She was pure evil to her very core.
I'm an old Kennedy Democrat who came over to the Trump side just because of Hillary Clinton. It wasn't enough for me that the Democrats lose, or that Hillary was defeated, they needed to be PUNISHED with Trump's victory. The current party needs to be destroyed for ever thinking that someone as abominable as Hillary Fucking Clinton was a worthy candidate.
You bastards deserve everything you got and more, and I hope you cry about Trump every single day you worthless pieces of human garbage.
Didn't matter because the pussy tape was released too early. Fucking Comey reopened the investigation for literally nothing and it was all morning fuckface could talk about.
>pic related was a Trump shill
> The Russian people deserve free and fair election.
kys traitor
I want you to kneck yourself commie.
>Hillary just complained Putin is guilty of man spreading
Why would I care about a bunch of religious fanatics? Also the pedo shit was fake news.
Every single one of the millions of people who voted for Clinton is a traitor to the DNC and to our nation. You should all be lined up and shot. You are lower than human garbage you fucking piece of shit. Fuck you and fuck everything you did to destroy our party.
Putin is guilty of a lot of things. Trump might be too.
hey, i'm from the city and i voted for hillary too. i'm not a faggot, i graduated all 12 grades of school and have my city diploma. won't you vote for hillary with us city folks next time around too?
You betrayed the DNC and your country by allowing Trump to win. It was Hillary's turn after she bowed out gracefully to Obama in 08. Bernie wasn't a Democrat. It was time for a woman president. Fuck you traitorous scum. Kys. Probably a right winger in disguise.
Extremely poor quality bait. No one with a functioning conscience could support Clinton.
Nice use of the "it was her turn" meme.
tfw I voted for crazy cat lady Jill Stein because I was too disgusted by Hillary
High intelligence citybros in the house! 155 IQ here.
I guess I don't have a functioning conscience then because I was #withher from the moment Obama was reelected. Kinda felt like I owed her one after I supported Obama over her in 2008. Also I've just always loved Hillary and I still do.
I would argue its Trump voters, 3rd party voters, the BernieOrBust crowd, and non-voters who lacked a conscience.
that being said I am looking heavily at Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Sherrie Brown, and Cory Booker for 2020. Maybe Chris Murphy and Al Franken too. There are others I'm leaving out.
Why did Hillary have to bow out to Obama in 2008? She won the popular vote and I've repeatedly from libfags that is the best way of determining elections.
Holy mother of Christ 2008-2016 was not kind to Hillary
I voted for her literally because I'm into femdom, I have lucid dreams about her tying me up and giving me a footjob and making me lick cum off her feet.
superdelegates, party backing, and grass roots energy
We just knew Obama was going to win so ya she had to go. Primaries are not the general election. Party insiders should get to decide along with Democrat voters and not independents/DINOs. General Election is different and should be decided by popular vote.
Offering the last shreds of your soul to Moloch is pretty taxing
At least you voted for her. We all have our kinks I guess. I'll say this. I would NEVER have cheated on Hillary.
Yep. Part of the reason she deserved the nomination and the presidency.
whew, speaking of traitors...
Mad respect fellow Hildawg, I bet you are around 6'3 - 6'4. arn't you?
This election wasn't legit though so it's different. We know things now.
Fuck these memes man. I am recalling all the shitty memes that they tried to push and shit.
I honestly think they were made by a Trump Troll
>I guess I don't have a functioning conscience
Yes. That's exactly it.
they were all made by that south african guy i'm pretty sure
Fuck off lefty scum helicopter rides soon
They were always bants lmao. If there was ever a pro hilllary thread it was all shitposts and these.
> can't handle a strong woman
lol. moar hilldawgs
Hillary did literally nothing wrong.
>(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
>(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
See! She's with the people, not sitting behind the desk in some office!