Lads I'm white but only 3" hard. Should still pass on my pathetic penis genes
Tiny Penis
kys faggot
go to asia and fuck a bunch of chink girls. that way you don't fuck up our gene pool and you make asia's better.
In all honesty you probably won't have a chance
good tip
lol yeah probably we need as many white people as possible even if they have tiny peenors
It doesn't matter as much as you think. btw I'm a girl. I consider 5 inches too big. I have a small pussy.
> be white
> have small penis
everything checks out
No dont your son will hate you just become a qt 3.14 ladyboy instead it will be fine i bet
tranny slit is not pussy
There are a lot more small pussies out there than people realize. Take my word for it, OP, I've got a big dick and I've ruined a bunch of them, and they don't enjoy the big cock as much as they think they will, tell their friends they do, or tell their future husbands they did.
I'm like you op and I just gave up on women in general. why even bother with all the bullshit?
:( looking like i'll be doing the same
not true. any pussy will expand/lengthen as a woman is aroused. you just wouldn't know because you've never aroused one. hence your impression that there are many small ones. btw, 1 doesn't qualify as "a bunch of them"
just lose like 50 pounds. there's no way your dick's that small unless you're a fatass.
He probably is a fatass
Slide thread.
Ur fuckin autism
>cuck cigar flag
>3 inch penis
we already knew that. too bad this has nothing to do with politics you tiny penis bitch. fuck off.
Everything checks out
It's okay it's not like anyone will see it.
Go for it. There could be a long-dick recessive gene and your kid wins the lottery. Or maybe you have a girl. Good odds either way.
White people small penis is an old fake meme meant to cause insecurity amongst white men.
8inch+ master race checking in
wow ur 2x bigger than me
OP you can try jelquing. There's a good chance its bullshit and you'll just fuck up your dick, but if you really are only 3 inches hard you have literally nothing to lose.
small dicked virgin detected.
I am a genie. I demand one inch from your cock, lost forever. What is the minimum sum ($) you require in compensation?
2 whole good boy points