Hey, faggets, let's find this cunt and dox her for harassing this vet over his service DOG!!!...no mercy for this bitch.
Hunt the Cunt
Other urls found in this thread:
Do we know where this happened?
>let's find this cunt and dox her
Yes, go to reddit and do this because doxxing is against the rules here, newfriend.
Ok. So it happened at Kathy's Crab House in Delaware
Try to be brave for it.
It will only last a moment.
This is true but meh. I'm bored so I'll help this fag find her so he stops shitting up our board
good on her, fuck vets and their entitlement
You won't find shit because you suck.
oy vey its getting late goy, you must be getting good overtime sheckles!
Any evidence to back that up faggot?
If you're so good at this, you try
WE WUZ not your personal army
Shut up nigger, we'll find you for harassing that vet
Not your army faggot. Doxxing is Sup Forums-tier faggotry. Go back there
Why are dogs kryptonite to blacks?
I mean, they fucking hate them, at least asians like them enough to raise and eat them.
It's a service dog, it's more well trained than most blacks- oh, thats why. Jealousy.
>implying this board didn't replace Sup Forums as newfag central
le 1 post by this id
ain't y'all wired into nig twitter? the nogs know.
Give my video some views, bois. I'm too lazy to spam it everywhere and haven't frequented here in a while.
Also, what's this about l33t doxxing??
If you could stop posting my waifu that'd be great, thanks. We can settle this peacefully.
>Sup Forums-tier faggotry
>uses Sup Forums-tier meme "NYPA"
Just shut the fuck up, newfag. If you don't like it then fuck off and go back to watching Fag Alaska or whatever, nerd.
Found a potential match. No info on her yet, but based on the facial recognition software I'm using, this is 67% similar
>lel epic recent maymay tripfag
>not a newfag
Fuck off.
Another nigger for the oven.
Would you believe me if I told you that I have no clue who any of these cunts are?
that poor boyfriend in the background. I just see the look of pure regret, embarassment, shame, and other emotions going through his mind.
He look like he wanted to just knock her out and drag her out the store, but couldn't . And he also had to deal with that driving home.
How am I supposed to take this foag seriously
How am I supposed to take this fag seriously with that thriller puffy jacket in the background? Kek
I bet he dumped her after this.
And they can't figure out why they keep getting shot
Yes, because that's my wife.
I just wanted to attach a picture tbqh+ famalam
What is it with niggers hating dogs?
Like the man in the video said op, " stop it, this is beneath you, let it go"
Damn. The other option I guess is to search through the entire town's photos until I find her
Sorry user, hard to believe but the Nigger got this one correct.
She called out an Asshole with a fake "service dog"
So go fuck yourself
Have a nice day
Why did she make a big deal over a dog?
>niggers being niggers
Why do we care
Pretty much this...
That whiny merc is probably butthurt that he couldn't just shoot her right there on the spot.
So fucking sick of the service dog bullshit too. If you are too mentally unstable to go out in public without having to bring your dog to keep you chill, you are a fucking threat to the rest of us and should stay away from public places. Or mentally mature like the rest of us and leave your fucking pets at home.
I wanted to get into that show but the Ragnar actor was a little bitchboy in Arthur and it's tainted everything he's been in for me since. And the chick is too slavic looking to play a nordic woman. His look back at the end was great though.
It starts about the dog. Then people tell her she's wrong. Then it's just a bitch that doesn't want to be wrong.
Start with middle class. She's actually a proper speaking chimp.
Kill yourself, it's a free country
Touch my dog and I'll fucking ventilate you
>human garbage who will never produce anything of value: the post
Lunatic exposed
>be nigger
>see other animal in the restaurant
>thinks it's disgusting
>your owner lets you bitch about
>She-booning intesifies
>Vets come back in defiance
>starts yelling at everyone
>gets told to fuck off
>does after a while
>Lunatic exposed
Yep. In this post:
Saw this earlier, and i laughed when I noticed the deserved shame on the white boyfriends face. Seriously what in the fuck is he doing being with someone crazy like that? I'd walk out that place and never speak to her again.
Also we can try to find the guy she was with. He has a scar on the left side of his face, should be easy to identify any matches.
Good call.
See link below for the zoning map. We'll want to start with R-3 (Area of city dedicated to multifamily units) seeing as she's younger
best thing about this video is the dog. it is the only one there that is vv good.
It (her) complaint is that she is disgusted by animals in a dining area, but hasn't considered how repulsed and disgusted everyone else in the diner felt when they saw that nigger walk in.
No. Her argument wasn't with the veteran. She got up to leave, said that's gross, and was going to walk away till some other bitch decided to stick her nose into it. This is just a fight between two bitches, not between a widow and a vet.
It a fake service dog, so there is plenty of shame to go around. Everyone in this video is fucked, but the person with the fake service dog will be unemployed and may face charges for impersonating a vet. Really, was it worth risking a criminal charge just to take you flea-ed up shit stain of a pooch into a restaurant?
Fuck me, I'm going to get mass-banned when the mods find this thread, aren't I. Shit.
THICC she's kinda cute for a nigger
>Not hiding behind 10 VPNs
Fucking normie
Can someone explain to me how it's a fake service dog? If it is then we should ruin both of their lives.
To me it'd be a non issue, it's not like the dog is behind the counter or in the kitchen where the food is made. I actually like dogs, many people have dogs as pets and eat around them yet they don't get sick. There's literally no excuse for this womans behavior in the video. A simple disagreement shouldn't escalate that far, it's petty and stupid.
Not using your brothers computer at the local library. Lmao user I donĀ“t even know you
>ruin both their lives
t. Tyrone