You would think the moeshit is killing anime meme would have died out by now.
A quick look at Sup Forums will show you otherwise though. Why do so many people still think that anime is dying? Anime has been on its deathbed since its inception if these people were to be believed. So far however anime has never been raking in more money than now, nor has there ever been so much choice. Do only contrarian people who want to bait (you)'s make the posts about moe killing anime/anime dying? Nobody actually honestly holds the opinion that anime is on its last legs do they? I don't want to believe this entire board has turned into a a big joke where hating the hobby is just the cool thing to do.For the longest time I have believed people ignoring all the great anime of the last years are doing so to troll, but I am starting to think it is genuine.
Elijah Gomez
It happens with everything. The loads of shit anime from years past are forgotten and only the good ones are remembered, so we think those years were inherently better. It's the same reason why you see 13 year olds talking about how music was better in the 60s and 70s.
Logan Cox
>Why do so many people still think that anime is dying? Because they are new
Blake Lee
They just don't like it and have no other argument than saying that moe is killing anime. This argument is retarded anyway, if there would have been more interesting non-moe anime than everyone would have watched these of course. It's more a lack of "serious shit" than moe being dominating anime.
Justin Lee
You seem to have used "moe" to mean cute anime or manga series, or just characters that act cute. Oops!
Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example r/anime.
Thanks for reading!
Nicholas Thomas
Worst thing is, is that Japan doesn't even care for the "serious shit" half as much as the west does. It is always westerners arguing from a western POV that complain about moe. I have yet to find hordes of moons crying out for more GitS or Deathnote or Monster or [insert grimdark anime name].
Logan Allen
"moeshit is killing anime" is too simplistic of a statement. But, it's a straight lie to claim anime hasn't changed over 20 years. On a superficial level you can pick out similarities and patterns, but the overall verdict is a mostly different direction.
Hunter Johnson
>Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example r/anime.
Perhaps you should take your own advice.
Owen Cooper
You seem to have used a meme to make false assumptions. Oops!
Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest you learn how to shitpost, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example r/Sup Forums.
Thanks for reading!
Brody Gonzalez
>the overall verdict is a mostly different direction This isn't English.
Also anime man's last work was received with mix feelings at best. He hasn't been relevant for ages now, but nobody can say shit about him here because "muh miyazaki". It is like trying to say something bad about Obama in SanFran, it simply can not be done.
Austin Walker
What? There's always people making fun of Miyazaki.
Noah Rogers
Fug :DDD
Elijah Lopez
And usually it results in a horde of people rushing in to defend him.
Chase Miller
We get newfags every season because of popular anime like Kanaberi or One Punch Man. These cancerous fucks proceed to complain when they realise that all 20+ anime a season are not the ''manime'' shit that they like so much.
Ayden Phillips
Lots of sciolists, OP. In other words people talking out their ass pretending they're experts when they're really noobs. When you see enough series and understand the point of various types of series you know any genre can produce something good and that you should compare shows between peers in their categories rather than cross category. It is no easier to compare YuruYuri to Evangelion than it is to compare Seinfeld to Breaking Bad. So don't. No one said Seinfeld is killing TV and no one said BB killed TV just because they were popular. So people saying moe shows are killing anime because they are popular have an understanding of this medium fucked seven days from Sunday.
In particular the user format here is the ideal venue for sciolists because no one else can see that they have seen 10 anime and stream Naruto and think they have shit figured out. So we hear it a lot over and over from casuals and newfags. It doesn't make them right in the slightest though. If anything moe saved the industry by opening up a new audience to support it besides action shonen. If more people bought gritty violent seinen, the industry would make more of it, just like how the West keeps churning out capeshit as long as it keeps churning out money. If you want non-moe anime to be successful then put your money where your mouth is if it is that important to you. Many moe shows don't even sell terribly well and are lucky to break 10k. They are mortal like any other anime.
Christian Garcia
i blame Sup Forums
Jaxon Rodriguez
Anime is shit and will always be shit.
Read the manga
Zachary Cox
The only ones who believe that meme are Sup Forumsermins and Sup Forumsckroaches, it's pointless to try to convince them.
Luis James
Actually, this.
People create a pre-conception of what anime is and proceed to get mad when they see they are wrong.
