Have you guys ever revealed your power level while drunk/high?
Asking for a friend
Have you guys ever revealed your power level while drunk/high?
Asking for a friend
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You're a faggot, learn to control yourself.
Stop calling your views your "power level", it makes you sounds like a douche.
Called my fiances brother a faggot (he's actually gay) and admitted I was a white nationalist socialist.
I have while on meth
I reveal it constantly. I usually laugh after realizing ive said something that would be deemed outrageous by any normie. Which seems to disarm an opposing view making it seem like im being ironic. Its real life trolling I suppose, but its what i consider a "redpill with a backrub".
So you made a horse's ass of yourself and permanently ruined your reputation, sick!
All the fukin time. Don't know how I still have a job tbqh
This is why train wreck humans shouldn't drink.
Yeah, it's surprising how much people are willing to let slide if you pretend its a joke
every time
to anyone
not afraid to tell the truth
Haven't we all
>Have you guys ever revealed your power level while drunk/high?
I don't get high. I don't get drunk.
No, because I'm not an obnoxious autist.
i dont remember this at all. I'm normally a well liked guy cause i make humour and people know i like trump etc but everyone likes behind i hide in under a veneer of humour and outrageous jokes etc.
anyway got fucking smashed a went on a rant about race mixing and called a nigger and nigger to his face and had a stand off.
this was a few months ago and i lost all my friends lol.
>Straight edge
I don't even need to drink to do it, I've turned it into a game. Sometimes I think of the most outlandish but factual red pills, then at random release them upon co-workers, getting a feel for it. Sometimes when it's one on one, I'll open the door for them to get real shit off their chest, and 9/10 times it's racial. Then it becomes our little secret. The key to it all is pretending to be offensive and jokingly say things, but it's really just casting a net to see who else might be feeling the same.
why is hitler tripping balls
Yes but it was on things so esoteric that people couldn't understand I was on such a high power level. It was something about Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean civilizations.
Every time I drink I rant about Jews running the fed and dictating our foreign policy.
Not gonna lie thats pretty cool
At this point,,, while alone and driving in my vehicle here in the automobile based USA ---- *everyone* else on the road is a "nigger".
As in, "nigger please" when somebody tries to cut over 3 lanes to get to the exit....
Or,,, "nigger, you serious ?" when someone is in the left turn lane with their right turn signal on.
>nobody can hear me because I am blasting Shastakovich symphonies..... or 6 Feet Under.
Yes. Twice.
First time I was on my way to Manyunk section of Philadelphia in a cab with some smoking hot chics and my roommate. They started talking about number of guys they've fucked (most were 10+). I called them degenerates and then they said something about how "we live in an age of many different genders, I can do what I want" and then I leaned over and said "No there are 2 genders" and gave pic related.
2nd time I was really wasted at a house party the other week and talking to this girl I liked and said I was behind an anti-sjw prank on campus (trying to impress her) and that I was the hacker Sup Forums. She looked at me in disgust and said "wait you go on Sup Forums?" and then walked away.
You'll get over it user
I called Bernie a commie Jew fuck trying to channel Vince Vaughn from true detective 2 but none of my friends saw it so they assumed I am an anti-Semite. I mean, I am an anti-Semite but none of them are Jews so I don't see a reason to abandon a friendship. I tolerated their love of degenerate niggerdom for years and calling out one obvious Jew is suddenly haram.
I'm schizophrenic and during a heavy episode I revealed my power level to all my old friends
>at family reunion
>7 beers in
>male cousin walks up
>"hey user meet my boyfriend"
>boyfriend walks up
>my heart starts pounding
>"do you know gay people are 5 times more likely to kill themselves"
I don't know why I said it.
Asked my father's Jewish friend if Judaism was satanism and the connection of the star of david with the number of the beast. He was visibly shaken and left the room.
Because you're a fag?
I'm straight edge, but sometimes I accidentally say weird things about the Jews around my parents who are very pro-Israel. My dad thinks Israel winning the 6 day war was divine intervention.
Anyways, my dad was telling me how he thinks the antichrist will be a Muslim leader, and I said somewhat jokingly that it could be the future man that the Jews view as a messiah. My parents seemed uncomfortable after I mentioned that idea, so I tried to play it off as a joke or just a silly, random idea.
life would be easier
Yes, I n-worded it out during the McGregor fight.
Fucking nigger.
You must be a faggot
My nigger
Have convictions in your beliefs and be confident, she'll respect you more than ever. Or did you already cuck out?
Are you drunk right now?
Fuck your friends, you Dont need any.
Usually when people allude to Hitler being evil, I naturally say "well Hitler fought Stalin... who were the bad guys there?".
I always get a look of confusion and they don't get it and we awkwardly move along.
I realized I need to keep myself in check and know that just because something is obviously moral doesn't mean it's okay to talk about it. What a time to be alive...
Holy shitYou have Kike worshipping parents and you landed here?
My parents don't even know what Jews are, let alone their influence.
