Redpill me on professional sports, Sup Forums
Redpill me on professional sports, Sup Forums
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simply keeps the goys and the niggs entertained
You notice how some people are more zealous about a sports team than their own country?
That's not a coincidence
Every nigger in it will make and see more money they you will in your entire life. And it's Unionized so nobody can ever take it away from them.
OJ Simpson lives off his NFL Pension, because it can't be garnished even under his wrongful death case loss.
Bread and circuses
I'm not sure why people follow it, like the team before the match etc.
Watching it is also waste of time.
I love playing football/basketball, but watching it seems bluepilled.
Bread and circuses.
((((professional)))) """""sports"""""
Grown men chasing a ball around, with couch potatoes watching them.
Bread and circus. The intersection of sport and politic signals the beginning of the end for our empire. Run to the hills and buy guns while you still can. The gibs will run out sooner than you think.
if you record it and skip the commercials
football is fucking awesome
Yeah bro it's great; keep watching
The same way Hollywood is in charge of predictive programming, mass sport fills another role. Allows people to vent their natural tribalistic tendencies in a controlled environment.
>bread and circuses
That's for the Government sponsoring games to make people forget about their failures you nitwits.
Most professional sports is HIGH END capitalism. You have 20 years olds become millionaires over night.
Go try to buy a ticket to an NFL Football game, it's not for poorfags at all.
The game isn't for the people that attend it's for the broadcast you fucking retard
Local governments pay to build the stadiums
Okay, most people are saying bread and circuses, which is fair enough, but I don't think that addresses the full extent of it. I think it's a multi-headed hydra to damage our culture through distraction from what matters (bread and circuses), veneration of brutish and physical traits versus intellectual merit (giving niggers a home field advantage, basically), and funneling more money away from white people. There are probably more heads to the hydra, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
It's used to normalize degeneracy
>predictive programming
I am unfamiliar with this concept, but interested. Can you elaborate?
>"Predictive programming, a theorised method of mass mind control, proposes that people are conditioned, through works of fiction, to accept planned future scenarios."
Yes, retard, but stadiums without the product are giant empty fucking buildings.
You think local business do better on gameday? If you don't you're not thinking it through.
>Every nigger in it will make and see more money
"Israel Cohen, a leading Communist in England, in his A Racial Program For the Twentieth Century, wrote:
'We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will instill into the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America into our hands.'"
There you have the Jewish-Communist program in a nutshell - the USE of the backward, childish and savage Negro race to destroy the White Race, which stands between the Jews and their mad goal of world domination from Israel. To make a mutiny - which is what Communism is -you need mobs of raging and savage people. The Jews, comprising only a fraction of one percent of the world's people, are too few to produce their own mobs, and they are too un-fond of physical violence to provide any large amount of their own "muscle." They need vast numbers of peanut-brained, violent but robot-like "troops." The Negro race is perfect for the needs of the Jews in fomenting their mutiny. But before the blacks can do the Jews and Marxists any good, they must first be placed in position and conditioned.
Thanks, you just posted that. Obviously a lot of mass-viewed things are used in this manner these days, especially when under control of (((the 1%))).
Oh okay, so basically social conditioning. Gotcha
Damn son, where'd you find this?
Remember the advertisements. The corporate agenda is promoted big time with ever increasing numbers of adverts and commercial breaks. That would be another head.
>drink our beer goy
>buy our product goy
>won't it make you happy goy
>look everyone will think you look cool if you have our product goy
>let us do the thinking for you goy
>sit there and be a passive participant in your own life and destiny goy
>see these millionaire athletes that would never talk to you goy you're in the same club as them buy their shirts goy you totally belong goy
Sports kill your mind.
Sup Forums here, I really enjoy it but recognize its hypnotic and pacifying qualities and the fact that being "rigged" isn't always a claim by sore losers:
2009 Vikings-Saints was clearly rigged to give New Orleans the win because of muh happy Katrina recovery narrative. makes you wonder how often...
