Did the African Chink POO destroy you??
I have noticed Canada doesnt shitpost anymore
We still shitpost. Just wait a few hours longer and they will load.
we're a bit disturbed by recent events...
trying to cut down on roasting the rural and suburban retards for a bit.
>Amerisharts say that Canada only exists because America protects it
>actually proven false by the Trump government
Why would we want to defend a Trudeau government?
the shills are drowning them out
did this thread trigger you?
You wouldn't be sad though if Vancouver was Nuked beyond recognition??? would you?
But then I guess Toronto would need a damn good nuking too
> I have noticed Canada doesn't shitpost anymore
The one you're posting with?
Good riddance to 70% of the leafs
That's right faggot, now's then time to get on our good side
It exists because other nations assumed wed protect it. But now that it has been made clear that we won't, you fuckers are up for grabs
i am indian in canadian and let me tell you, living in a canada is actually a great thing. we have white people and we have brown people. just like any other place. I for 1 am a brown person, have bown friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian-canadian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.
>Toronto would need a damn good nuking too
I wonder what happened?
Yeah, this guy has a point.
>That's right faggot, now's then time to get on our good side
>americans are actually this fucking retarded
you realize that:
a) there is no strategic reason for NK to nuke Canada
b) our west coast is 90% affluent chinese, the country literally keeping Dear Leader from being captured and fed to his own dogs
c) as a part of NATO, you would be defending us anyway because that is how NATO fucking works
are you really fucking fantasizing about saving Canada from north korean nukes right now? you realize that the only reason Canada has to worry about any fallout from a nuclear war is because it borders the biggest shit-disturbing jew-infested cesspool that is your country, right?
We have shitloads of proxy sites, when custom flags came out a lot of the shills/shitposters started using them
>irrationally hating USA
Canada was a mistake
I dont shitpost, I love Trump.
If I shitpost it's about the rapefugees in Germany.
So...you actually think the Norks will have any degree of control over what they hit?
It's true though, Canada has no true national sovereignty in either a political or military sense.
It still has the Queen as head of state with a minor amount of power with them also not having any nuclear weapons whatsoever.
It's pretty much just a vassal state.
kill yourself
no, but the idea that we have more to lose by not having the US explicitly promising to defend us than we have to gain by living next to the country that the rest of the world wants dead is a monty python-tier parody of the real situation
like sorry to tell you but the entire rest of the world knows that you are a satellite state of israel and nobody will just up-and-say-it,. in 10 years when we finally hit peak post-globalism because kids growing up and seeing how fucking bad it is end up looking into the past to try and figure out where things went wrong, your country is going to be completely balkanized and it's going to be really, really weird to see a hundred different civil wars happening in the US
hopefully our military is strong enough to enforce our southern border and keep refugees or roaming militias on their own side of the river
we actually have refugees coming here from the US. out of three countries in NAFTA, two of them have unironically fleeing refugees. neither of them are Canada. and we still manage to give our children free healthcare.
Most white canadians are preoccupied doing pic related
Git' Er Done, yee haw, and so forth.
>Did the African Chink POO destroy you??
Not yet, but soon.
The weedman should speed things up if he gets a second term.