You idiots got infiltrated and are being taken down by some hippie with a buttoncam. Good job you stupid fucking Nazis.
Alt-Right and Trump are done
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you infiltrate what doesn't exist
These are random people not an organization
You are basically doing undercover interviews
>We're not panicking goy shut this down
"Doesn't exist" are you insane? Do you not see these violent nazis marching down the streets and shouting about how blacks and jews need to die everyday? Have you been living under a rock these past few years? The Alt-Right is what elected Trump and it's why we need to destroy him. It's obvious that freedom only leads to cancerous unproductive and hate filled biggots because otherwise Hillary would have been elected.
Oh look another fucking Nazi. Your kind will be burned out long before we're done. Free speech can't save you much longer.
>*teleports u into the gas chamber*
Nothing personnell juden
Keep up the hatespeech bigot, just more evidence to put you down later.
Nuh uh im behind 8 proxies you can't get me Moshe
I went to the hope not hate website:
>We’re going to out-organize, out athlete and outsmart the far right. We’re going to close down the spaces they operate in. We’re going to build communities who believe in hope.
guys check this shit out its unbelivable
We are the resistance you fucking dark wizards. Scared yet?
oh look another share blue thread
>what doesn't exist
being decentralized just makes you easier to infiltrate
>Alt-Right and Trump are done
he just gave one of the most inspired speeches ever at the UN
Youve been crying impeach and promising he's 'done' since the day he took office and it still hasn't happened
You said Hillary will take office and Trump jailed
didn't happen
The more claims you make, especially daily ones such as 'Alt-Right and Trump are done' without any results at all just make you look weaker and disorganized to anybody you are trying to appease.
Eventually, as we are seeing now even in the MSM you are looked at as a joke because of this.
Wasn't the timeline you expected but this is where we are. Sorry kid, better luck next time
Have you checked out the article comments?
The left is dangerous. They've gone full tribal.
Nothing is weaker then Hate. You think we're not winning? Youtube and Twitter are already silencing your toxic content and keeping them from the mainstream. You're just a bunch of weak crying old men shouting about how people don't deserve to exist. You're disgusting and none of you belong in our world of Hope.
2/10 poor quality bait
empty threats from a dying organization
It's like in torture videos when the victim is on their last breaths and has one last effort to fight against the inevitable
You've seen what they look like burger user, I'd be more worried about their choice of attire and hygiene than the threat they pose.
Wasn't there a rule for announcing sage? oh right I forgot you cucks can't even follow your own rules but still like to pretend you can take over the world.
Looking at the riots and ANTIFA are what disturb me.
I want to defeat the left. Once and for all.
You can't beat us. You really haven't learned anything about the real world have you? Evil might get a little ground in the short term but good always wins out in the end.
White men marching scares this kike
You're not allowed to announce a report, sage is fine.
Nice job outing yourself as a regular LARPing as a leftist btw.
6/10 bait. Close, but no cigar.
The rule is about not telling that you have saged a thread, not about giving a friendly advice to your fellow Sup Forumstards
But I forgot lefties can't understand how rules work.
you came here to screech autistically and give us our daily reminder that Trump is done, despite the contrary, if anyone is weak and crying it is you.
Haven't you seen our latest youtube campaign? It's brilliant but I'll let you research that, Twitter is the lefts own worst enemy, a database of contradicitons for future reference.
You support gays, traps, drugs, rapefugees, open borders and degeneracy in general, how can you talk of hope?
Wearing Che Guverra t shirts and having 'meetings' after university doesnt count as winning, friendo. Our god emporor reigns over the USA and in effect the world, which means you too. :)
Nothing scares me
You cucks don't even read forum rules before posting anywhere? Go cry to your mom about your fake bait. We are here and we are winning.
The Alt-Right has been sitting back letting the left destroy itself. We will remain intact when you are gone.
>Racist hu-whyte boyz fap at Blacked.cum
My BBC just twitched. LOL! :D
The undercover guy should have lurked more before writing about alt-right and everything else related to anti-SJW fighting.
Pic related.
>good always wins out in the end.
So you agree the mighty dollar that really rules the world is a good thing?