Kinda weird how the recent Patriots Super Bowl comeback so neatly echoes the same "white underdog come from behind" narrative of Trump too (which is how the entire fucking nation was talking about the game, as a metaphor for that)
With the amount of money involved the "rigging" goes much deeper than most people imagine.
It's enjoyable. Particularly I enjoy watching basketball. You can dvr the nba and skip commercials. I don't get into strategy or technical trenches. It's just entertainment where men abide by a certain set of rules pursuing a goal, and putting their mind and body into a cooperative and competitive test of ability, skill and strength.
Shitposting on anonymous boards kills your mind too. Plus it makes you fetishize and obsess over Jews.
overpaid and pampered pussies!!!! You took your million dollar $$$$$ contract for granted fucking dumb ass!!!
Why do you type like a boomer?
NBA/NFL are rigged
To hide my millenial autism!
Bread and circuses.
Gay esports is where it's at
>watching nigger ballet
watching professional and collegiate sports are for fucking morons.
t. collegiate athlete and junior olympian in multiple sports
So hold on let me get this straight. A whole bunch of neck beard low T cucks are complaining about how high T sports are degenerate despite the fact that men have been playing sports since the dawn of civilization all because they want to feel better about their beta lifestyles.
That's not an argument buddy
They literally do not. The amount of money involved in building and maintaining new stadiums is completely lost to the local economy - even if they host the super bowl. It's a fucking scam. The NFL hire snake oil salesmen to sell them on the initial investment before it balloons and they lose their ass.
t. someone involved with a $1.3 Billion expenditure of a major city.
friendly reminder that if you watch any sport except Ice Hockey, Tennis, and Golf, you're basically a Nigger.
>watching niggers play a game with a ball.
I’ve never understood sportsball. Sure, going to high school games is fun; but that’s because it’s you and your neighbors’ kids playing against another town. Those kids are from your town; win or lose, you love ‘em and have an emotional tie. Same reason the Olympics can be fun—you can root for people from where you live.
But college and pro sports? Sure, the teams are named after your city or university, but in reality they’re just random niggers bought and shipped to their owners. They’re sold or traded to other teams often and have no real roots.
While it’s cute to watch grown white men prance around in their $400 replica jerseys with their favorite bull’s name on the back, like some kind of high school girl who wants everyone to know her boyfriend is on the team, I’ll neer understand how so many people give a shit about niggerball.
>Same reason the Olympics can be fun—you can root for people from where you live.
Nigger what
do you people not watch hockey? it's the most patrician sport by far
>no nigs
>no fags
>no casuals
>few ads
>fast paced
>exciting and intense
>high learning curve to keep retards out
it's the GOAT
I don't know what to believe anymore...
ice soccer
no that's bandy
Bread and circus. All the money that's pumped into it is to ensure that people keep watching. Normalfags get so worked up about it that it legitimately becomes a part of their being. The human spirit needs something to get excited and shout about and sports do just that for the common man.
I'll watch it to blend in with my gf's family but I don't lose my mind over it. Where I live, EVERYONE is obsessed with football. (Go Stillers.)
>Nigger what
Last time I noticed, olympians competed wearing their nation's name and colors.
As far as I know, Canada isn't buying Somalians to be their Olympic running team.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
They were once a genuine part of American culture.
Now every team is Jew-owned, and Jews run the whole show, so it has the stink of kikery all over it-- dumbed-down; politicized; celebratory of felonious niggers. They need to be abandoned by Whites and made dead ASAP.
An industry filled with people who simply arent worth the money they make.
You're wrong
You can belong to any nation's team that will take you
I would love for someone, SOMEONE, to blow that shit wide open.
It would be a redpill suppository for every sports-drugged up whitey out there.
There's an NBA ref in jail right now for rigging games
And yes, sports are a massive bluepill for modern society.
>Here goy, now that you only have 3-4 hours max to spend with your family when you're not making us money, why don't you blow2-3 of those hours per night watching some BEAUTIFUL BLACK MEN chase a ball around.
