>2008: Obama
>2012: Obama
>2016: Clinton
>2020: ?
Who should I shill for in 2020? I'm leaning toward one of the three in pic related.
>2008: Obama
>2012: Obama
>2016: Clinton
>2020: ?
Who should I shill for in 2020? I'm leaning toward one of the three in pic related.
Other urls found in this thread:
Choose D for all of the above
A poverty pimp, a fake native American, and a feminist.
Yeah this would be the lineup I'd expect.
Sexy MILFS. This is vexing. I'm vexed. Vexed.
Which one can take out her teeth?
Elizabeth Warren doesn't have any scandals
only shit they got on her is native american memes
2020: Obama
And her accusing small businesses and truck drivers of not paying taxes.
None of the individuals in your picture inspire any leadership or loyalty
The one on the left is qt tho
Ya I feel like this could be a good option. I feel like she might be the only one who could unite the Hillary wing and Bernie wing of the party.
Elizabeth warren is jill stein tier.
No one cares about her.
Who ever you think will do the most damage. Society must collapse
Lean into oncoming traffic.
I have to admit she's not really wrong on this one. Probobaly should add independent contractors on that list too.
I'm sorry but are you honestly trying to tell me the hope of your party is Elizabeth fucking Warren? That's like saying Jeb has a shot.
Pocahontas. I want to use it as a meme.
Then just reelect Trump.
Tulsi Gabbard
2018: atombomb
2019: Sup Forums is the new government
I'm open to it. But she is young and only a congresswoman. Also she met with Assad which is problematic.
Woman will never be president
t. Silent majority
I'd go down on Warren.
more like the vocal minority
Sander 2020
Biden if you actually want to win
Needs to be white, male with deep blue collar sympathies.
If you just want to meme feel free to pick any self-righteous career-politician cunt though. A woman won't be president in the USA for a long time.
1. not a Democrat
2. is partially responsible for Trump
>fuck marry kill
>kill kill fuck
None. Sanders has the only chance of victory.
He along with Michael Moore are literally the only Democrats who understand what happened in 2016 and how to fix it. Thankfully, they will be totally ignored.
I'd shill for Joe. I hear that argument too. I just think maybe it's time to look forward and not backward. I could be wrong though. He might be a great choice.
Is that Chelsea Clinton on the right?
Tulsi Gabbard
And who?
gabbard, harris or zuckerberg
zuck would run most expensive corrupt campaign in history and lose.
gabbard or harris would beat trump.
Zuck can go fuck himself. He is in bed with the RUSSIANS!
Ugh, why do the Democrats insist on being a meme? Stop trying to push a talking vagina, and find a way to connect with actual voters - not faggot commies who don't vote anyhow.
gabbard :D
harris :/
or zuckerberg X( (vomit)
KamHar the half dot half nig who larps as a pure nig for the gibs. Not even raised by her nig daddy and sent to private schools where most of her friends were white. who does that remind me of...
racist much?
See this is why the current dnc is a shit the best choice is jim webb but the current democrat party is too far up their own ass with identity politics that they cant even field a good candidate.
I firmly believe the democrat party has no chance as long as it remains anti white anti male and anti straight. Choosing another woman would be a massive mistake.
Hilldawg needs to take another stab at it desu
>A+ rating from NRA
>muh Vietnam
no thanks
Harris is a crazy bitch and Warren is also. Trump would win landslide
Love her but no. Time to pass the torch.
Nah, it was #HerTurn
She needs to do this for women everywhere
Have water handy, gonna be dusty.
Custer's revenge revenge
It was but they stole it from her. It's time for another woman to finish the job and break the glass ceiling.
I didn't pay for the maywether fight - but I'd pay to watch trump debate Jill stien. I'd invite more people to my house than could fit - and I'd buy a better tv and sound system just for the occasion. I'd record the crowd reactions too with camera under the screen. Later in life, is describe it to my children, and anyone that made eye contact.
