What do you guys think? For a game anime I feel this one is doing pretty good (better than Sensei Cerberus that's for sure)
>Shun banging Alicia and cucking Emilio when
>OP single when
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I like it
End this ride
We established this was a boring trainwreck that wouldn't even generate enough money to pay the bus driver.
It's cringeawful and the fact that even one of you likes it unironically is the best example of just how far Sup Forums has fallen.
Go take a long walk off a short pier and literally drown in your stupidity and shit taste.
I feel like you are describing Kiznaiver.
Neither of them are very good
I make it a point to watch at least one terrible series a season because I hate myself.
>better than Sensei Cerberus
Well, that's something.
well, is smarter/better show than re:zero
But still garbage
Who are you quoting?
>Telling somebody to end their own life because they like a cartoon that happens to be animated by chinks that you don't
This was shit, even Arata Kangatari(yeah, I remember it) was better.
What's so trainwreck about Endride? So far it's been predictable, bland and inoffensive as fuck, same old "trapped in another world" shit we've seen already a thousand times. There's been nothing off the rails crazy about it.
What financial potential did Funimation see in this?
Funi doesn't have a clue about the market, they just throw all the available shit on the wall and hope it sticks.
Fuck off back to your sensitive little shithole, Tumblrina. You don't belong here and you never will.
Consider self-murder.
Both Endride and Cerberus are pretty enjoyable.
Both are infinitely x 1000000 worse than Mayoiga
>So far it's been predictable, bland and inoffensive as fuck, same old "trapped in another world" shit we've seen already a thousand times. There's been nothing off the rails crazy about it.
Just like Gakusen Toshi Asterisk, but the minute some furfag goes into great autistic detail about how it's the worst thing ever everybody just blindly hops on board.
You seem very assmad about something so trivial and stupid.
>Both are infinitely x 1000000 better than Mayoiga
It doesn't blow me away or anything but I'm still enjoying it. Better than Seisen Cerberus or Re:Zero at least; we don't have much in the way of Isekai shows this season, and this looks to be the best one.
Go back to your it's time threads you faggot
Welcome to 8/2chan, ladies. The echo chamber is down the road, right across from DeviantArt and Gaia.
Look pal, the reality is no one gives a living breathing shit how long you've been here, how many anime you've seen, how enlightened you are, etc. Also
>ayy lmao
>in the current year
Who's the newfag again?
Aggressively average
>(better than Sensei Cerberus that's for sure)
I'm watching both for the same reason. The lolis.
It's pretty whatever.
The series isn't particularly bad nor particularly good. It's very obviously a children's show as well. It doesn't try to do anything but be as average as possible, which it succeeds in phenomenally.
I can't see why anyone would hate it, it's the exact type of show people will forget about by next season, like Argevollen or .
It reminds me of the series I watched when I first started watching anime heavily in the early 2000s, just without the charm and with me being much more critical of shows since then. I wouldn't recommend it but I also wouldn't go out of my way to ever complain about it.
You have fine taste my friend.
Face it, newshitters: your favorite anime is about to set a new record for biggest flop. It's making Mayoiga look like solid gold in comparison.
And swallow this one: the fact that you openly act like little redditors without even trying to adapt here and adhere to the agreed upon standards is simultaneously hilarious and infuriating.
Yes I mad, you're fagging up the board I love. How would you feel if I went to your shitty leddit submissions and acted like a complete retard?
Thanks for the copypastas friendo's, I'll be sure to use it in the next Re:Zero and Kiznaiver threads.
Calm down son
Thanks, I guess. I don't see how you're going to make use of them considering they're not exploitable .
>they're not exploitable .
You don't even mention the name of the anime. You could quite literally copy paste them into any thread.
>For a game anime I feel this one is doing pretty good
Hasn't it sold like 6 copies?
I like it so far. For a standard adventure animu it's all we've got for now. From the looks of the sales, we probably won't get another one for years.
From what wikipedia says the game isn't even out yet
This show is like 90's good old and cheap JRPGs, so nostalgic,and has 24 episodes yay.
It is bad, but it is the best bad show this season.
bantz between bros
brown beastgirl
murderloli that have been tamed with masculine eye powers
and a few cool dudes
Better than Luluco/10
It's fun, but Cerberus is better.
i think the girls are cute and the butts are nice
i want to plow these two, other then that the two mc guys are kind of annoying
I really can't stand the visuals on Cerberus honestly.
I don't know what studio did it but it looks so ugly
I quite like Shun. For a character that's been thrust into a foreign world he's just kinda manned up and gotten on with it, even if he's a bit brash. Emilio almost singlehandedly ruins everything though by being an emo cunt.
>OP single never
Thank god.
More like end this ride.
Thanks for the bump senpai.
It really is Comet Lucifer-tier. Extremely shit but also so bland that it's unwatchable.
At least Cerberus is Chaos Dragon-tier. Extremely shit but also silly fun. Though CD is at the top of the shitpilee for most unironically stupid yet fun shows I've had the displeasure of watching.