Both of these circumstances have been engineered by Jews, its either they are ignored or lauded.
People abandoning friendships over shit is like that is so dumb. Like I have friend who's a sjw but whatever.
It's like americans don't know how to deal with being offended so they just walk away.
Yeh i got raw with a best mate in 2015 and weve spoken once since. He didnt invite me to his wedding because his gf was a rich new yorker with heaps of jewish friends, and he worried about be and an open bar. I dont blame him either.
Same night for me. "I don't listen to nigger music"
Yes. Dropped the truth about islam when a younger cousin asked in a passing about the muslim world. Spent the next 3 hours raving about muslims.
When I drink I just get really lovey towards my family, like I went up to my little sister and gave her this speech about being able to come to me for help, no matter what the problem. Sometimes I'll reveal a little of my powerlevel (making racist jokes, explaining why antifa is shit, etc.).
But when I do anything else, whether it be acid, weed, or fucking anything, I can't stop myself. I stay away from the JQ, but I start talking about how I want to live among my people, and how loving my people is no different from you loving your family.
The crazy thing is, most of the time the people I'm talking to just nod their heads, and keep talking to me. Maybe they are just trying to think of a way to get away from me, or maybe they are secretly red pilled too.
Yeah, fought with a white cuck on why the white race needs to be preserved at a party. My guy friend had to make me walk away bc I was getting so angry
>not raving about Jews
Visit America, my friend.
I do the same, expect it's more like "I bet this person is a fucking nigger/spic/woman/old person" and 9/10 I am right.
I have the same power. I can tell whether it's an old person or an asian or a woman or a nigger simply by the details of how they're driving poorly.
shut the fuck up fagot nobody cares what you think
Yes, last Friday I went clubbing in San Francisco. I saw Gareth Emery DJ, and apparently I look like someone who would have drugs. A white woman approached me, a hot/passing trap, and danced with me for a bit. She said she's on her honeymoon with her husband, and it's their last night in SF (they're from Massachusetts or some yanky shit, I don't rememeber). She asked me if I had any molly, and I did. Being the party monster that I am, I decided to giver her and her white husband each a dose.
I was pretty drunk (decided no roll that night). After a few comments about how they're going to make such cute babies (both attractive people), he offered to buy me a drink as thanks. When he and I were at the bar together I leaned in close to him, and said, "You better white babies." He had a good a laugh, and I reiterated, "You know we need them - just look around. Seriously, make white babies."
I got my drink and parted ways for the evening since that room became too fucking crowded. My friends saw them both later, and said they looked like they were rolling hard and having a blast. I seriously don't give a fuck if you believe any of this. It's 100% true.
Aw, did I hurt your "power level"?
I once drank three Black Russians in quick succession and told the pity-invite at my party "Yeah man, Jews are actually pretty freaky" then I showed him pic related. I remember he asked, "What's a goyim?" past that is a black out and we haven't spoken of it ever again.
Trouble is he went from a nerd who invites himself to parties to a really well-liked guy. Lmao at the thought, I'll have to ask him about it someday.
I don't hide my views. I'm honest and respectful of other people but I won't lie to them.
By getting intoxicated you show no respect for the logos, surpressing it within you. You silence the divine spark which distinguishes humans from animals. Drinking alcohol / taking drugs is degenerate and should have no place in society.
Cool post Ahmed
and sober
Was getting drunk at the bar I usually hang out at..
Muslim walks in and starts telling people they are bad for drinking and tells this dumb cunt sitting at the bar she shouldn't even be there because she's a whamen..
I told him to get the fuck out of the bar and our country because we aren't here to cater to his backwards boyfucking Islamic bullshit..
The dumb cunt sitting at the bar gets mad at me..The rest of the bar was deer in headlights.
I told her she's part of the problem too and she can go get raped by refugees.
My friend was bartending and politely told me I should go..
Paid my tab, and left, but not before I told everyone I MAGA and they are destroying the West with PC bullshit..
I felt good about it. My friend was laughing so hard I don't think he spoke for an hour.
Walking down the street a jeep pulls up and it's the dumb cunt from the bar... She starts screaming at me that I shouldn't have said those things. I told her to fuck off some more and she tore off.. But the dumb cunt had to bust a U-turn and I just laughed and waved as she rode by pissed as fuck..
Was a good night. 10/10 would do again.
>Walking down the street a jeep pulls up and it's the dumb cunt from the bar.
You probably could have banged her, dude
All of my friends know my views. It's probably why they don't talk about politics when I'm around anymore, which is fine. Our friendship isn't based on political ideology.
ultimate redpill: most of the leadership of Nazi Germany were high on amphetamines at all times.
Imagine that rush. Being some speed junkie and then actually gaining complete control of a major European power to do whatever you want. Hitler truly rode the dragon.
I called a coke dealer a degenerate, as I bought a gram from him and snorted most of it off some titties.
The coke was in a swastika
When asked why?
I said I was a Nazi
Like legit
A Nazi
Then we did shots.
Y'all need better friends.