Are the pineapple niggers as lazy and racist as rumors about them suggest? Post experiences with native Hawaiians
Yeah and they fucking hate white people. I sorta understand it though. If your home consisted of mostly military members and faggot tourists, you'd probably try and pick a fight or two.
I was stationed at schofield and almost every weekend some guy would come back with a black eye after getting in a fight with a local.
>two dudes eating hawaiian pizza
"We will die as Hawaiian is"
hawaiian intellectuals
The overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy is pretty fucked up. All done by Americans trying to prevent Hawai'i from joining the commonwealth
Don't give me that boo-hoo shit
Sure they aren't blowing on a conch shell?
With artwork that shitty it's hard to tell
The joke in the labor industry is that Hawaiians are really fucking brilliant.
Because they figured out how to import all the Japs and Flips to do all the work for them. Japs and Flips work like fucking dogs. Hawaiians are lazy as fuck. It's basically a combination of We Wuz plus actual native status that has turned into an entitlement that others can't quite comprehend. And white people never figure it out because theyre too busy being angry someone called them a fucking haole. Liberals and Hawaiians are a match made in lazy heaven.
vegasfag here. they're tolerable and much more pleasant than niggers/spics. never really met any of the independence-revolution types. theyre definitely just fat, happy-silly islanders though
They despise us cause ever since they've been a part the meth trade in hawaii has skyrocketed. If you ever go stay out of the cities cause literally everywhere you go you can see people smoking meth or smell it
Yeah after the merry monarch bankrupted the treasury buying a battleship which he used to try and claim Tahiti(?) which was in a 3 way stand off between US/brits/French and the queen started selling off islands.
>We will die as Hawaiians
We can arrange that.
It's still fucked up.
can confirm. wahiawa is a town just for meth addicts. they tend to live under a bridge.
Hawaii voted for Nixon and Reagan the second time round. But otherwise the state fucking sucks politically.
I'll feel bad when OHA actually starts using their billions in gibs to help Hawaiians.
As it stands, the Hawaiians got their reparations and now vote for chinks to represent them who rob them better than the white man ever did.
They're pretty ugly and too many LDS.
I actually have a Kalakaua dime. Also was close to going to Kamehameha schools
If you're Hawaiian then why do you make your signs in English?
Expensive as fuck, full of meth heads and libshits. Hope they catch Rocketman's shuttlecock.
native hawaiians are unironically the single most oppressed group in the country. leave them alone.
>Hawaiian nationalist
>not writing your sign in Algonquin
Good point, user!
all I care about are my hot dog stands in Hawii
But agree OHA and Bishop estate don't really do much aside from line their own pockets
So you got nothing. Lots of other idiots get a lot. You score 1200 on the SAT, you could go to Stanford for free. Liberal bullshit gives you some preposterous advantages. And locally you get Fucking nothing.
On the bright side you might have avoided getting diddled.
Nope, as soon as I graduated groom HS I bailed to the mainland and eventually became a Chinese-Hawaiian white supremacist
>decide to raid arms depot and start revolution
>run out of breath after 3 seconds because you weigh 400 pounds
Israel Kamakawiwole actually went to my High school
Do native Hawaiians get government $ checks for being native like continental natives do?
Who named Hawaii?
You get enrolled into Hawaiian homestead land and will become eligible in 2136 so no, you get nothing
Are Hawaiians a lost tribe?
what game>
What the other guy said. And Kamehameha is a free school for Hawaiian blooded kids. It's a great school compared to the publics.
But if you don't get into the school and you don't get seriously greased for homestead land, you get nothing.
Besiege, assuming I'm remembering right.
LMAO! I found out my Japness makes me an honorary Aryan. And here we are.
>Don't be realistic about what happened in History.
Heir Hitewrrrr!
>haha Guies i saw soemthing on hte internet now im going to start a thread completely unrelated to politics
close the board
Anyone have any good stories interacting with the diverse indigenous population of Hawaii?
Fuck you haole, bra I buss you up
Actually your the dumbass.
yes. they're racist as fuck.
are you autistic?
hawaii fucked up and lost, fuck them they are america now
i really hate all brown people. anyone else at that point? NOTHING ever comes from them. just whining. god i wish we could nuke them all or something.
Serious FUCKING question goys.
Why are pineapples so damn good?
>pineapple niggers
i prefer volcano kikes.
kek nice. how about gib surfers?
>Hawaii lost they are america now
Americans lol
Last time I was on the Leeward coast of Oahu, I was at Tamura's supermarket and got called a haole, interestingly enough I used to work there in 93. The whole community is nigger tier when it comes to advancement, they piss on the successful ones. I made it out and have never really looked back at the 'Aina
I will die as an European!
>racist as rumors about them suggest
Oh they really fucking are
Had to work with Georgia and she was very open and vocal about how much she hated everyone every time she had the chance to speak.
Always referred to everyone as tha/that Haoli or fucking haolis
I actually worked with a Hawaiian gril
She was qt and very patient/sweet/compassionate. Thank god she wasn't one of these Sea Abos I hear stories about.