Joe Biden and Mark Cuban will be the biggest competitors to Trump in 2020. Biden with the white working class appeal and Cuban with the businessman outsider appeal.
kys. Jim Webb is the last best Democrat
Andrew Cuomo is certainly going to run. Maybe Bloomberg, but I don't think so.
Cuomo is legit. Not sure about Bloomberg but still better than Trump. Bloomberg is good on climate and guns.
Yes to Biden. No to Cuban. I'd still pick Cuban over Trump though.
I'd still gladly go with him over Trump but he left the party and attacked Hillary. So he can fuck right off.
Muh primary was rigged.
fuck no
still better than Trump though
Jim Webb
Cuomo doesn't seem like a terrible option but still pretty fucking establishment for berniefags
The Democrat party has nothing but SJWs and cucks. Far left candidates scare off most of the independents. Better to go with a fiscally conservative liberal.
Probably tight as hell too.
Cuomo is a corrupt faggot, he's definitely going to run though.
Kid Rock 2024 after his senate stint. You heard it here first.
Hillary deserved to be criticized. Glad Webb had principle and chose not to endore her.
but its true
move to yurop then, if all u want is a gun grabbing/identity politics democrat, that will destory everything that is the USA, and turn it into a EU country
Kanye or David Duke
Go big or go home.
I hope he dies. Fuck that transphobic piece of shit.
Stop fucking pulling David Duke into everything.
He's an irrelevant piece of shit like Richard Spencer and nobody brought him up until the media did.
He's either COINTELPRO/CIA or he's an attention seeking faggot.
Irregardless, there should be a natsoc/alt-right candidate in 2020 and we should push him to run as a DEMOCRAT, since he'll be leftist.
I love it. Might have to take a second look at him.
All white or mostly white women. Fucking racist pieces of shit couldn't put a real black woman in their could they
How about we do none of those things and instead use sockpuppet accounts to push the most retarded, incompetent Democrat candidate.
If they lose, then they'll have easily lost.
If they win, the GOP can run circles around them and they'll get nothing done.
>Who should I shill for in 2020?
If you're going to shill for a Democrat you have to pick a black woman. They've pushed sexism and racism so hard that they NEED a black woman to prove they're serious.
fuck yes, your too stupid to see your own hand infront your face.
I'm with Her. I seriously think she can win. Trump voters won't know what hit them when they wake up and see all that blue. They won't believe the fake news leading up to the election. Lots of tears will be had.
who are the ones on the left and right? absolute PILFS
kill yourself weeb
Clinton should run again. No one else can unify the Democratic Party like she can. No one else will be able to take the fight effectively to Trump, because he's already spent all of his ammunition against her. In 4 years, Trump will have a record to run against, but Clinton will have a story of bravery and resolve and a message of unity and hope. She won the popular vote, after all, so without the last-minute tricks of Jim Comey or an email server scandal hanging overhead, she will be swept into office on a tidal wave of support.
Keep shilling for Obama.
Consider suicide just like the DNC.
Cory Booker
Kalamata Olive and Kirstie Alley
There is no chance any of them will win.
Dude, self-employed workers pay an EXTRA 7.5% income tax, because they have to pay both parts of FICA (since they are employer and employee). You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
none of these people are getting the dem nomination desu
everything points to them running a jew who'll pass as a white guy, it gives them a better chance with current demo desu
Sherrod Brown.
I like where your head's at, user
Are Democrats really this dumb? The only way Democrats will win is if they bring in someone like a 1992 Bill Clinton. Obama's novelty wore thin after his first term, and he only got a second term because he faked killing Bin Laden. The sooner Dems distance themselves from that 8 year shitfest, the sooner they'll start winning states they should have won, like Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc.
Krispy clean lock bois
You're implying the alt-white candidate won't be the most incompetent candidate.
We're Sup Forums, we have to always think 4 steps ahead for the lulz.