Who are the real enemies, Muslims or Jews?
Who are the real enemies, Muslims or Jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
Israel did 9/11
Israel killed JFK
Israel started Iraq, Syria, and Libya
Israel wants to go to war with Iran
Israel did the florida nightclub massacre
Israel is hands down the most evil country in the world.
Muslims are the symptom, jews are the disease, and an RPG is the cure.
Do you think Israel taught white women to despise you with Jewish propaganda? Serious question here, though it seems sarcastic.
Jews need to go and then Muslims in that order.
No, but that's irrelevant. You're the number 1 terrorist nation in the world.
They're the same thing. Judaism is just Islam with an entrance exam.
jews, muslims and christians are eternal enemies
Its a serious question. I'm wondering if the reason white women don't like white men is that the Jewish propaganda has influenced them. It may well be an attempt to genocide the white race
Why do you type like you have downs syndrome?
Stupid Goyim, 20 million Jews vs 1.6 Billion Muslims.
Imagine the world had 1.6 Billion Jews, you can't even handle the Jews now. Imagine all those child sacrifices, bankers' wars, infiltrated governments, and subverted populations.
Jews are the enemy, the sandniggers usually just eat camel shit and fuck goats when burgers are not trying to steal their oil.
Israel made my car run out of gas
Israel made hillary drunk
Israel made rachel madcow a raving whatsit
Israel, is there anything they can'r do?
Role Playing Game?
Make the world a better place.
Muslims = Jews - High IQ + Numbers
To use Alien/Sci-Fi analogy: The Jews control and use the Muslims as a "Alien Queen" control and uses the very numerous "little dumb aliens"
And Islam is basically Judaism in disguise but that is fairly advanced esoteric/occult/hidden-history knowledge...
The desert rats are the same. Don't fall for their tricks.
All I care about is money
Surely the muslims right, I mean that's the picture of an average looking kike after all.
muslims.. the average jew is okay.. muslim religion is cancer.
Yeah, trying, strategy burgers found out it's better to use it to fuel your war so the gas prices go up and make more profit, than to take it for yourselves.
and who brings them in ? by who's wishes are they flooding in ?
all desert religions are the enemy. islam and xtianity are jewish. desert religion belong in the desert.
Read my post above. There is a symbiosis between the 2. Jews are the smart "Alien Queen" and the Muslims are the very numerous "little dumb alien".
>has a Nazi flag
> doesn't know who is responsible for the destruction of he west
Muslims have been actively trying to BTFO Jews for a long time now while the dumb Christians in the west have been supporting and empowering them this whole time. The only Muslims being used as tools by the Jews are a small minority: Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Saudi family.
Christians are the defenders of the Jews.
Without Jews, the Muslims would be much less of a problem.
>Who are the real enemies, Muslims or Jews?
both. semites all are the real enemy. trying to make the distinction means you're either a jew, muslim or idiot.
Jews. The Muslims are fine as long as they stay in the shithole that is the Middle East, but the kikes have got to go...
Muslims are the enemies of everyone.
This isn't really a question you think needs addressed do you
>i think muslims and jews are different
you are like a baby to me
Muslims and Jews are both semites but hitler actually liked the sand nigs and funded the Muslim brotherhood to spy and kill Jews in the Middle East
White folks and Jews have a relationship like Kirk and Spock in Star Trek. It's supposed to be mutually beneficial. America wouldn't be an empire without the Jewish people.
Jews aren't invading nations.
Brown people are. The USA is as well.
Jews are currently trying to stem the flow to their nations. The don't control the EU
EU leaders are the problem, not israel. Independent jew commies are the problem. Internationalist Jew bankers are problems.
Populations are to fucking dumb to get rid of their hollyjews. Thats not Israels fault it it?
Some Kike in Russia or California isn't taking orders from a secret HQ in Israel my man.
both of them are bad
We are Jewish slaves. We obey their media, we live by their laws, we give our women to them to fuck on camera and sell back to us as porn, we give them our money to take care of, we pay taxes to them so they can take our sons to fight their wars and find their friends to build our shit roads.
The lefty Jews and righty Jews even divide us.
And they use the Muslims to distract us from hating them.
So yes the Jews fuck the Jews a million times the Jews are enemy number one,
And it's a cancer that was contained in the middle east before ZOG did 911, blew up the middle east, then allowed millions of muslims into the US and europe so we would have to be in proximity with them and develop a hatred for them, which benefits jews. Nobody in the US hardly even knew what a muslim was before 911. The jews MADE muslim our problem so we would fight their enemy. So yeah, now that the jews brought them here muslims are an enemy, but always jews are the ultimate enemy.
Classic Jew divide tactic here folks.
The Jew wants us to believe that his right hand does not know what his left hand does.
The fucking Jew created this refugee crisis, the Jew hates and wants to destroy Europe. The Jew has infiltrated and controls all Muslim countries, Saudis are Israel best buddy number one. Fake false flag terror attacks,mass financial manipulation and wealth destruction, total control over our politics and money and the Jew is still hungry for more.
Both obviously. European Christians are who we should be fighting for, not picking sides in an ancient desert squabble.
Israel runs this shit through the World Jewish Congress, look it up my fellow goy (wink wink).
The Jews don't need to invade any countries because they have invaded, infiltrated and conquered almost all countries. And now they want American goys to fight their wars and destroy any remaining independent country.
> Jews aren't invading nations.
