why did boomers sell their nation's future?
Why did boomers sell their nation's future?
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They're selfish
Because doing physical work is really hard, and cheap labor is really easy
For the last fucking time, it wasn't boomers. It was gen x women, specifically the kind that were always destined to die married to a litter of cats, and it's because their favourite high school was a literal Soviet spy.
Every fucking day, it was never boomers. Boomers are about as intelligent as people who didn't grow up with the internet can be. Only gen x is notably stupid.
Boomers aborted about 1/3 of gen X
We would still be overwhelmingly white if they weren't such degenerate pieces of shit.
Because they were cucked by anti imperialism.
boomers worked hard you useless millenial piece of shit. They didn't grow up watching tv and guzzling soft drink. Honestly millenials are the niggers of the white race
Because we would have if they hadn’t.
Yeah it's real hard work to hire a mexican at slave wages to do your job for you
Which means... what?
It's still just boomers doing the really crazy stuff, like rejecting people for jobs BECAUSE they have merit (and merit is privilege of course), or all the badly spelled inclusively diverse tolerance bullshit? That's more gen x women. Some of these people have views so crazy they've literally indoctrinated themselves to spam a sophist word salad until you give up.
Boomers don't do this shit, you're literally blaming them for negligence and inaction. Gen x actively fuck with young white men and usually behind a bureaucrat's or administrator's desk.
>Honestly millenials are the niggers of the white race
>all millenials are women
This also annoys me.
Young men don't watch TV or mainstream shit, they pirate shit or use YouTube. Stop pretending all millennials are women and even then, stop pretending all millennial women are gen x cat lady clones.
Boomers opened the floodgates to non-whites and thrive off the cheap foreign labour
they go out with a bang
Regardless they already spent all of their end of life care credits, so it's oven time!
Weakest generation?
Yes, they were short sighted, thoughtless and culpable of inaction due to not fixing the mess they left behind.
Gen x lesbians outright attack young men any way they can. There is no comparison here, laziness and evil is not equivocal, gen x lesbians are literally evil. They have literally morally justified hating a very specific group (white men between 18-35), they even tell other people that they become good people when they hate this specific group. This is evil, it's literally convincing evil actions are actually good actions.
not even a passing care to any future generations in the slightest,
they are here for themselves and themselves only
Boomers still had a lasting negative impact that outstrips anything middle aged cat ladies are doing now.
They were the first generation to invent shaming the shit out of anyone who did not work in an office in a suit. Anyone who did any labor with their hands or wore coveralls was considered to be low class unintelligent shit. And then shunned the fuck out of any other white person who did not mind working as a plumber, mechanic, or farmer.
Because they were trained from birth to be completely removed of social responsibility and in return for their submission to the Zionists they were given a nice comfy life.
Fucking spineless parasites.
Boomers were quite literally the worst generation ever. WW2 generation hates them, X hates, them Millenials hate them, Zyklon fucking hates them, everyone hates them.
Strange enough though, boomers can't get enough of themselves.
They did too many drugs and fried their brains. They dont even realize what they've done, and that's the saddest part
You mean like the horde of white men with STEM degrees who literally can't use them because they couldn't gain the required experience immediately after uni? Or do you mean the horde of women who feel false sexual assault allegations are legitimate revenge? Maybe you mean the protest culture on American tertiary education campuses that's led by women? Actually, you might actually mean the growing Marxist and communist tendencies which lead to higher taxes and laxer border control? No, you totally mean the current status quo of Marxists systematically harassing white men during the morning commute.
No, seriously, boomers dumb economic choice during the 70s and 80s was like, yeah whatever. I'd probably make the same mistake, why wouldn't I want to use all that cheap labour? It was a mistake though.
Gen x lesbians are doing this shit maliciously. That makes them worse.
You think that's bad? All these liberal Millenials are giving it away to feel like saviors. At least the boomers will one day die and their kids/grandkids will inherit a piece. Unless Trump succeeds, Millenials will be looked at as the worst generation to ever happen to any Western nation in history.
lmao okay gramps, believe that if you must; nobody else will
>and their kids/grandkids will inherit a piece.
Nice lie there you fucking boomer scum