How did Otomo and Rintaro pull this off with only a $15 million dollar budget...

How did Otomo and Rintaro pull this off with only a $15 million dollar budget? Over half of the film is animated on 1s with constant movement. Where other films with $20+ million dollar budgets don't come close.

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If i was to guess, the director was friends or knew people that were friends with some extremely talented animators. A triumph of smart production and talent.

Or maybe they hired local yakuza to kidnap Hiroyuki Okiura, and forced him to work for free. Who knows.

Or hell, maybe everyone was just really (really!) passionate about the project.
Animation isn't all about budget.

This movie made no sense.

Could you elaborate? Also, did you watch the original?


Holy shit is that from Metropolis? I don't remember it looking so good, probably since I was too young to appreciate it when I saw it. Definitely looks like it warrants a rewatch.

>did you watch the original
What's the original? The manga? The 1927 film of the same name?

I meant the 1927 fritz lang film. My mistake.

OPM looked better then 90% of the other shows from its year but apparently didn't have a particularly high budget. I think if the animators are passionate about the material it often works out well.

>I think if the animators are passionate about the material it often works out well.

So sad this kind of dedication is so disperse today.

Can't be passionate about everything man.

>Ten guys like this one form their own small studio and make an anime better than 95% of the stuff we get today.

>red clothes
>that face when shooting

>Why did Duke Red make an android of his dead daughter to control the throne?
>Why does the throne delete all memories?
>How the hell did Rock manage to destroy the entire lab but somehow Tima escaped uninjured?
>Why was Rock so adamant about killing Tima when she had no memories.
>How come Rock basically got scott-free after attempted murderer.
>Why did Duke Red leave Tima under basically no vigilance knowingly Rock wanted to kill her?
>Was that Tima's heart at the end of the movie? If so that's kinda gross.

Except you'd still be getting maybe 1 show every year or so. That video took years to make.

That cell animation is pure sex for the eyes. Reminds me of Gundam 0083

I'm not sure what even breaks 20M besides Ghibli movies, honestly. I checked a couple inflation charts/calculators and they're telling me that 15M in 2001 is more than 9M in 1988, which is what Akira had.

When will we see another show with that kind of animation?

>people actually fellating Otaking

That looks fucking horrible, no basic understanding of lighting, anatomy or composition.

Those are not cels you blind faggot.

What do you think a cel is, user?

Keep up with the times.
Next season

What a pile of shit was that Dendrobium. A mobile suit with two giant rocket boxes, which would have exploded from a single accurate shot.

Doubt it will have sakuga every episode like OPM

>That looks fucking horrible, no basic understanding of lighting, anatomy or composition.

>implying that's cel animation
Please don't fucking post on Sup Forums ever again, you dumb newfag.

a.) $15 mil actually gets you really fucking far as far as animator wages go. The typical 1-cour TV anime costs 1-2 a pop and that is far longer time than the usual movie length.

So if you have 10x the budget you normally do for a 2-3 hour production you can find the absolute top people to do it and give them whatever they need. Furthermore being a movie means you're in a more loose schedule - it's done, the whole thing comes out at once, there. You can delay it, carefully review the piece as a whole rather than possibly get rushed episode to episode to finish deadlines for airing etc.

Also unlike Western mega-studios/corps blowing tens if not hundreds of millions in advertising alone, nip studios just don't do that in part because they don't have the capacity and in part because they don't need to worry about how well it'll do in China or Europe etc to make back that money sunk. It's just made for nips by nips. A lovely thing to see in this rapidly globalizing (hence homogenizing) media landscape.

You will never find another 9 human beings on earth that care as much about shading as otaking. God help us, you would have to clone him.

Is that the best you can do? A shitty Sup Forums gif?
Just get out Otaking, and maybe buy some anatomy books while you are at it.