Isn't that what you are against?
to be young kek
well the alt right will grow and set up a new world order from poland to seattle. we will convert all of the alt lite to white nationlism then all conservatives. the final blow to have a new white world order is gonna be when we bring funmentlists christians to the slt right. may great God Kek be wth you
I doubt he even spent a year
this is all probably just a jew backed psyop
Your youtube "campaign" is never going to work. Google's policy is "don't be evil" remember? or did you forget which side you were on?
You don't support treating people with respect, basic human rights and the strength of diversity. You actively fight against any science that conclusively proves your positions wrong. The only one living in a fantasy realm is you and the rest of you trump loving idiots. Hope will always win against Hate.
>Hillary would have won in a country that wasn't free
All the more reason to be free faggot
>censorship is winning
fuck m8 sort yourself out
In what possible way did the "mighty dollar" win out in the end? The Capitalist experiment has conclusively proven that money does nothing but promote greed and innequality.
Spotted the retard.
America isn't capitalist anymore. That's when we started failing.
nice numbers
>You don't support treating people with respect,
>basic human rights
>and the strength of diversity.
this is where the problem is. you call diversity uneducated refugees coming from war torn countries with completely different sets of moral standards and forced into our societies 'diversity'.
that's called insanity
>You actively fight against any science that conclusively proves your positions wrong
You have a mainstream media that lies to the public and cherrypick 'scientists' that support your views, yet ignore any who don't. exactly what you are complaining about
> hope will always win against hate
But we have both
>In what possible way did the "mighty dollar" win out in the end?
wew lad, you pay to go to university?
pay for medical?
pay for things you don't need?
pay your bills and taxes?
you're part of the system and a slave to the dollar.
> The Capitalist experiment has conclusively proven that money does nothing but promote greed and innequality.
that's a really nice sentiment but wars are fought over commodities and if you take a look around society and everywhere in general you'll find most people dedicate their lives to money and making sure they have enough to make ends meet or on the other end of the scale buy whatever they want.
You're saying the world isn't run by the dollar?
You don't even read your own forum rules, you never provide trigger warnings, you insult people for no reason it goes on.
You want to outlaw children's lives you sick fucks how can you claim to support human rights?
They're refugees. People running from war. You're trying to send them back to fucking war. That's without even mentioning their skills and manpower forwhatever society takes them in. Germany is flourishing with it's new blood and will be one of the new world superpowers just you wait and see.
I'm complaining about you denying diversity is a strength it doesn't take a genius to figure that out but why am I even bothering talking to idiots about science who think 9/11 was faked and the earth is flat.
Evil empires always fall. Communism is the only true way forward and we just need to make you children see it before you all ruin the planet.
I hope you are larping. I really do.
>pic related
"muh safe space"
This goes to show that swedes cannot be trusted.
>You want to outlaw children's lives
we find human traffickers, especially children trafficking, please don't attempt the usual transparent left tactic of attaching yourself to a vulnerable group and speaking for them, very disrespectful. what do you guys do? wave signs at the mall after smoking some hash?
>They're refugees. People running from war.
Raised with beliefs completely different to our own, intolerant beliefs such as those held by muslims, coming to tolerant countries and demanding they be allowed to continue to practice the very religion at the foundation of their countries destruction. That's called good management, feelings and what is the most logical choice do not go hand in hand.
>You're trying to send them back to fucking war.
No, trying to send them where they would be best suited, why move to a western country when you are a muslim? why not Malaysia or the myriad other muslim countries? It's almost like they'd prefer to come here because.......reasons.
>Germany is flourishing with it's new blood and will be one of the new world superpowers just you wait and see.
as in financially? As in the mighty dollar? I agree! further proof of the dollar being king, sourced from you. It's the people, native Germans who are silenced and forced to watch centuries of culture flushed down the toilet in the name of, as you put it, 'flourishing'
9/11 wasn't faked, the earth is a sphere and you will change your tune after you leave university and the gibs stop.
Are you literally against freedom?
Germany is importing poverty
Germany is really messed up right now
So one Swedish guy managed to get in with the London Forum? That's news?
One cucked-out worm was """embedded""" for a year as a Swedish language tutor and confidante? That's their smoking gun?