I'm a black conservative & believe it or not I support some of the Alt-Right positions. But the point I find funnest is the whole interracial dating thing. It seems to me 98% of the ones that get butt-hurt about interracial dating are white dudes. I don't see white women complaining the way the white guys are. Most likely I will have kids with a Black or Asian but I will continue to "Black" white woman & it's nothing wrong with that & it's really nothing you could do about it.
>inb4: fat white woman with skinny black dude.jpg
If you think that's the only white women dating blacks you've spent too much time on Sup Forums & not enough in the real world.
So Sup Forums how does it feel to know you're losing the meme war in regards to interracial dating?
Other urls found in this thread:
White people are the (current) majority of the country you're squatting in. White men care about their white women getting taken because they value their genes and white women are beautiful (a testament to those genes).
You simply don't understand such concepts because you have shit genes and your women are fugly.
>Niggers only score whores and fat bitches
>Niggers murder their coalburning partners and sometimes their children
>Niggers abandon their partners and kids, the kids become criminals and get shot
It's a self-containing issue. Whores stupid enough to date niggers are genetic dead ends.
I spend enough time in the real world to know only white trash burns the coal.
You're the next white man black boi enjoy that shit lol
But the black dude has more money than you & a beautiful woman that you probably fap to at his side. It's natural selection at work.
So user why are you mad?
nice larp
shes pretty cute... i do better on a regular basis tho
the only people here who give a shit about this picture are virgins...
alpha males get hot women regardless of race... desu i relate more with alot of black, latino,asian guys then with some beta white men.. ofc there is betafags in every race.. and those are the ones who give a shit
>black guy struggles through writing a complete paragraph
>tries to make white guys jealous?
>posts picture of a 4/10 butterface skank
I don't care, interracial is old news. I've embraced intercompositional dating
If that's the case why are you losing the meme war? Mother Nature picks the winners & losers so why are white dudes losing? Say what you want but the only people (virtually) people whining about it is white dudes not white women.
So /nig/ how does it feel to know that your existence is so devoid of true accomplishment, that your self-esteem and identity is so lacking, that the greatest accomplishment you'll ever pull off is convincing some brainwashed white roasties to fuck you?
They aren't getting "taken" if a women wants to date a black guy then they'll date a black guy and if they want to date a white guy they'll date a white guy. Pretty sure the fact you're all alone has less to do with blacks and more to do with women not wanting to date you.
> I don't see white women complaining the way the white guys are
You've clearly never heard the whining of a white girl at a majority-asian university.
Dude what planet do you live on? Interracial dating is actually pretty rare
or you are just a nihilist
shit genes
shit minds
shit skin
Well if that's the case white DUDES are destined to disappear because that can't win mates over black dudes, "niggers" "shitskins" etc. It's that is true where does that put white dudes? they would be considered genetic dead ends as well because that don't get picked by their women.
>I'm a black Conservative
>issa LARP!
Cry moar harder
your penis looks like a turd LOL
100% true user.
I hope you have a hot white sister user.
It's just gross to see a human with a filthy animal. I don't care if a white woman goes with a beast, I just know to stay away from the beast lover. Plus, at the rate that coons kill one another, the race mixing between humans and apes is small, and getting smaller. :)
i live in vancouver.. very few blacks but lots of asians.. am/wf is pretty uncommon but i see wm/af connstantly... white women complain ALL the time lol...
>user cries moar
>user deflects
>user didn't address argument
post hand w/ timestamp. Even then you still might be a virgin. A nigger with a white gf wouldn't be bothered to post all this.
i'm a girl and yes we do care about people race-mixing, we're not as vocal and upfront about it as guys, though. whenever a girl dates a black guy, other girls speak ill of her behind her back or pretend they are cool with it.
why can't you just date a black girl is the real question? is it because you know that blacks are inferior? every black guy that dates white girls does it to boost their ego. it's sad.
Interracial marriage is on the rise. I don't know what planet you live on.
In case you haven't figured it out already, the people here are racists before anything else. They wont ever stand beside you because they're too triggered at the thought of you fucking a white girl
>i'm a girl
tits or gtfo
2 things:
1: White births are now a majority of births in the U.S. We aren't losing anything.
2. If you think that almost all white women are fucking niggers, then you're watching way too much porn.
3. I doubt you have ever bedded a white woman. What's sad is you think it's an accomplishment to do so. It's just proof of the insecurities within minority groups.
We have 300 million people, there are going to be some out there who race mix. This isn't some new phenomenon.
3 things, excuse me
Between other minorities. For the most part white people don't intermarry.
the best way to study them is from afar; no?
there are more whites than niggers in the US kid
only ones losing are blacks being jewed by dumb roasties drinking jew-aid
Are you kidding me? Is this real?
I thought my disgust against roasties was low but this sets a new standard of disgust.
Try harder
Lol user I work 8 hours a week and make more that your parents.
>convincing whit girls to fuck
Not that hard user.
How are we losing the MEME war? Statistically speaking interracial relationships are rare and the majority of mixed children grow up without father figures in their life thus proving our point.
that's false. Its mostly between whites and a minority. Two minorities is rare.
>For the most part white people don't intermarry.
thats just because there are more white people and many mostly white areas tho.
>user projecting
Lol cry moar.
First off you're not black or conservative.
Second maybe the far white woman with nigger thing isn't a thing in your synagogue but it absolutely is a real thing.
But who should we believe (((pretend nigger))) or our lying eyes.
>im a black guy with a white gf guise
>lmao i aint gonna prove it tho
Friendly reminder the type sage in the options field when replying to lazy, shitty bait like OP.
