Yuru Yuri
Doesn't seem like Kyouko agrees with you
best yuru
yui is smart
How was San Hai? I never gave it a shot since it wasn't Dogakobo/Masahiko Ohta. I already got burned with Minami-ke Okawari so I don't want another Ohta-directed fun show to be ruined by garbage animaton/direction.
Does anyone have the picture of Ayano pointing at a blackboard, explaining why she's best girl?
Season 4 never.
I haopen to have that.
Yup, her math checks out.
What are your 3 favorite things about Akari?
Mine are:
1. Her Hairbuns
2. She's nice to everyone
3. Extremely bullyable
The tights really make the character.
It was okay, sometimes like s1/2 but mostly its own thing. It felt more SoL-like than comedy. Not as bad as a transition from Minami-ke s1 -> 2, but somewhat like s1 vs s3. Technically TYO's has got better art but I don't like their palettes and music as much.
It was awful like no other thing. They changed Yui's hair color, and the heights of Himawari and Sakurako were inconsistent from scene to scene; sometimes one would be taller and some other times it would be the other way around. They got rid of good stuff that had been going for two seasons like the A-karin! thing and most of the recurrent puns, and they replaced them some autistic coffee fetish; coffee is a big deal in YuruYuri now for some reason. Then they added a great song at the ED and they even made the characters play the music on several instruments, but if you watch carefully the playing animation isn't realistic; IRL what they're playing would sound awful and nothing like the ED song, they totally fucked it.
These are just the things I can remember from the top of my head, but back in the day I compiled a list of every single thing they botched and they were like 230ish things. I loved Yuru Yuri, but it is officially dead after that season.
I really enjoyed it, there were some noticeable differences but the show as a whole was still good
China Sue is best girl in S3. Update your waifuindex senpai.
I want to hug Yui!
Ai is Nadeshiko's girlfriend.
Hanako is wise beyond her years.
She is also sexual beyond her years
...if you know what I mean.
>Then they added a great song at the ED and they even made the characters play the music on several instruments, but if you watch carefully the playing animation isn't realistic; IRL what they're playing would sound awful and nothing like the ED song, they totally fucked it.
This is advanced nitpicking man. Do the cute girls still do cute things? y/n
Yes, they do. And Best Girl does especially cute things in one episode. Pic related.
Even without tights she's still a cutie.
thank god I'm too retarded to notice shit like this
You're not retarded, he's just incredibly autistic
the president is CUTE
She's the cutest
>her little cough in the first episode she's in
Everything about it just screams "amateur hour." A prime example of bad voice direction or directing in general. It's got to be one of the most depressingly generic anime I've ever seen, on top of little to BAD animation and neutered character interactions. If you don't have any standards you will like it.
The music is bad at times and Kyouko's voice actress forgot how to do her voice. Ayano was made into a blushing moeblob who's ready to cry at a moment's notice. People sometimes call the characters too simple and boring, now they I would agree with them. The designs were also made to be closer to the manga's current look, but they can't pull it off given how cheap it looks, and how barely expressive the characters are. How I wish it was just the manga with voice, but they completely miss the mark.
The whole scene that revolves around her at the start of one of the S3 episodes just makes my heart melt
Your rant reminds me of that nerd in Simpsons complaining about how hitting he same bone twice produced a different sound.
It was different in a good way, it was sweet and feel good in a way most of the other episodes in the show weren't. Less glossy designs weren't really better or worse just a bit different. I also happen to believe the first Nachuyachumi was the best Yuru Yuri thing that came out so I'm a fan of the team that took on San Hai.
What has science done?