/ang/ - Anti Nazi General

We're all starting to hate nazis here. It's clear that they're all autistic retards trying to subvert the right with their leftist policies. They also give the right wing bad reputation that push more people to the left. Nazis and white nationalists are an antifa maker machine and we can't let this continue. If you too, are tired of nazis coming to our board then this general is for you.

Post shame images or discuss the removal of Stormfaggotry, Nazism, Fascism, White Nationalism, Collectivism, LARPdom, Leftism.

Ancaps, Libertarians and Republicans welcome.
Redpilled African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, and Muslims are all welcome as well.
NAZI GETS PUNCHED!: youtube.com/watch?v=uyK6io7VQnU
Thread theme #1: youtube.com/watch?v=fh-TKJTCtnw
Thread theme #2: youtube.com/watch?v=aFOo86PDDuE





The other thread isn't even CLOSE to being archived.

You aren't even fucking trying anymore, shareblue

Some faggot made another without me knowing.





>what is the search function

I didn't think someone would actually make this general besides me




90% are shills
this is also a shill thread




Fuck off shill

No you.

>you can't be a left wing Anarchist if you say you're also a capitalist