Sometimes I just feel like giving up

sometimes I just feel like giving up,
I mean, the amount of shit you have to put up with
just for stating the truth nowadays
you lose your friends
your family
everyone is against you,
the media
the corporations

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I have strongly considered going "off the grid." Of course it's impossible, but you can minimize your footprint.

You just described life. Get over it faggot and seize the day.

Is that a shipping container home?

ever considered you're on the wrong side of history faggot?

I enjoy the fight, personally. Much of the stuff I said 3-5 years ago have come to fruition today. Some of my friends who called me a Nazi back then are now more right wing than I am.

I remember warning them that Europe was going to be flooded by refugees and immigrants before it ever happened, for example. I told them why and who was behind it, and they called me a Nazi. Their minds were blown when it actually started happening. I told them about the media long before they started being exposed. Minds blown. I told them about the rich and influential Jews, and now they believe it... Well, some of it anyways.

Although I still talk to some of them about politics, I have cut them out of my life and haven't been happier.

Oh yeah, and here's some motivation:


>smearing blood on your face like a fucking animal
Still won't top that FB post about some dudes daughter eating a deer's, "warm, quivering heart"
These people need to be executed.

No, its mainly built out of salvaged materials tho. I think I remember reading an article about it a few months back.

Sorry greaseball, the Germanic tribes won. They actually got a culture to preserve.

I honestly wish I could kill you

>I wanna fuck my sister, gas people who won't let me

"the truth"

"Hans" have you seriously thought what is happening to your country right now? Where are you going to run to when your homelands are overrun?

so cute, loli's first Bambi

often, if you just tell things matter of fact and how they are, people will just respect your views and go on. but if you are sperging out and being an emotional retard, it drives people away.

let me give you an example "Hans", only India for example has double the population of the entire Europe, India as a country alone can siphon population to Europe and replace the entire ethnic makeup that has inhabited Europe for millennia, and this is only India, 1 country.

we're going to win. let the fools write themselves off

courage, faith

good advice

cities are fucked - centers of dependency and primary targets

degeneracy is on the wrong side of history

this isn't the first time a society has degenerated (liberalized in excess). it doesn't last long and it doesn't end peacefully

this pick, more than any other of the : you need to do x, y makes me want a family. there's somthing about it that touched my DNA inherently.

What a disgusting picture. What's wrong with you snow niggers? No wonder you get along well with Jews.

I am no ethnic german lol. You nazi virgins will never be listened to because you dealt more damage to Europe than three billion migrants could.

why do you think I wrote Hans in quotation marks you stupid fuck

meant for

Sometimes I wonder if US cities are the safest from nuclear war...

You think enemies are going to nuke our nigger shitholes for us?