Have to write an essay

>Topic "Should our gov be ethnically and gender proportional
>any ideas on what to write about?

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A long, empassioned piece of shit about how even if merits do correlate with ethnicity or gender it shouldn't matter because everyone should have the equal opportunity. After arguing that, it's fairly impossible to side with any affirmative action.

Leaf education is a fucking joke. That's got to be the worst idea I've heard of since communism. OP, you dense nigger, write about how equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome and how shoehorning various minorities into positions they aren't qualified for is, in a word, incompetent. Meritocracy, nigger.

>First paragraph : diversity is a good thing because multiple opinions and cultures
>Second paragraph : it would make a better government. Write about Obama as an exemple
You don't have to explain further. Also, diversity of opinions != nogs because they all think the same, but your teacher won't question that

>Applicants' qualifications and skill are more important than whether or not they have a dick/vagina or have dark/light skin.
Basically use common fucking sense.

>"Of course not, you idiot. Merit trumps melanin."

You write about the hypocrisy that surrounds it. Proportionality suddenly doesn't matter when it comes to computer science - why?

You should let your teacher know that sounds pretty anti-semitic desu

The truth.

Some of it is shit. If your smart and take ap social you can get out of most of the liberal shit. Instead i get to learn history and shit that actually happened.

Actually it's not a bad idea as long as Jews count as an ethnicity. Would reduce their influence in Gov't.

Those are great ideas, but the problem there it is proportional and not equal therefore only 17% of the gov would be minorities and 51% would be female

Collegefag here. Had similar topic. Just wrote about the economic situation and progress of the Third Reich. Got B+.

I wish you do the same. don't be a pussy user

>Should our gov be ethnically and gender proportional

Is your teacher retarded?

If this was the case, black people should only be 13% of the government. They are probably over represented.

lel what? the govt shoulnd't exist in general

"Denying people opportunities on the basis of skin colour or reproductive organs is the definition of discrimination. As a person who abhors racial and gender discrimination, I find such practices to be highly unethical. Fighting discrimination with more discrimination is like trying to put out a fire with an oily rag."

Especially black men, half should be booted from office and replaced with unmarried black mothers.

A few should be illegal immigrants as well to represent that demographic as well.


That's crazy talk and I'll have no part in it.

Write that you are a Leftist anarchist, and that such an idea is tyranny. Write that people should have free association rights by race and gender, don't forget to mention that you're a BLM supporter.

Also stop using the word (((gender))). Write up the whole thing but only ever refer to their sex. We need to root out this false idea.


>Fighting discrimination with more discrimination is like trying to put out a fire with an oily rag.
Now that's what I call a simile.

The government should be composed of whoever was elected. Focusing on the politions race and gender makes that person a racist and a sexist.

Don't forget to guarantee 10% of the seats to the left handed, 50% to sub-100 IQ people, 2% to autists, 2% to LGBTQBBQIA, 3% to vegans, 1% to the disabled, etc.
The source of those statistics is my ass and random guessing, though, so find the actual distribution.

write about how much better everything would be with no white people.

Just write that the term gender triggers you

Quote Mein Kampf but replace Aryan with Woman and Jew with Man.
It'll probably get an A.

Write about Rhodesia or South-Africa downfall since niggers took over


What class is this for?

This sounds like a commie teacher trap. She is trying to document whether you are a good goy or a bad goy. I can tell she wants you to feed her the answer of "diversity is good diversity is strength." The real question is do you want to feed her the bullshit answer and move on or do you want to shave a fucking red pill up her ass and cause a potentially needless hub bub with your teacher. Once again what is this for? High school? College? What class? etc.

Government is a group of people that can commit violence in a certain geographical region, if somebody is committing violence against you, you don't care what color he/she is, therefore the answer is no.



The Jew


No. It should be white only and proud of it.
Also deport any illegals, criminals and muslims.
And do not turn a blind eye to ghetto crimes.

There should be none, or atleast impose segregation. "Diversity" destroys group cohesion and therefore weakens the state.

Define ethnic.
Technically, Portuguese are ethnically different from Spaniards, Belgians from the French, Russians from Belarussians, Thais from Burmese, Kenyans from Ethiopians, etc. You have to account for ALL ethnicities (over 100, at a short estimate) to have gender equal reprensentations. That is immediately over 200 people. And why stop there? Why not have a religious portion? Have a Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Coptic, Orthodox, Mormon, Mennonite, Anabapist, Anglican, Orthodox Jew, Reformed Jew, Messianic Jew, Shia Muslim, Shiite Muslim, Wahabi Muslim, Hindu, Therevada Buddhist, Mahayana Buddhist, Nichiren Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, Daoist, Jainist, Shintoist, Baha'i, Atheist, Agnostic, etc.
Now have one of these from each available demographic outlined above. Over 1000 people. Far too many people.

here's some source material


also louder with crowder

Just write all about how it's retarded and especially how retarded the teachers are, document its stupidity, and lament about its effects on the children.

Got an A+ on an essay when I did that once. I don't know if the teacher actually read it or just checked it off in red pen and when on to something more worth his time.

>rattles off dozens of religions
>forgets Confucianism

don't have them at hand, but you can dig sources how people are less likley in a community if it's diverse. how only whites immigrants contribute to counties they emigrate, some EU contry ministry of finance did a report like that etc.

there was this cool book photo with citation of aristotel or some other greek fagot saying that people need to look same to have good socieity or something but I lost it.