Literally Hitler

>Literally Hitler

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Trump is in the position where people who like Hitler are dissapointed in him, while people who dislike Hitler absolutely hate him.


His country's people are eating pigeons and squirrels in the fucking parks. Do you really think I give a damn about a fucker who can't get his country's shit together?

>what is agriculture
Are venezuelans this stupid?

Chinese food is delicious

Big words from a guy acting and looking just like Stalin

so it seems

Retarded socialist calls politicians he doesn't like Hitler. Their ideology is so fucking retarded

>Are venezuelans this stupid?
Yes, they elect the same type of people over and over again. I could care less if they die. They deserve it.

the truth is that Trump cannot do shit
ZOG army is less powerfull now
ZOG economy is less powerfull now
ZOG political power is less powerfull now

than it was 5,10 or 15 years ago

They cant do shit.
Trump is blabbering empty threats, using empty rhetoric.
Wich is good.

ZOG is over.




says the socialist cunt

Reminder that Venezuela banned private gun ownership and then Maduro gave guns to loyalists in "militias" (meaning left-wing death squads). And democrats will do the exact same shit here too if you ever let them take your guns in America. They will grab all your guns and then create Antifa and BLM "Militias" and arm them to kill you in the revolution.

You should die before you ever give up your guns, because once you let them take that from you, the next thing they will take is your life. If you're lucky they'll let you live as a slave.

Well, this guy just killed the Trump = Hitler meme.

Haven't seen any Venezuelan anons in a while now.
Are they all kill?

Didn't their government fuck over their soil? Or am I thinking of another island "enriched" by leftie rhetoric and experimentation?

Agriculture first thing Venezuelan government ruined, they basically set bellow market prices for all staple products and as result all farmers stopped farming staple products, as long as price of oil remained high they could import staple products. Also they have already introduced forced labor into agriculture.

Venezuelans are ruining RuneScape.

No but they are starving for sure , due to inflation the minimum wage has gone from 3700 usd of today average per month in 1950 to 400 in 1999 that was with statist dictatorships and socialdemocrat cucks(aligned with the socialist international).
But since then they had full marxism and now the average monthly wage has collapse to 4 dollars per month and they are given in like 1500 paper bills.
They are really in a shit position so venezuelan anons are trying to get the fuck out

This guy is always late to the memes, if his regime gets to last another year he will be parroting TWO SCOOPS