Why haven't you learned japanese yet?

why haven't you learned japanese yet?

Already did. Wasn't worth it.

I saw the girl in the picture saying it's not possible.
So I gave up.

Because becoming fluent in Japanese requires 7+ years of dedication in addition to spending a considerable amount of time in Japan.


Only in college

Pft, you think I'm a weeaboo?!

I tried and it turned out I just can't.

I'm stupid

Because Japnese is literally the hardest language to learn

I barely passed GCSE French so I don't think I should try anything harder.

Why should I?


learnings for nerds

>Because Japnese is literally the hardest language to learn
It's probably the easiest spoken language to learn. The written part is a bitch, but most people don't even need to learn Kanji unless they live there.

I barely have the energy and motivation to get out of bed in the morning.

I know the kana and probably 25 kanji, but that's it. Hopefully someday I'll learn more and be able to read the raw manga my Japanese friend gave me.

im gonna learn japanese this summer. well, try to learn.

Because neither the high school, college nor the university I've studied at offered a japanese course. And I can't learn it by myself.

Use the fucking catalog, there's already a thread dedicated to learning Japanese, as well as a thread dedicated to talking about whether learning Japanese is useful for watching anime.

You know that feeling you have when you're bored and everything else seems like it'd be even more boring, so you don't even do the stuff you want to?
That's why.

I can't even learn stuff that is useful for uni

Too much commitment needed, too little payoffs.

>access to all japanese media is too little of a payoff
Maybe if you're a normalfag, that sounds like a damn good payoff to me

I've watched less and less currently airing anime each seasons.

I envy autist that could hold their interest for a long time. I am afraid that I'll lose my entire interest toward anime/japanshit soon.

Because I already did it. Is the going tough? Sure, some days I woke up and didn't really want to spend an hour on my reps. But I still did them.

It's hard to explain just how much you get out of it. The stuff that makes it into English barely scratches the surface in terms of Japan's output.

good luck learning to speak japanese with only romaji and kana reading you fucking moron

That's just because there are less and less good anime per season. What is there to watch now? Macross? Maybe Kabaneri if you're into generic shounen shit? There's literally nothing to watch.

It's entirely possible to learn spoken Japanese without knowing shit about kanji. Reminder that only a few hundred years ago it was rare for someone to know how to read and write, despite them all knowing how to speak.

There are two kinds of people on Sup Forums:
>people who are genuinely obsessed with Japanese cartoons
>sad, miserable people who post about non-anime things on an anime website

No need to, it's not like I'm planning on living there.

i'm an east asian studies minor senpai, so i am learning japanese

I'm learning with Wanikani, I know it's slow as fuck but it works for me

Sorry, I don't speak third world langage

Not him, but that kind of learning is possible only if you live there or you live with someone who speaks it.
My case is pretty similar, as I know how to speak Arabic (due to my parents and relatives speaking it), but do not know how to read it or write it. You can learn a language by osmosis, but it's probably not a good practice.

I did. Took them as second language for my associate degree. Basically shit the japs taught kindergarten kids.

No, English and Arabic are.

English is easy modo

If your culture is already saturated with it, sure.

I'm spanish and I learned english by playing videogames and watching movies

It's a shit language with zero applicability outside of Japan and small areas of Brazil. I also have dedicated autists to TL anime, manga, LNs, and WNs from Japan.

I'd rather learn Russian (rare outside of Russia, but it's an important power despite being a shithole), Mandarin (see explanation for Russia), or French.

I don't know why you should. Translations suffice.

I'm dumb. Japanese is just too hard.

There aren't even translations for most things.

There's a huge amount of translated material. I'm regularly amazed by how much is out there.

Not even remotely close.

>I'd rather learn Russian (rare outside of Russia, but it's an important power despite being a shithole), Mandarin (see explanation for Russia), or French.
Are you learning either of those?

It's a drop in the ocean, and most of the work is sub-par.

When I'm done with uni and don't have to learn anything new

You'll be far too busy doing double shifts as a barista and fry-cook to pay off your crippling debt to learn another language.

I suppose you've been looking far more than I have, then.

I know the language which is why I'm wondering why anyone would ever take the time to learn it.

