I cried so much

What do I do with this feeling Sup Forums?

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Kill yourself

Get over them, stop being a faggot and watch better anime

Kill yourself

Remmeber, she's literally Hitler.

end your life

What? How?

Don't listen to them, real men watch shoujos and cry. I feel you bro.

This isn't a shoujo go back to plebbit retard.

It's probably gas OP, let it out and you'll feel better.

googled name cause didn't watch
>Kaori Miyazono was one of the main characters of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.
nice spoiler, now i can skip. thx

Totally shounen, of course.

I hear she gets better in the second cour but maaaan she's a complete cunt in the first.

change your tampon fagboy. This is a girls anime

Fuck yourself with it


Dont listen to them, real men cry.

How can people genuinely like this show? The piano contest stuff was cool but this self-centered bitch ruined any potential that would have had.

I will never understand people like OP. How can you even have an liveable life if every time you see a trash can you start crying uncontrollably

Why do people hate this show so much? There are way worse drama out there.

She just wanted to be remembered before her time. Chill out.

I don't know either. I definitely feel bad for all the women that ever looked at you.

There is certainly worse shows around, but those are not praised as masterpieces by plebs.

Notuch you can do, I think is time to kill your self, OP.

This. Like Plastic Memories.

>Why do people hate this show so much?
Because it's popular.
Seriously think about it. Was this show getting the copious amounts of hate on Sup Forums it does now before MAL, Tumblr and the like starting praising it as a flawless masterpiece?

it really is bad, though.

Don't speak so objectively. It really is bad /to you/. I'm not telling you to love the shit out of it and I don't either, the drama levels are pushed up to 11 and after a while it gets old and stale to the point where I can't bring myself to enjoy these soap opera anime anymore. But opinions are facts. You either adore a show or you despise it. There's at least one person on this planet right now that thinks Glasslip or Mahou Sensou are good shows worth watching.

>But opinions are facts
Well I fucked up.

This show is weak, You must cry at flowers dying if you thought this was sad.

Best girl one. Blonde deserved what she got.

The worst tragedy is you being born and liking this shit

Not that bad but I only really cared about the performances

ITT: internet tough-guys spousing how hardcore they are

Thx 4 taking the tiem to answer dipshit

Top kek. this show is a flawless masterpiece

Way too accurate, i tough Sup Forums was a good place, but people ITT are more cancer than Sup Forums to the power Sup Forums

I liked the show personally.
I cried because I've experienced losing my father to a terminal disease.
Any show that has a character suffer from something like that makes me cry. No matter what it is.

First (only) girl I really loved was in 8th grade. She was blinded in an accident the next year. Stopped her work as a painter, but she took up sculpting instead. So this anime hurt because it was relatable.

This was nothing compared to Clannad.

Hit puberty.

Clannad had a twist. Your Lie didn't


Is Nodame Cantabile better than this?

Yes. But real music fans will watch Symphogear instead.

Shit-tier art-style and gag-inducing character designs, unlikable characters (especially the main love interest), a story that goes nowhere, etc.

I'm honestly surprised it got so popular.

Nagisa is tons better than that whore.

At least it's not as bad as Anohana.

Sup Forums hates everything that is popular especially if it's so good even plebs watched it, like death note Naruto your lie in april

>What do I do with this feeling Sup Forums?
Keep them and feel as they grow colourless and dull as you become increasingly old and jaded by life.

Then one day you'll realize this, but won't be able to even cry anymore because it will be too late.
Enjoy the tears user-kun. For as long as you can.

Literally why would you watch this show if you do not either enjoy the piano or classical music?

Read the manga.

Like the show, I'm a huge Chopin cock sucker.

What would you recommend then?

Watched because of Demo D. Regret nothing. Anime is 10/10 TO ME. I recommend it to almost everyone I meet who likes anime. Almost everyone because I have friends who only watch action animoos.

what's the difference?

I didn't hate it, loved the musical repertoire, but the show was hurt by its length. I'm sure that I'll find a lot of plot holes if I watch it again.

I was only really bothered by the fact that they were 13 years old kids who acted nothing like it. Why even make them kids?

Don't share it with Sup Forums because it is full of edgelords

they were made into kids so that there was no excuse for the MC to hatefuck her, or for any sex to happen

It's shit and so are you.

Nothing hit me so hard, i was literally depressed for like 3 days. Sure people might not like it, i didn't think i would but its now 1 of my favourite anime. i know it had its draw backs but it despite that i still enjoyed it immensely.

Don't even mention Clannad in this thread.

It's sullying its name.

Feel free to mention Anohana or ef: a tale of nonsense

her death was telegraphed weeks before. the impact is gone.

Not him, but I was really put off by the voice acting in the anime, and it was a lot harder to forget that they were supposed to be early teens when they're really not acting like it.

I found the high drama parts really revealed the limits of the VAs, and maybe I was coloured by having read the manga first, but I found the performances super disappointing, and that's even considering the story isn't exactly a once-in-a-generation masterpiece.

anime is shit check em

What anime?

Call it forced, melodramatic, or shitty artstyle, I don't care. This was fucking beautiful.

I cried over the show. I still didn't like it though.

Watch Clannad now.


I could never get past the fact that they were all fucking 12 year olds having an existential crisis. Show would have been better for me if they weren't kids.

I really don't get why dramas are so divisive on Sup Forums.

You'll get loads of fags that call Clannad, Anohana, and this shit. But they disagree on which of the three are shit, while acting like their opinion is an objective fact.

Honestly, even Shaft vs Kyoani wars don't get this much hostility.

I actually forgot they were middle schoolers and instead were high schoolers until they started mentioning entrance exams.

How do you feel about this Sup Forums?


>those fucking eyes
They look like lunatics