>It seems to me 98% of the ones that get butt-hurt about interracial dating are white dudes
You want to know how I know you're lying? Go back to bed, Scott.
>tfw women who get paid to get sex don't even want to fuck you
holy shit that's embarrassing, coal burners are even lower than prostitutes
Is there one for #blackedwivesmatter?
My gf isn't white.
Or human
Learn to count faggot. Fuck your impotent apology. White births are not the majority. White Women race mix all the time. And interracial relationships are increasing. Hahaha suck it, I am white and I fucking love the disorder amd confusion.
Shit, why did this tucan pic make me laugh so hard?
>jew pretending to be white detected
Nigga no one care about the 1% of you guys fucking some roasties. Even less of that 1% of you ends up having children or a family with said roasties.
Lol white does every user that gets beat by an argument from a black conservative assume that the black conservative is not really black? It's the equivalent of left wingers calling all right wing whites Nazis. Stop being a fag and address the argument.
Just admit it - you are mediocre.
god I wish I got 5 minute on her with some batery acid and a knife
>implying that war wasn't lost long long long long ago
>I will have kids with black or asian
You do know that asian chicks hate niggers right? They care about social mobility and status, something you niggers lack.
Go away shalom sheklestein and take your big nose with you.
>intercompositional dating
>not transfur yiffing
>what you think
>what your waifu thinks
...I work 8 hours a week ...in the US; a ideal built by Whitey. no one is keeping you here against your will. go home.
I corrected myself before your comment. Nice try though, faggot. You should learn how to spell before telling me to learn how to count.
White birthrates are on the rise.
Black women hate it just as much as white men.
You sound like a inadequate pussy. If you have to tell someone to go away you sound like a safe space chump. No one fucking takes you seriously.
You've already been outed as a Jew, nobody cares what you think.
You are definitely not white. It's pretty obvious.
>"you're losing the meme war in regards to interracial dating"
>provides no proof
>dating apps all say otherwise
fucking lol
>fuck your impotent apology
Haha! Learn to read faggot. I did not mispell anything. I hope the mexicans and blacks gang up amd murder you. That would be entertaining!
You seem to care. Oh, wait... you're a fucking nobody!
Good for you dude. You do you. It's not your fault white women are whores. It's not an anger directed at black guys for going after white women it's a disappointment in white women thinking they can have the best of both worlds or have a little phase.
In short, if you burn the coal you MUST pay the toll
My gf is Asain. But I have pretty good social standing tho.
of famous celebrity women, outside of the kardashians, how many of them prefer black guys? i can't think of many, of course there will be examples proving me wrong.
>black dude with spic
>no loss to white man
Read your comment again, you dumb nigger lol. "Amd"is not a word. You've used it twice now. Must be that low negro IQ.
>ethnonastionalist website
>believes the echo chamber
Only one demographic is losing in that relationship. White women.
White women are the least likely to racemix. They don't even find the other races attractive.
OP is a shill.
Well she must be one desperate ho to hang with niggers. Theyre considered the lowest of the low.
I'm not from Africa & also blacks have been here from the start.
>inb4: As slaves!
Many blacks were never slaves. Google this man.
You type like a sharia blue shill and your arguments are all jewey. however I have come to the conclusion you are not a jew, but are in fact a dumb nigger following jew orders.
Women who watch porn are a spectrum apart from normal women, who don't need to as they can just open their legs and whistle if they want a dick inside them. That's why lesbian porn is so far up the list. It's different from men, where even the biggest normie watches porn. Interracial porn, for women, is a form of degredation or a revenge fantasy against the men who spurned them and turned them into the kind of woman who watches porn to begin with. Look at the actual relevant statistics on interracial dating and marriage. WM/AF is the most common, and guess what the least common is? BM/WF.
>It seems to me 98% of the ones that get butt-hurt about interracial dating are white dudes.
Actually the vast majority of the ones that get butt-hurt about interracial dating are darker black chicks, because no one actually wants them.
The white men that don't like it know how shitty modern blacks are as fathers and people, and don't want mongrel children running around as you shit-for-brains blacks bail on parental responsibilities.
I prefer to know if a white women is going to date a black dude, it allows me to weed out those who have objectively terrible judgment. In this way, we thank you black dudes for helping us weed out the trash.
>ignores arguement
>nitpicks spelling error
Wow, you really are inferior to me. My thumbs are huge and m is placed right by n you dumb fuck use some deductibe reasoning.
I can not wait until there is enough non whites, so low iq subhumans such as yourself will get purgered. You are a disgrace to society.
>niggers in charge of not saving images for ants
I see it everyday in the city but I am 100 percent more disgusted by a white man with a black woman than the white woman dating a black man. The white woman is broken or mislead, the white man in this situation is just a traitor.
Zoe Burgher, jew snapchat slut from FSU
Whites at the moment are losing to Jews, Blacks aren't in the competition and never will be.
Look around the world the only blacks who don't live in destruction are riding whiteys coattails and dancing for (((massa))) at the same time
Mulatto children of white mothers are like shackles waiting to be cut off. There is no better method to fix this problem than smacking their nappy heads over railings then filling the mother with white seed.
75% I make more in a month than what you make in a year & her parents love me.
>losing the meme war
White people are too compassionate, if we were like you we would have already wiped out blacks from the face of the earth.
Our compassion will literally be our downfall, because it has become pathological.
What's an "ethnonastionalist"? If you cannot refute my claims then you have no argument.
you don't speak for white men you inferior beta faggot
Less than 7% of white women actually date outside their race. If you go to Tinder almost all white women exclusively date white men on their profiles. Women are more akin to dating withing their race than men.