Some people on his patreon want to learn his shit, maybe is not hopeless.

this feels a lot like the animated scenes in the 90s game Flashback

Fuck off Otaking, you aren't welcome here. Your """"""""""""""""style"""""""""""""""" is fucking eye cancer.

You don't get it, user. Another nine otakings would be a fucking awful thing that would bury us in shitposting and autism.

If one of him was capable of doing this in 7 years. I wonder what some 20-30 guys like him could do.

Otaking is a textbook example of what happens when you learn to draw just by looking at anime.
If you want to get good at drawing do yourself a favor and study from real life.

>Implying Sup Forums isn't like that already.

I hate the music

it doesn't fit

Well, simple math tells us that they would be able to make a little under a cour of shitty-looking "gritty" crap in seven years.

Otaking is shit, but "____ is what happens when you study drawings instead of real people" is rapidly becoming the biggest non-argument possible about animation.

I'm not talking about animation, I'm talking about anything he draws.

We have one this season, dude. It's spicy as fuck.

The shading is very nice and all, but the animation cant compare to OPM

Anime!Metropolis actually has fairly little to do with Lang!Metropolis. Yes, it's got a robot girl and class struggle and ziggurat, but it's all done in a completely different way.

It's slumping in the middle like any show does, but the first 3 episodes were more consistantly well animated than what we got with OPM. OPM just has a bunch of sakuga cuts, which yeah look great and all for the 20 seconds or so when they're onscreen. I'd say habanero's been looking well above average pretty much every episode, with the exception of the breather episode we just got. I wasn't even talking about that shading, that's more icing on the cake than anything.

One Punch man has good CG animation, but it's still not on the same level if you ask me.

Dumping more.


>CG animation
OPM's animation is hand-drawn mate.

Agreed. My line of thinking was that someone who watched the fritz lang original then watched the anime expecting it to be very similar would be confused.

$15 million is a large sum for an anime movie.

OPM didn't have sakuga episode

Every episode was one

This implies that OPM did to begin with.

OPM is not CG, and no one was comparing it to fucking Metropolis, you idiot.

>OPM looked better then 90% of the other shows from its year
In comparison to Kekkai Sensen and Hibeke? Nope. OPM had short bursts of good animation every episode followed by everything looking like shit, its biggest fault was its incredibly bland art direction which was a needed sacrifice to keep up with quality in animation but it was not a good show to look at much like Ping Pong.
Mob looks and sounds so much better than OPM but will sadly be ignored because of the art and it not being focused on action.
Please kill yourself

Lot's of ugly, obvious roto scoping.

>>OPM looked better then 90% of the other shows from its year
>In comparison to Kekkai Sensen and Hibeke? Nope.
Can you not fucking read? What you just said doesn't even make sense.

Looks like faggot shit for babies to be honest.

>much like Ping Pong
Opinion disregarded.

>it was not a good show to look at much like Ping Pong.
reading comprehension

I love every version of this asshole.

That's exactly what I'm disputing.

Ping Pong was well animated but its art was really hit and miss

It makes perfect sense. The only people who believe OPM was the end to all animation last year are newshits

>Ping Pong was well animated
No it wasn't. It's the least well-animated Yuasa show to date no thanks to the rushed production. The show has lots of stills and the few moments of good animation were extremely rough in the TV broadcast, though they could get away with it thanks to the art style.


>incredibly bland art direction which was a needed sacrifice to keep up with quality in animation
The art direction was just shit because noone on the art team was good.

I liked the way ping pong looked but it's pretty godamn clear from the general reception that that is not a common opinion. Just accept that people don't like the way it looks.

>Ping Pong is poorly animated meme
It's been two years hasn't it

Come on, the show had only a small handful of good cuts beyond the opening. Nobody with a good eye for animation will tell you Ping Pong is a well-animated show. The art style may be appealing, but that's far as it goes.

Not bad. At least it has non-CGI ships.

The show didn't even have a fucking opening for the first 4 episodes, that's how rushed the production schedule was.