You're right burger, they've already achieved maximum infiltration into your governments and insitutions.
You Americans are so dumb and easy to subvert, the same Zionist Jews who created Israel are the same bankers who destroyed Germany, and many other nations.
The Rothschilds created Israel, destroyed germany, and funded the communists through wallstreet. The head of the snake is always Zionist Jews.
I think your race needs to be wiped out first because you burgers are too stupid, then we will be able to exterminate the Zionist Jews unhindered.
Good goy fight for a Jewish messiah and the Church a Jewish terrorist (Paul) setup to take revenge on the Roman Empire.
The Jews have been Jews being Jews since the ancient world.
>Jews write a book claiming they are the master race, Americans believe it.
>Americans unironically believe it and worship a Jewish messiah and reformer who didn't give a fuck about non Jews.
What the actual fuck.
Your knowledge of the (((Conspiracy))) is superficial. The Nazis also tried to BTFO the Jews and yet the Jews financed the Nazi Party into power, sabotaged the Weimar Republic to pave the way for the Nazi Party and re-armed Germany with transfers of technology starting 1922.
I used to have that very superficial view that: "Muslims dislike Jews therefore Muslims are OK" but my knowledge increased.
The fact that Jews import Muslims to our nations says it all really.
Yes. Jews took our money first. Look seriously at society. Every loser Jews has a good job, they make you laugh at their shitty fat loser cousin who now gets to be a rich comedian. Every fucking Jew is guaranteed a high position in society, and once they got that they bought our women our good natured and open hearted daughters and neighbors -- they manipulated them into being whores. They robbed any non Jew of self respect and then sent you to a Jew psychology or psychiatrist (the Jew is throught and at the end of both forks in a road you will find him) to convince you you are worthless.
It's called a trans valuation. And now the Jew wants to take your anger and hate and direct it at the Muslim.
Sorry Jew.
Also, Israel is racist. As a White Supremacist, I always stand with my Arab brothers
Hack the US presidential elections?
I know that the Rothschild walso funded Hitler's party, they always fund both sides of everything to achieve their goals.
>The fact that Jews import Muslims to our nations says it all really.
They don't import Muslims, the scare Muslims out of the Middle East; it's different.
His knowledge is superficial but so is yours. Muslims are the Jew's tool and the Jews control Saudi-Israelbestbuddy(tm)-Arabia and "World Islam". They keep Muslims poor and animalistic so they can use the Muslims to attack Europe.
The Jews jewiness has advanced considerably since he cucked the Roman Empire into worshipping his messiah.
Arabs are our brothers against the kikes
I know they started it, but honestly a woman being that ruthless and hot at the same time... seriously activates my almonds
Who are the real enemies? The Germans or the Japs?
kys, kike shill
They are ruthless murderers
Genetically speaking, they are almost the same. The real problem are people. Shoot all bipeds indiscriminately.
>Who are the real enemies, Muslims or Jews?
T. Muslim shill
And the US is it's little lap dog
Why not both
Muslims, they are an immediate threat
We can genocide the kikes later
Jews believe in the rule of the Law and that man has a contract with God even He will not violate.
Muslims insist on submission to the whims of the fuckwitted batshit insane sandnigger in the sky.
Jews were never the enemy. Just the petf3ct scapegoat for "Christian" elites to frame for the gangrape and murder of children in the pagan rites they still practice in secret. Judaism has always been an open Book. It's called the Bible.
jews cant breed like that you fuckwit
there will never be abillion jews because they intentionally interbreed and intentionally have fuck fuck all kids
and i rolled 88 so im clearly right
20 million jews who can be killed with our words or 2 billion sand niggers
>Jews aren't invading nations.
>Jews were never the enemy.
Lol fuck off kike, don't you have some gentile child sacrifices to do somewhere?
Puppets and puppet masters.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Thank you leaf.
Muslims are enemies, many Jews are annoying as fuck but as a group do not pose a threat
Why are Jew posters the easiest ones to identify?
Not even a question, Jews.
Muslims are a symptom of the problem not the problem itself.
If you had to ask you should have lurked more. Stop posting, retard, and lurk more before trying this again.
The answer is both. Islam is a creation of Judaism, used to crush their enemies, namely Christendom and all others who stand in their way.
/thread. sage
>ask stupid loaded question
>post fake pic of attractive female IDF soldier
>implying OP doesn't actually know what they're doing.
Could be Russia or the south.
>I am confuse
Jews. WIthout a fucking doubt.
The muslims are like pissed off hornets that swarm after the jews hit the nest and blamed it on the US.
Everyone suffers under schlomo's financial grip.
So much this
Neither jews nor muslims are as big a threat to the west as most think. Atheists, specifically leftist atheists are. Who brought the muslims IN to europe? Who tries to bring mexicans into america? Who hates Christianity with an absolute passion and wishes to tear down the culture that was built by Christians? Leftist atheists. They are responsible for socialism, communism, the nazis, the american democrats in their current state and the list goes on and on. There is no greater threat to the west than the leftist atheist.
This cunt is smokin
rich white people
Wtf, are you retarded? Replace literally every "leftist/atheist" in your paragraph with "Jews" and you are correct.
This so much.
It is the US which is leading the pro-semitic train, where as Europeans just have to fall behind and do as the US orders.
If the US wasn't subverting, there would already have been another holocaust.
Sup Forums, Muslims, then Anti Semites.
But seriously, I really want to fuck this bitch.