>Sit your ass on the couch, goy, and get emotional as your chosen BEAUTIFUL BLACK MEN either win or lose.
>Idolize those BEAUTIFUL BLACK MEN goy, surely this will not affect how your wife sees you, but if she does eventually want to fuck the guy whose name you are wearing on your back, THATS HER CHOICE FILTHY GOY
>give us endless money in tickets, cable fees, paraphernalia, and local tax dollars to support our industry goy, don't you want to support your city?
The list goes on and on, it really is a fucking huge situation.
>You can belong to any nation's team that will take you
Gotcha. Silly me, I thought that someone competing for the US while wearing a US uniform was actually from...
The US. Kikes ruin everything.
Did I hit a nerve, cupcake?
Which nigger bull's name is on the back of your favorite shirt?
grown men worshipping some old guys who couldn't care less about them
politics isn't much different
There is a lot of things in play to keep white people docile in society. Easier to destroy us this way. Porn, drugs, taxes, etc.
Football truly is nigger worship but my life fucking sucks so I watch it
This is one of the stupidest videos I've seen all day.
Rigged, PsyOP
It's all a negative feedback loop
>Depressed because can't make ends meet
>use porn, drugs (same thing really)
>now even more depressed
>lose your income as it is taxed away and sent to jamal and jose
>more depressed
>more porn
>more depressed
>welp this is rock bottom, might as well kill myself and leave my wife and kids to fend for themselves, effectively fucking them for life!
great vid link my nig. Are you that black kid on jewtube? the one that is committed to NatSoc
I can agree with what you're saying. Unless you play sports or your children do caring about it to the extent most people do is ridiculous.
I too enjoy the nationalism that the Olympics can bring but some countries circumvent the rules by offering instant citizenship to some athletes who didn't make the cut in their original countries. That needs to be stopped by the Olympic committee. Also, it should be a requirement to train in your own country. I cannot tell you how many foreign athletes live and train in Colorado for the Winter Games.
Simple entertainment pretending to be something more. It literally consumes people's lives and health, and participants are obscenely overpaid for what amounts to glorified tomfoolery.
MY point is you're a low t beta faggot and my argument is you should kys.
Also, true amateur athletes only. This includes endorsement money.
My response is I disagree with your assertion and think you are retarded
Also, eliminate all judged events. Only true sports. I don't want to see a faggot prance around the ice in a leotard for a score. Only real sports that have actual scoring e.g. goals, best time, first to finish, etc.
Sports are great to watch. It's nice to sit back at a chill bar with some friends, watch the game and bull shit for a while. What I avoid is ESPN and any "storylines". I want to watch men try to kill each other on Sunday. I don't need to bring in politics or anything else into it.
Its all rigged.
Cakes and fairs.
Lots of crazed negroes with low IQs and lots of money. Nothing insanely dangerous about that
The only acceptable sport to watch is hockey. all other sports suck. all arguments against this are moot.
I got another thread baking
Just consider how psychologically damaging watching cuckball is to your children, mainly daughters.
>daddy gets day off
>spends entire day cheering on niggers because they ran a few yards
>daughter doesn't get it, but daddy sure does love big black men
>instead of bonding with their children doing something fun or learning something together they are cheering niggers
>daughter grows up and starts to date
>Dad doesn't really care has no emotional response, continues to watch cuckball
>Daughter brings home a big black nigger
>"daddy this is JaTyrone"
>Dad freaks out and starts yelling, just like he did at the TV for years
>This sparks the realization in the daughter that she can finally get her father's attention
Where were you when you realized nigger sports were the downfall of burgerstan?
European kings and nobles used to literally ride on horses with a huge stick to either knock them off or kill them.
Germans would duel each other in the hope that they would get slashed in the face giving them a trophy scar.
The only reason you're triggered by modern sports is because it's filled with niggers. I don't think there's anything wrong with hating niggers but don't be a hypocrite. There's nothing wrong with sports. It's high test and teaches fraternity. Only reason to hate it is if you're some beta Fag trying to justify your beta faggotry.