Aiden Gomez
>watching MOEshit Fucking niwakas man
Mason Butler
Y ou would think the moeshit is killing anime meme would have died out by now. A quick look at Sup Forums will show you otherwise though. W hy do so many people still think that anime is dying? A nime has been on its deathbed since its inception if these people were to be believed. S o far however anime has never been raking in more money than now, nor has there ever been so much choice. D o only contrarian people who want to bait (you)'s make the posts about moe killing anime/anime dying? N obody actually honestly holds the opinion that anime is on its last legs do they? I don't want to believe this entire board has turned into a a big joke where hating the hobby is just the cool thing to do. F or the longest time I have believed people ignoring all the great anime of the last years are doing so to troll, but I am starting to think it is genuine ^ ^ ^ Your Journey starts here
Joseph Diaz
You ruined it with the spaces in the middle of the words, nigger. It looks like shit.
Charles Morales
You're the reason why I haven't killed myself today.
Jose Wilson
David Gomez
The same reason think Sup Forums thinks video games are dying (also anime).
Tyler Perry
Blake Mitchell
I'd say it's the other way around. There are superficial differences in trends and marketing models, of course, but most of the actual content boils down to the same type of stuff - teenagers, cute girls, and giant robots - following similar formulas with a little remixing. And that's fine, that's what anime typically is, and if you're into anime you should have accepted that. The problem is people who are only into certain outlying elements of anime and then get annoyed that these outlying elements aren't being churned out on a daily basis. Frankly I think it'd be better for everyone involved if these people would just find hobbies where they actually like the rule, rather than the exception, and stick to communities for those hobbies instead of for ours.
Jace Morris
Yes It's always people who start with some 80's anime or mainstream shit and have never seen a seasonal chart before
Connor Fisher
Grayson Cook
So basically Sup Forums is the root of all misinformed hating-it-to-fit-in shittery on Sup Forums.
In other news water is wet.
Lucas Walker
God damn it, OP got us.
Brandon Howard
Sup Forums here. Anime was only good in the 80s when OVAs were inspired by the superior creative forces of American cinema. In the 70s anime was only for literal children. Anime became completely shit and cancerous in the 90s when it returned to Japanese influence and was full of retarded unfunny cringeworthy shit with faggot artstyle. The cutoff year for quality is 1994. All anime now is retarded "psychological" shit, pedophile shit, and retarded superpower fighting shit. Now the OVA format is dead and there are no exciting American-influenced sci-fi anime. There are literally zero worthwhile anime now. Before any butthurt weeb shouts "nostalgia!!", I was born in 1997. I am just not an autistic manchild and I have a sense of quality-control.
Levi Barnes
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Connor Flores
Isaac Miller
Levi Richardson
Go to Sup Forums and try to convince the moldy figs that every single person playing Dixieland jazz in 1907 wasn't actually a musical genius; that, perhaps, not every bar-room performance in pre-WWI negro shanty towns was recorded. I guarantee at least one person will argue the point.
Josiah Sanders
I was born '87 and you're full of shit, missing the forest for the trees. I was a DEEPfag when I was your age but by my 20s suddenly could comprehend moe and it was like seeing a new color. I get bored of shows pretending to be Western; why not just watch actual Western movies for that. Anime is interesting to me still precisely because it can be so fucking different from the West, not that it can be like an animated version of a cheesy 80s action flick.
The japs don't give a shit if you don't understand what they see in moe. Neither do I because you're a young pleb who shouldn't comment on things he does not understand; I'd just as soon ask a colorblind man what he thinks of Monet paintings.
Lincoln Phillips
A quick look at Sup Forums shows plenty of moe, SoL, and harem shows talked about plenty. No idea what you're talking about. You should ignore shitposters OP, not give them another thread to shitpost in.
Blake Brooks
>thread to shitpost in
Isaac Torres
What a great meta thread, fuck off.
Oliver Peterson
Didn't Hayashibara BTFO moefags once and for all recently? why are they still posting? just accept it, you're on the wrong side of history.
Wyatt Gray
This was never funny, but it's time to retire it now
Jonathan Harris
Much like tripfagging then.
Michael Baker
Sup Forums only watches anime for the moeshit famila
You wont get any sympathizers here
Dominic Bell
Fuck you OP
Kayden Cook
Keitai is a shit meme
Jack Taylor
Still much like tripfagging then.
Noah Gutierrez
>I was born in 1997. >I am just not an autistic manchild and I have a sense of quality-control.