so i visited both countries this month and Jesus Christ was it a shock. France is filled with Africans roaming the streets i felt stupid for learning french because everyone spoke their niggnog language. when i visited my families home in jalisco, mexico , whites and euro looking people everywhere , but it dawned on me how the fuck did France end up like that. wtf is wrong with Europe . im sticking with Spain from now on , im to scared to see how fucked up Europe really is.
Mexico is whiter than France
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Mexico is actually a very racist country, which is why there are not alot of asians or blacks there
I visited mexico city and saw more whites walking around than in my home town (L.A.)
feels bad man
I wouldn't doubt it. Probably even Argentina
i really thought the African thing in france was a meme but its fuckin real
there are a lot of chinks in the northwest.
where there many qt white girls?
Say it with me folks:
Can confirm. I have family roots in Jalisco.
For the doubters, google image search "Los Altos de Jalisco". There's a reason why most of the pictures are of women.
there is a lot of chinks opening chinese food places
Lmao nigger what, Jalisco is white but its not THAT white, not even close.
We send all our shit skins across the border to ask for gibs.
>Angering the Frogs at this hour.
We mainly killed them
Search for Genocides against Chinese and blacks in México. They were massive.
Not the whole thing, especially the western half of the state. But there's a good number of Whites in Guadalajara and especially in the Los Altos region. Los Altos is easily 80% Castizo/Criollo.
Nice integer. But are many of them paler than that like gingers? Just curious.
lots of euro looking people in the capital. I think it is because mexico is racist so there is not as much interbreeding. But their euro's are spanish/italian so they are pretty swarthy.
okay, keep telling yourself that 5/8 white and 3/8 aztec is euro looking.
beats nigger
They sent all their criminals and gang bangers up north
Based Mexico
There are a shitload of asians, but we kill the uppity ones so they behave.
We put most of our niggers in a basket and shoved them into the caribbean.
Mexico is not white but it should be. We must finish what the Spaniards started with the caste system
I am a redhead.
Grandparents were irish, menonite, german and spanish. My sister is blonde and blue-eyed.
Mexico is weird, there's a bit of everything but the climate toasts our skin closer in tone to each other. Maybe that's why we're more likely to be cool to our neighbors even if we're gaelic and they're mediterranean. People are only really racist towards asians who refuse to integrate, jews and bad indians (tarahumaras, and southern indians), good indians like yaquis are generally thought of as ok tho.
Callense a la verga pendejos.
No se quejen cuando los racistas decidan matarlos a ustedes por no ser blancos puros.
Nadie es superior e inferior a nadie.
>I am a redhead.
Canelo ?
Please, no one reply to the indio. Thank you.
>bad indians (tarahumaras, and southern indians)
Is this due to a reputation for something?
>good indians like yaquis
Only know of the Yaquis from reading Don Juan. Why are they thought of as OK?
What is he saying user?
Wow cool. I didn't know there where that there where any blonds and redheads types there. Maybe I'll came down there sometime and get a Mexican ginger qt, but only if she's conservative and dislikes leftists.
muchas rubias en guadalajara. especially in the nicer areas.
pinche indio... regresea al campo
le 50% white poster
Lmaoing at you
he said he was a filthy shitskin mexican. the rest is just beaner babble.
Not really
Niggers are dumb as rocks, but spics are smart enough to be a whole new level of vicious
I'm saying that mexicans shouldn't feel proud of our racist history.
They should not be trying to please thesd american racists either because they all see us as inferior and will be happy to kill us all regardless of how white we may look.
No one is inherently inferior or superior to anyone.
pinche cabron
>t.negro pito chico
i honestly feel bad for you and your country
It's lots of beaning out but I believe he's trying to say that the racists will kill us for not being pure white... Which is clearly not the point because we don't want our people in the US and we want to bring back all Mexicans in the US so there would be no point for race clashes.
And that no one is superior or inferior to anyone. Again, marxism at work.
Pero yo soy blanco puro, sólo resulta que nací en México.
It's not in my country that niggers are presidents and burn down entire towns
as for the metzisos in your pic if they can pass as whites in your shithole then you're racially more damaged than i thought
Where the fuck did you go, we don't consider Paris french anymore you fucking shithead.
Agree niggers deserve nothing. Lowest Race of them all.
why are you so salty go talk to your sisters botfriend tyrone
Estan bonitas y blancas si, pero estan bien planas. Estan mas buenas las mezcladas de la capital en GDL, mas nalgonas y chichonas. Pero aun mejor en Sinaloa y Sonora, uff
American tourist in paris here. It's 50% French, 20% nigger, 10% arab, 5% Asian and 5% tourists like me. Paris isn't as bad as pol told me it would be
Good luck with that, not she's likely to have gone to college so he likely has a clue of how conservatism is retarded, but politically speaking Mexico's right is left-center relative to the U.S., our right-wing party implemented something like similar to medicaid among many other left-like initiatives.
send all the gringos to sonora and sinaloa. i'm sure they'll have a great time.
Very true. Europe is so much more fucked than America is. Mexicans may be tamed into lesser White people, but such a thing is impossible with the Arab and African immigrants.
Gibs indios vs workhorse indios.