My 8 year experience with a native Hawaiian was similar to my 8 year experience with a native Kenyan.
It's Haole, and means "without breath" because that was the only word that could be used in the Hawaiian language to describe what Captain Cook and his officers looked like. The native Hawaiians thought that Cook was a living god
Are those cunt Trask sisters still saying dumb shit in the regular out there?
so much truth
>being this much of a fag
you must have been fucked in the ass by your dad
it's basically pineapple speak for goy
>Sea Abos
This is just it. The 'native' Hawaiians look down on the samoan niggers just as much as anyone else.
Waiane is a shitty town and everyone knows it. Honestly why is it that any communities with majority dark skin is complete gutter trash?
Yes Haole is parable to goyim, gook, basically an outsider
Also whilst we're in the Hawaiian vernacular Ho'o haole is Hawaiian for Uncle Tom, basically a sellout Hawaiian like me
Literally nobody has purely native blood and nobody speaks the language. Nobody knows the ENTIRE language.
Vegasfag, too. The hawaiians are generally nice people.
did he died?
You know Waianae?
I was born in Waianae but am a totally haole
>did he died?
No, it's a flying squirrel.
>we are not american
Their is a reason they hate us. Time for a history lesson Sup Forums.
They sound like every other native American
Sob story from generations past
Stop being their cuck, fag
i pity you user, that must have been fucked.
>t.hawaii kai masterrace
no they should hate families like Dole, stop socializing the theft of some onto the rest.
Likewise bra
Dole pineapple is eaten by locals and most don't even know he cucked nearly all the native Hawaiians. Its like pottery
Hawaiians can actually claim WE WUZ KANGS
You forgot the part where they democratically voted to become a state, or do you ducks even care about that anymore if it hurts muh minorities?
Hawaiian warriors used to fuck each other in the ass because they thought shooting cum in each others asses theyd absorb their strength. They dont want to talk about that homo shit, but theyll get the warrior tribal tattoos.
Hawaii deserves Independence!
gonna need some source on this
That's just what the Kumu Hulas tell people.
Always felt trapped on those little rocks, bumfuck middle of the Pacific and shit. Never felt comfy around the sea niggers. Registration sticker in Maui sliced into diamonds to prevent theft. What a shithole. "Hawaiian BBQ" is pure garbage also. Spambos should stick to cannibalism and shrinking heads
how can they hate us when we lifted them up from the stone age and cast the ones who wanted to stay in the dirt to Ni'ihau?
>Registration sticker in Maui sliced into diamonds to prevent theft.
What did you mean by this
I've heard theft of tourist cars is rampant, curious as to how people make sure they're marked as "local"
I love how you called them sea niggers... lol 8)
They can only peel so much of the sticker off at a time because they razor blade it like a vegetable on a cutting board.
>In 2004 President George W. Bush received all but one of the 40 votes cast on the island. The remaining vote was cast for Green Party nominee David Cobb. 51 registered voters did not cast ballots.[25] In 2006 Dan Akaka received 33 votes in the 2006 Senate election to Cynthia Thielen's 3.[citation needed] In 2008, Niʻihau's precinct was one of only 3 of Hawaiʻi's 538 precincts to vote for John McCain over Barack Obama. McCain received 35 votes, Obama received 4, and Cynthia McKinney received 1.[26] In the 2016 Presidential Election, nearly 60% of the vote went for Donald Trump.[27]
holy based hawaiin red necks
No but I am a Searider
>18 years old white kid (blonde hair and blue eyes)
>graduate high school
>for grad trip my friends and I fly out to Hawaii
>We stay in Waikiki on Oahu
>Having a great time
>Friends go to a club I am feeling tired so I decide to go back to the hotel
>walking back
>Group of Hawaiians walking toward me
>I say "hello" to them
>Big huge guy smiles and me and says 'hello Haole" (insult of white people)
>I didn't know what that word meant and he had a smile on his face (as did the others).
>I thought they were friendly. I stopped and chatted with them and talked about all the fun things I was seeing on the island.
>Suddenly I got punched in the face by the big hawaiian.
>I felt this burning sensation in my back shoulder (I was stabbed with a knife)
>I felt light headed and started running as fast as I could
>I heard "KILL THE HAOLE" and I ran as fast as I could and was able to outrun them.
>I was bleeding all over my shirt and shorts
>I ended up with a broken nose and broken bones under my eye (Orbital rim) and I had damage to my shoulder as well.
>I had to see a surgeon who is familiar with facial trauma (when I got back home) and I had to do physical therapy on my shoulder (also when I got back home)
>My right eye was swollen shut for quite a while
>I am lucky to be alive
I had no idea the locals hated white people so much. Even when I was in the hospital in Oahu (Queens Medical Center) I had some of the nurses glare at me and I heard "haole" quite a few times while I was in the Emergency room.
I don't recommend anyone going to Hawaii. I will never go there again. I hope a tsunami destroys that shitty place.
haoles when will they learn
That's fucked up the sea niggers tried to do you in. Around sea niggers never relax!