I have rich parents, in no college debt




Doing the Mandarin Rosetta Stone at the moment. Also planning to go to China for a couple months after I graduate uni to cement my knowledge. Russian and French are planned for the future.

>It's a drop in the ocean, and most of the work is sub-par.

What makes you think the untranslated stuff is any better? Usually untranslated works remain untranslated because they are bad even by the low standards Japan is held to.

I was using wanikani and it was going smooth until it forced a subscription to keep going. Now I use anki with kanjidamage deck and I think I'm doing OK.

Wew lad.

I'll try that

I can smell your EOP scent from here

English is the lingua franca of the world, and considering the ubiquity of American pop culture, it likely is easy to learn from exposure. Actually explaining how the language works is a great deal more difficult.


I'm learning Korean instead
Japanese seems fun but learning 2 illogical alphabets + Chinese does not


English is easy dude.

>he thinks people learn Japanese to talk to Japanese people
You're about as dumb as you can get.

Use 2k deck instead

Learning Kanji by itself is useless, it's smarter to learn vocab

>japanese is useless
>russian tho
How do you even sustain this train of thought.

>Learning Kanji by itself is useless
It's anything but. That said, for a beginner it's much better to get some basic vocabulary going first and 2k is great for that as you suggested.

>muh practicality

Vis-à-vis current affairs, Japan could get a lot more important if the communist party in China goes kablooie and the water from Sakhalin to Singapore becomes a warzone. Just sayin'

Yeah because 100something sounds resulting in a language that when spoken sounds like you're boiling jews in the backyard is very fun.
>illogical alphabets

I just want to read their porn and play their unlocalized games, bro.

I also spend hundreds of hours doing equally worthless activities with even less payoff.

Actually it's thousands of hours. Have you even tried to learn a language before or, god forbid, use your brain? Just a suggestion.

Compared to Hangul its pretty illogical, but I it's probably because Hangul was made with the intent of being easy to pick up so it could replace Chinese asap.

Not to put down Japanese or anything, I still think it's a cool language, just not worth the time for me.

So far behind.

>4th largest economy in the world
>10th largest population

By your logic, we should all be learning Greenlandic.

It's pretty much universally agreed upon that Japanese has a fucking retarded writing system

You think 2chan ever has threads like this relating to English? I know the interests are different since the general focus of both websites is eastern shit, but still.

Given the spoken language, it's about as elegant as you could get.

You mean like 2chan boards dedicated to cowboy hats and hamburgers?

Universally agreed upon, also known as "I looked at text once, IT'S DUMB!!!"
What exactly would you have them do? Drop kanji, invent a new alphabet, restracture their entire society? Maybe drop the language altogether and use English instead?

They have some threads where they post in English(or attempt to) from time to time.

>Drop kanji, invent a new alphabet

I'm from England, I don't know what that means.

>Drop kanji, invent a new alphabet,
You say this like it hasn't been done.

At this point I'm not sure if there's much of a need though, isn't the literacy rate in Japan pretty high?

How so?

It would have to be as complicated as Kanji you stupid fuck. Or they'd have to restructure their entire system. Kanji are very elegant and serve their purpose quite well.

You would need an alphabet with diacritics that convey high or low pitch over every letter. It would look like Vietnamese, i.e. this garbage:

Sau khi Tổng Thống Mỹ Barack Obama rời Việt Nam, trên mạng Internet có người đem hai bức hình ra so sánh.

Judging an eastern language by how it looks romanized is really, really dumb.

>You say this like it hasn't been done.
It hasn't been done for a language similar to Japanese. Don't even bring up Corean here, they're not even remotely similar.

>Kanji are very elegant and serve their purpose quite well.
stockholm syndrome

That's not a romanization, dipshit.

Butthurt syndrome.

I'm waiting for the duolingo course.

>Mandarin Rosetta Stone
>planning to go to China for a couple months after I graduate uni to cement my knowledge
>Usually untranslated works remain untranslated because they are bad
I'm surprised you can be this big of a fucking retard and somehow still be able to function in daily life

chinese is a subhuman language


How fluent are you? How long have you been studying?

>but it's an important power
It's regional at best

20 million people speak Latin, a dead language from a 2000 years dead empire