Tarahumaras expect to live off government gibs and "cultural relevance", the yaqui are macro-economically relevant farmers and ranchers. The mixtecs in Guerrero force their kids into prostitution with pedophile tourists, the yaqui built their own schools up to baccalaureate level that teach everything in both spanish and their mother tongue. The zapoteca in Oaxaca demand respect to their customs and habits such as marrying children and claim opression everytime the federal government tells them to fuck off, the yaqui fought a war against the federal government in the 1910's, got fractured into two tribes with some migrating to Arizona and Nevada while others were captured and forced to work plantations in Yucatan until they rebelled and walked all the way back to their homeland to rebuild their towns.
No shit mexicans hate some indians, the only majority indigenous peoples left are the ones nobody wanted to touch or the ones that were too brave and hardass to tame.
If they have money I'm sure they will, cartels love american's appetite for drugs, keeps them rich and armed
siempre es divertido ver el complejo de inferioridad que tienen algunos punetas, nunca cambies jose.por sierto como te fue con el temblor. acá no se sintió nada
If it was legal we would drown our miserables in the sea. Because it's not, we let them walk into america and get shot by the border patrol.
It's not really our fault the shitty mexicans have proven to be superior settlers than west-coast libcucks and niggers.
We really wish the only mexicans left were the good ones, but everytime we try to cleanse the country we have bleeding hearts from other countries threatening to stop buying our shit and we've got too much food and cars to sell.
I spent the past 3 months in europe, and the only place I really saw an alarming rate of subhumans was in London, disgusting city. I didn't even encounter very many at all in Germany. I didn't go to France but I've been wondering if it's as bad as Sup Forums says.
>t. Butthurt 4ft tall indio
i'm all for idiot americans doing drugs and any other illegal activity in mexico. helps clean out the gene pool.
Hey they are okay. better then those good for nothing niggers from haiti the cuck mexicali gov helping them more then actual mexicans!.
not cool to be racist among our kind my mexican decent friend. also i doubt that guy is indio. indios don't know sites like this, only normie shit like facebook.
best/safest places in mexico that aren't touristy? i haven't been in forever because of the crime and violence.
also prayers for the df and anywhere else hit by the earthquake.
they are the definition of a druglord trophy wife
So? Why do Mexicans have to stop being Mexicans?
Monterrey is nice if you don't mind the traffic.
Go to Cuahutémoc, Chihuahua. There is a community of menonites that have settled there. They speak their own language and barely integrate with the rest of mexico. So they have built beautiful western style houses and developed a pretty amazing agricultural industry that puts their mexican neighbors to shame.
Also try their cheese.
But they're both equally gay
just avoid michoacan and any place bordering with USA and you will be fine. i live in colima so i know
you forgot to mention that they are extremely inbred. also lack basic services like electricity
and good dental health because of religion.
and they live in the fucking decert in the middle of fucking nowere
Guadalajara does a good job of mixing historical buildings with more modern aesthetics.
Mexicans are all criminals and drug dealers. Just look at how all of America's heroin comes from nayarit.
Nice try you filthy spic.
French fag living in japan. I've never been to Mexico, so I can't tell, but it pains me to admit that France is not a white country anymore.
We all like to mock Italy and Spain, but these 2 countries are more white that that shithole my country has become.
I lived in Montpellier and you can't even sit down outside and relax. Every single fucking time a muslim or a nigger comes
asking you for one euro, tobacco...
My country is gone. I just plan to marry a jap, have yellow kids and make my white genes disappear.
thanks for the info. i'm long overdue for a vacation.
Still, they are interesting to see.
Also many menonites have fucked mexican women so there is a sizable numbre of white mexicans around the northen parts of the country.
The menonites tend to abandon them though, which means that many of these white kids grow up empoverished and without parental guidance.
this is true,
I've felt safer in literal sub-saharan countries full of niggers than in France
Stop posting pictures of my girlfriend.
Poor junkies can't just not buy that shit in the first place, it's literally forced on them by those sady 5 foot goblins that roam the streets of Commiefornia.
Poor poor white bois.
only time i've been to guadalara was a 24 hour layover. i've always wanted to go back. i'm assuming it's still relatively safe as long as you're not stupid?
>you forgot to mention that they are extremely inbred.
Not all of them, some mix with other non shit skins, also the ones that scape the comunes mix too.
>Mexicans are all criminals and drug dealers
All gringos are niggers.
See, I can say stupid shit too.
Is 6'1 tall in Mexico?
If you have a car try driving through the Sierra (the mountain range. I've only seen the western side) its pretty comfy to witness the sights of nature and its relatively free.
I also live in Montpellier... In my state, I think it was named by La Fayette. If a black or Muslim did that here I would just untuck my sidearm ostentatiously and tell them they had to speak louder because I didn't hear him.
Nobody bothers anybody here.
For the most part.
My father is 6'2
But my mother is 5'3.
Sadly I inherited my mother's short genes :(
I, for one, have always been in favor of nuclear weapons used on xalisco. And hell, sinaloa too while we're at it.
What you said is literally contradictory. What I said is 100% true.
Nice, time to book a trip and lose my virginity
Me dan lastima muchos de ustedes lamiendole los huevos a los gringos :D
Con el nopalote en la frente pero ahi hablando de raza blanca, como si no les corriera mole por las venas. Pendejos.
He's shitposting ignore him
De por si ya estamos bien globalizados.
Mejor ser gringo de segunda clase que mexicano de primera.