What's your Waifu?

Who is your Waifu and why?

I fap to this one...

post tampon

And to these two...

And to all of these...

fap harem and waifu are mutually exclusive dumb tripfag

And to these two...

I fap to this one too...

Not in my logic, every character I fap to is my harem waifu.

Don't haev.

>I fap to these "waifus

I get a tight feeling in my heart every time I see Haruhi
and I own a dozen figures of her
pls send help

Rena and I don't need some kind of rationalization to love her I just do

>By my logic, every finger on my hand is a nose
It's not a question of logic, that's just not what the word means


Why so salty?

A waifu is an anime character you hold very dear and would marry in real life.
I'm a polygamist and only fap to those I hold dear, so you may logic that to its logical conclusion.

You don't care enough about any one of them to dedicate your life solely to them, none of them are your waifu. They are your concubines.

Did you donate for daki?

best girl

>Don't haev.
that was her only fap worthy official material, you sir are a fraud


Always nice to see another Renanon from time to time.

Same here brother

Because she's like the girls I dreamed about at school, ones that I would actually fantasise about exploring ivy-covered abandoned houses with. I mean she was already perfect but then my fantasy actually happened in the show.

So that's your fapfu?



The one and only.

> Who is your Waifu and why?

Tomoko and why I got know Tomoko started to like her more and more with out know it I slowly fell in love with Tomoko.



Because I love Yamada.

Because I want the Tsun to rise.

C.C. is my waifu, because she is cool, witty, kind, and eternally beautiful

Be gentle g-guys..

Don't forget her wicked sense of humour.


rhe fuck is this a waifu for ants?

She is my waifu because she is funny and cute.

How new are you?

She's just perfect

> Toned
> Fluffy tail
> Big hands
> Money
> Lawdy that ass
> Floofy ears

Shy women are lewd as fuck

for all eternity




Her insane devotion is just one of the many reasons why I love her.

The perfect Tsundere

my waifu

how do normalfags even live without a waifu? do they waifu 3D girls or something?

She inspired me to play guitar and sing on youtube.

The only waifu for my laifu.

We've bitten intro the forbidden fruit, they don't even know the fruit exists. We are the patricians, the hyperboreans if you will who live in a state of enlightenment

b-but i don't want to be a sinner

Sinning is so good though

aki from maken-ki


Lucky enough to call this cutie mine.

What a fuzzball

my waifu is better than your waifu, sing it

Because she is lively, friendly, strong, hardworking, compasionate. She is blonde, sexy, cute, I love her side tail too, makes her even cuter. She also likes martial arts and all types of physical training just like me.

cuz shes normal and has a chill personality

Good taste. Kneesocks a best

My waifu is an armless autistic artist from a shit VN.
I fell in love with her when the demo for KS released, and that love grew even more once the full game came out, even seeing a picture of her posted nowadays makes me smile and feel fluttery, or maybe bubbly, things in my heart.

I don't remember why I originally fell for her, or why my one sided emotions for a fictional mentally ill cripple are still going strong after all this time. It's possible that I feel so strongly towards her because I can somewhat relate to the way her mind works or some deeper psychological bullshit.

All I know for sure is that I truly love her, and I always will.



Fellow men

The moment I saw Saber, I was struck by her beauty and couldn't resist the desire of her love. I prefer Lily the most but I still love the other versions of Saber. The pureness and innocence of Lily is very heartwarming. My wish is to meet her in Avalon.

My waifu loves to play basketball.

I'd post her, but she usually brings shitposting to the nth degree as Sup Forums, /jp/ nor Sup Forums want any part of what she came from

So I'll simply state this: Legless runner will forever be, without a doubt, best girl with a delightful lemon scent

my waifu will beat your girl at basketball and then fuck her

DESS chan carried the second season.

I like Chihaya-chan because she is insecure, ugly, and flat chested.

Why are you trying to upset people?

I love her fluff and horrible personality

Although Yui inspires me to practice guitar, I admire Mio's personality and am shy like her. She is cool and mature, and has her priorities straightened out. She is organized and makes good grades in school. Plus, the bass is a very nice instrument. She is probably the purest of all the characters. I just want to hug Mio and comfort her when she's scared.

Plus she's just so darn cute.

Yui: would totally befriend
Mio: would do anything to marry

But mostly, just because she's Mio.

She is my universe. The apple of my eye. The girl of my dreams.

Yuri is my husbando, I love his personality, and how he always brings his A game when dueling to try to bring out the best in others.

There's multiple reasons why I love Arcueid. On the one hand, she's vanilla as fuck. Her being out of touch with society for 800 years leaves her innocent and pure, and her design reflects that. The granny clothes make her look conservative, as well as the white sweater looking comfy as fuck. When not in battle, she's almost always smiling and happy. When she does get upset, it's because she got impatient waiting to spend time with you, or is worried for your safety. She's loving, without really having a reason for it. That isn't to say she's airheaded or childlike, though. She's very mature and honorable, not to mention she kicks serious ass in a fight. Hell, she surprised her vampiric urges for almost as long as she'd been alive because she knew that drinking blood was wrong. Arc is the only girl I don't like seeing lewds or cosplay of. I just like how she is regularly.

She looks better in a miniskirt

Because she's cute, kind and is literally perfect for me.

Many cuddles for the best shipgirl.

I respect your opinion, but disagree. While mini-skirt + boots is a really cute combo, the granny clothes made her feel as if she was old and out of touch, which contrasted nicely with her young body and face. With her current design she looks more like a teenage girl, which I feel misses the point.


List is to big to describe my love, and i'm serious, i love everything of her, even when she's too honest.


Mah K-oNiggas

I also picked up a guitar 2 years ago, but Mugi is mai waifu 4 laifu.

With all the hardships she had to endure, she still continues on. Her resilience is definitely something I love

she had 2 episodes where she convinces people(who are about to commit suicide) to never give up, and she's honest and genuine about it(besides the fact that she just wanted to save them)

she's also fun-loving and easy-going

The purest and cutest.

Needs a buff, super cutey though.

It was actually a decent VN though, all things considered. It was part dating sim part telling an actual story without devolving into fetishizing the disabilities or playing up the "lol she has no arms so weird xd" factor. Good on your for loving her though. I recall a lot of people being on the fence over the tone shift in her route, like how she turns from the wacky sarcastic indifference gal into a tormented artist as the relationship progresses. What are your thoughts regarding that?

Who else?


Nice choice, user. Mugi is a sweetheart, too, and makes nice sweets for everybody else. Mio just appeals to me more. I love her maturity, seriousness and quietness, which makes me smile even more when she gets excited about something.

One and only.

I will protect this smile.

I love this scheming lass

She's smart, tactical, and pays attention to detail
and always keeps you guessing

Deedlit is my waifu. I love her playful personality, that mysterious and elegant grace to her motions, her wisdom and so much more! I want to just cuddle up with her and talk for hours on end.

This is my waifu
I lover her because she very much inspires me. She comes from the future, but has no real problem adapting to the past. Instead she is filled with curiosity and amazement for the World she landed in, keen to learn as much as possible about it. Yet she is still determined to fulfill the goal for which she traveled through time. She is fun, she is fit, she is beautiful.
I would love to her and show her the wonders of our time.

Ritsu is my waifu for laifu