
How come nobody ever reaches a full utopian state? We all have this idea, "then it will be great" or "we were great then", how come we never actually reach it in this modern day standard? Can nothing ever be perfect because it will always become the norm and we want more?


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Maybe sometime, somewhere it already happened?

Utopia is impossible because humans never evolved to be happy but to survive.

This is a good thing to keep in mind. Complacency is death.

Maybe in the future we'll tweak our brains to be content with what we have. Not sure if that would be a good thing or not.

But if that is the case, will we ever be fully content or midly happy? Sure this would be a possibility,

People get bored with Utopia.

Just like your ex got bored with you despite giving her everthing she ever wanted.

Just like americans, Obama gave them everything they ever wanted and threw it all away for Trump.

Thats what I am thinking, we may never be happy to the fullest, as then happy would be the normal.

Utopia is a false concept, it originally was created to show the absurdity of people trying to achieve a "perfect" society. The world always was dualistic. Yin and yandg. Can't have good without bad ect.

Why is it built inside us though? to torment?

Just take rollercoasters for example. If we hadn't the concept of death and desaster, things like the adrenaline rush you feel during a holocauster ride would't even exist.

Individuals can live happy lives on occasion
Building utopia in which everyone is happy every time is impossible.

Happiness is state of mind achieved through hard work, it's when your body knows that you are working for a goal and you are succeeding.

Utopia suggest that everyone is in a state of perfection with nothing to improve but that also suggest no goals. No goals means apathy and apathy means no positive emotions. It's very easy to get rid of positive emotions while it's nearly impossible to get rid of negative ones.

because nature equates stasis with death. as soon as humans have a perfect system and no enemies outside that system they will hate their system and destroy it.

Psychopaths are at fault here.

sweden was pretty nice and japan is still very peaceful

it's all about balance. If we stop trying to achieve greatness, eventually we would lag behind and only have misery.

Generally speaking Confucianism and Buddhism has good idea about happiness.

Life itself is suffering and each individual needs to create meaning for this suffering.

>How come nobody ever reaches a full utopian state?

If you mean enlightenment, plenty have. But since you mean to ask why no utopia exists, the answer is this: The human condition.

>How come nobody ever reaches a full utopian state?
Because once they get good, they let in foreigners in massive numbers. That has fucked it up every time. Every time.

But I do live in the perfect country

Golden mean.

Virtue lies in the middle of two vices.

The virtue between the vices of luxery and destitution is work.

Exactly correct. A billionaire feels the "need" to drive a 3 million dollar Bugatti, otherwise he will feel unfulfilled.

That would mean that if you want to create utopia you would need to create it globally and that's dangerous idea to have.

People has wrong idea about happiness and equate resources to happiness itself.

Even poor rice farmer can be happy, i would argue that even blind leprous dying begger can be enlightened and happy.


>nobody ever reaches a full utopian state
Because one mans Utopia is another's hell, no matter how many dissidents you execute

> 000
How can one appreciate the soft without the course to compare it to? We dance the dance and play our roles in this play, enjoy it mate.


Whats the problem achmed? You still wanted to fuck that?

Yeah, you swiss guys don't have a Utopian state, don't be so stupid.

I am talking real Utopian. I am enjoying the other answers though, opens up an insight threw a different perspective. Try it.

Speaking of fucking animals...

Are you mad you weren't qualified enough to flee your shithole and join garten eden?

Me and many arround me feel this way. And you know, fuck the EU.

>garten eden

>Switzerland votes to ease citizenship process

>Switzerland votes to relax its citizenship rules

>Swiss ease citizenship rules for young immigrants

Come on my friend, at least we can admit it and have proper places to conduct it safely. There is no shame in that brother.
There is literrally nothing wrong with fucking animals.

Let's archive

>theguardian com/world/2017/feb/12/switzerland-votes-immigrants-citizenship-rights-islamophobia

The problem with "full utopian states" is that they believe "perfection" can only be achieved through following a single ideology and that all humans must be a certain way in order to benefit and benefit from this "utopia." Ultimately, this leads to intensive social engineering, and the backlash to leads to the society's downfall. Utopian states fail because they're too rigid.

A true utopia (in my eyes) would be a hyper fluid society centered on semi-autonomous, interconnected villages. Mass industry will be mostly replaced by a 3d-printing based, neo-cottage industry, which will reverse the trend of technological unemployment. Cryptocurrencies will prevent monetary power from being overly controlled by powerful banking oligarchies. The future lies in microfinancing and crowdfunding.

