What does Sup Forums think of David Icke? Is he /ourguy/?
David icke
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he's...kinda icky
icke is too greenpilled for our own good
also reptilians may just be code for archon possession
No. You're green.
crazy in a good way and he dosent shill for a ny billionaire for 1 million a year ......
He has done a lot for our movement and he has a lot of knowledge about the hidden nature of the universe.
Unfortunately lately he's taken his finger off the pulse of the consciousness awakening and his words becoming less and less relevant.
he sounds strange but he has a nasty habit of being right
he's incredibly bad at basic maths
he just uses whatever best fits his narrative
>thinks reptilians and shapeshifters live in the 4th dimention
hello dumbass, the 3th dimention is the PROJECTION of the 4th. its not a fucking portal
he's /ourreptilian/. think about it, only a reptilian could know so much about the reptilians. he is a traitor to his kind for our sake.
Well that makes sense since the archons can't actually physically manifest in our dimension - they can only PROJECT their consciousness energy and manipulate us with pure intent.
well I guess it worked on jews
still, following this logic, we'll never gonna see one
Seeing isn't the same as experiencing.
Maybe because he and David Wilcock and all those other New Age faggots stopped being relevant after putting all their eggs into that Dec 21st, 2012 basket.
icke knows that jews are reptilians
he says reptilians instead of jews
best advice is believe in god
don't believe in icke
i read phantom self and it is just a bunch of memes in powerpoint style--IN A BOOK
it is garbage. relies on hollywood to explain his points. GARBAGE.
I'm not saying he doesn't know any occulted info, I'm saying he explains occulted info in an occulted way, which is bullshit.
choose your faith, user.
or christ
David literally said NOTHING was going to happen you mong.
>he says reptilians instead of jews
WRONG! He literally means reptilians. IS THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND JEWISH? NO!
Now fuck off, kike.
Yeah, he redpilled me on Trump just before this whole staged North Korea thing started.
"Oh no now we have to go to war with Iran and Russia! That sucks goy....I mean guys."
Depends on what you mean by "see".
We can't hardly see wind and yet you can still look upon a grassy field and see that the wind is there and blowing.
>works on Jews
That's because, from what I can tell, Jews literally worship them. Plus the "illuninati" seem to have many rituals by which to strengthen the archon's connection with this dimension.
But it's worth noting that they also influence normal people every day but their effort is so subtle it usually goes unnoticed and remains in the subconscious. However if you multiply that subtle effect by millions (or billions) of people across thousands of years you'll end up with a distinct influential pattern - like a gentle breeze blowing on a mound of sand.
That pattern seems to line up quite nicely with the Global Conspiracy Theory.
>muh frequencies
I prefer gnosticism that ISNT steeped in paranoia.
T. Intellectual and Chosen
i think we just shed light on why everything icke says is bullshit
Are you really a Jew that accepted Christ?
I'll make up my own mind thank you very much.
Why is it when it comes to conspiracy theories everyone is either a snarky dismissive normie that buys the official line despite history proving it's never true - or a complete scatterbrained fruitcake that says everything is a conspiracy?
Why isn't there an equivalent of infowars that doesn't mix in loads of nonsense with the true stuff or allow 'former' CIA agents to come on and say there's slave colonies on mars?
>Not knowing there are slave colonies on Mars.
The Jews we obsess over on Sup Forums in particular are demon possessed, yes. You can think of them as reptiles. The devil is both a snake in the beginning (Genesis) and a dragon at the end (Revelations). Both are a reptilian figure.
anything worth while takes faith
believe what you will
I worked with him for a little while when he launched his online tv channel. which turned out to be a huge fail. he says some decent stuff but he walks around with an air of superiority like he's above everyone else. He has a lot of crackpot fans that hang on his every word and idolize him, it's pretty pathetic.
what's that supposed to mean!
planted strawman and fallguy from the kikes for people who seeks truth to be branded as insane as this guy.
Icke is what happens when you overdose on green pills
No, he's the opposite. He exposes Zionism but he doesn't expose the Globalist Marxists. Therefore he's a Cultural Marxist.
Sup Forums is a Zionist Republican Nationalist board, the enemy of Globalist Cultural Marxist Democrats.
David Icke: Earns over a million dollars a year thanks to his outlandish content.
Alex Jones: Earns millions each year thanks to his eccentric style and outlandish content.
Money, money, money.
If these cunts were worth a listen, they'd be pushing for an inquiry regarding DWS and the fucking DNC. I'm not even American and I want to know what the fuck was going on, or at least to see DWS hung in front of the American people for treason.
His whole adventure at the end of his BBC carreer. Late 80's early 90's. Fabricated? It cost him his job.
he's part of the /x/-men
Cosmic Multi-universal Jewish Satanic Shapeshifting Lizard Men in suits.
He's pretty much right, but he blames the culprit in coded language. His solution is on point, as well. Basically, the (((reptilians))) have no power if we don't give them power. We could all wake up tomorrow.
i think he is a delusional faggot who made money off retards.
Yeah, I know for a fact that his "teaching events " on his tours make him pretty rich. Near San Francisco, he sells out mega theaters with 5000 seats, at 200 dollars a seat, twice a year. That's just the bat area. He writes the same book every year, and it sells like crazy. It's strange, in one way he's the closest to the pizzagate truth, etc. In another way, he's preaching to a choir with no power. His people are paranoid new agers, not conservatives. I don't know. He's nuts, and sorta correct about e everything.
>When you spend too much time on Sup Forums and you start unironically calling black people niggers during heated arguments.
metal slug?
When I first went down the rabbit hole I thought he was amazing then I discovered he stole all his material from Jordan Maxwell, Graham Hancock and other people.
He's awesome. The people he calls reptilians might as well be reptilians. Makes no difference
He's my guy.