> He even made a personal call to coach Nick Saban, vouching for Upshaw's innocence and as a result, Upshaw was not disciplined by the team. Then after this morning's court hearing, according to the Tuscaloosa News, "Gryzb's father shielded her from news cameras at the Tuscaloosa County Courthouse Wednesday morning. He turned around to yell "Roll Tide!" as they left the building."
Literally the bread and circuses of our age.
run by jews
rigged by jews
played by 50 iq niggers.
wrestling is more real than any professional "sport."
Sports are nothing more than a kike diversion from actual political events. Unless you actively participate in the sport, don't give them your shekels.
It's 75% fake. Champions are decided based on the marketing agencies in various cities. Sports are about what happens to the local sports fans and how sports victories and defeats contribute to human relationships and economies. You want a city to spend more money and have an economic boost? Give them a winning team.
>but user it's full of action
Professional sports exclude white men for the sole purpose of tricking the majority that blacks are more 'athletic' of course this is false, but it's all apart of the plan to make whites more act more docile and give up on any athletic goals. Ultimately trying to take away our masculinity.
>Unless you play sports or your children do caring about it to the extent most people do is ridiculous.
My point, exactly.
My kids play sports at our local school.
When I buy an $8 ticket or a $4 soda, I'm contributing to the uniforms for next year's team.
I'll go less when my kids graduate and move on, but I'll occasionally go, because it's my neighbors' kids playing.
I'll buy an ad in the school newspaper or yearbook every year, because I know it goes to the local school and local kids.
Niggerball or Pro-Niggerball?
Why should I give a shit? This year it's an ape from Florida, next year it's an ape from Chimpcago.
>B-but that ape would be a pimp or a drug dealer if it wasn't for your gibs!!
Send it back.
If your income allows you the luxury to buy a share in a (temporarily) famous porch monkey, good for you. “Did you see Ja’Marquez last weekend? That nigger done run like the Klan be up his ass, an sheeit!”
I didn’t see that, and I don’t give two shits.
It’s a rich nigger, but still a nigger. From somewhere else.
>You don understand! Dis nigga be from Louisiana, but a college in Illinois done bought that nigger, before California done bought dat same nigga from dem.
150 years after slavery was legally ended, and niggers are more than happy to sell themselves to Kikes for gibs..
>Da’Kwan Jerseys be still available at the low, low price of only $460 goyim!!!!
>Be the first on your block to own a part of dis’ famous nigger!
it's a great way to watch the highest possible level of play of a sport you loved playing as a kid. great to bond with the boys over and is an industry that has grown to the point that it's created tons of jobs and it's great to have in our civilized society
>11 minutes of game action
And people spend like half of each year obsessing over this stupid shit.
The slaves are excellent athletes. That is why they were purchased at great expense from another continent.
also the only sports allowed to exist is hockey because the NHL is dope and actually has great culture, and the league of legends esport
Competitive sports, including professional sports, are a necessity. Kids are the ultimate goys, and the allure of professional sports get them interested in playing sports themselves. Sports teach kids a variety of things: the mechanics of healthy competition, how to lose, how to win, sportsmanship, and instills discipline and helps with general physical fitness.
Professional sports, within reason and within reasonable $$ and time limits, are worth supporting because they are literally the kid goy dream-- getting millions to play a game. Not sure how many of you have kids or are around kids, but they're fucking retarded, and many dream to play professionally as well. We all know this will never come true, but if it gets them out there learning life lessons and dreaming big while getting physically fit, then great.
It's also a redpill for a lot of these kids. It was for me when I played basketball against nigger teams. I saw the brute strength, but also saw cracks in the armor-- how strategic fouls against players that couldn't hit free throws to save their lives, how certain zone defenses fucked up lifetime playground ballers, and how full-court traps fucked up primadonna guards who always wanted to go it alone.
Would I have played if there were no pro sports? Probably. Would about 40% of my teammates? Not so sure. That's why I still support high-level athletics to this day, honest to God.
Is that cancer or September 23