>Come on my friend, at least we can admit it and have proper places to conduct it safely. There is no shame in that brother.
>There is literrally nothing wrong with fucking animals

Thats what Switzerland is all about, it's a nation of will you sore loser.

Germany is so great!!!1!

This is the direct result of indulging Swiss immigrants who bring their degenerate culture to us.


Fuck the Swiss cunts have dawned, how about not being pussies in IRL but not on the Internet, probably will make your dick bigger by a couple Inches.


Poor sheep... 8( Fuck woman you faggots!

Oh its the mudshits. God DAMN!

This in particular, younger generations already feel like this and we sure as shit aren't living in a utopia now.

Utopia can only be achieved by the guidance of a benevolent and incorruptible dictator.

Which is why we need the Moshiach, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

You asked - bad habits and tribalism.

There will never be perfection because perfection implies ending

The ride never ends

Who has the rape epidemic? Who, who, who ,who? Who lied about it's great engineering skills? Who, who, who ,who? Who's people are bending the knee to the jew forever? Who, who, who, who? :)

It can't be human, is the thing. At least not in the long term, because they die.

An AI is our best bet.

If you don't take a step further, you take a step back.

I'd argue that the 3rd Reich was pretty damn close to a Utopia for the people that "fit in". Essentially zero unemployment, cultural unity, crime and degeneracy instantly punished. Extensive social safety net, environmentalism before it was chic to be green.

The answer to your question is that it's VERY rare for our societies to remain ethnically and culturally pure. Multicultural societies inevitably collapse, it has happened numerous times in history. Utopias require sharing the same goals, and the willingness to assist others in your society.

In a homogeneous society, taking resources from yourself, and giving them to the collective usually returns benefits to your own kind, and makes for a stronger future to raise offspring in.
In a multicultural society, sharing resources will help whatever 'group' is still breeding like rabbits. Groups that breed often and extensively tend to have lower education, less wealth, and increased criminality.

At first, the effect isn't obvious, but as the lesser race breeds out of control (subsidized by the altruistic race), the amount of resources available for each person is decreased. Unfortunately, the most productive races are also the ones most likely to think ahead in terms of whether they can afford to have children. As the parasitic races drain the society they are in, the productive races cease to have children, accelerating the collapse.



Schwarz, Rot, "Gold"
Now that's pathethic :)

>how come everything isn't perfect, I mean everyone wants things to be perfect
at least you didn't post this on /his/
>inb4 some idiot does this

Swiss fucks, you have no balls, fuck your money, your pretty much jew fucks.

True, but the question still remains, what is the closest to a Utopian state, it seems we will never know, will this be the fall of man?

Hahah mad as fuck. Stay out of my utopia. buh-bye! :*

what utopia? you literally pay more than everyone else, you literally per capita, including daily living is the same as the US, LOL

That's not a bad thing, it's actually a really good thing. Assuming of course you have an immigration policy that doesn't include subsidizing sub-human immigrants (who normally wouldn't be able to afford living in your country, even with some under the table job).

The US made the mistake of allowing illegals to use social safety nets, our schools, and does essentially nothing to prevent them from working under the table cash jobs.

We pay more but we earn a lot more too, do you have downs syndrome?

Perfect is the enemy of good

All current utopian attempts fail because they rely on humans to be utopian to create it. We are not. A viable utopia will exist when it becomes an unavoidable byproduct of social conditions not the goal. When technology exceeds the point where human struggle is necessary , where all humans are faced with the question of what they want to do rather than what they need to do, and where deciding ' nothing' has no real negative consequence the utopian state will have come to pass


Some European countries are pretty close to full-on utopias
Poland and Switzerland for example

Because People dont know what utopia is
They think its liberalism, you can do what you want, no rules, no norms, etc
Thats not true
A true utopia is an authoritarian state, capitalism, with a social safety net, which only applies if you are willing to work
A strong goverment, free trade, wealth, brotherhood, and a goal to work towards to
The 3rd reich came pretty close to that

>Waking up in your big house
>Kiss your blond cutie gf, get up, wake up your 4 kids
>Eat Breakfast. read a good book by your swimming pool
>Dress up, go to work
>Come home, achieved something, got really well paid
>your wife cooked food for you
>you play with your kids
>you have sex with your wife and go to sleep
This is a normal day in a natsoc country

If the left would win over our society, your day would look like this
>get up at 3 PM in a communist concrete block
>kiss your black boyfriend
>go to your black and arabic adopted kids
>fuck them
>go out, steal food out of trash cans, because no work
>get home, watch tv for 16 hours
>get fucked by your black boyfriend in the ass for 2 hours
>go to sleep