Why do glasses ruin everything?
Just look at Asuka, glasses make her the worst looking one in Euphonium.
Why do glasses ruin everything?
Just look at Asuka, glasses make her the worst looking one in Euphonium.
We can all agree on at least one thing about OP: He's a faggot.
Just get contacts op.
Fuck, I don't know. In 3D there are some women that just look like shit without glasses, but in 2D where everyone is perfect there's absolutely no point.
Glasses make everything cuter.
OP, you need to understand me when I say this: you are an absolutely gargantuan faggot.
OP, if you want to have a glasses thread, just say so.
You got the wrong way around OP. Asuka is one of the only good looking megane girls.
Never post on my website again you cretin
The real question is why is your taste so shit?
I concur.
I don't care about her glasses, I'm more concerned about her stature
I hate these 'I'm going to pretend to hate X' type of threads.
glasses make everything better.
What a colossal faggot.
Glasses just make everyone look like one of those gentle-hearted but incredibly aggressive dominating types. And I'm okay with taht.
>doujin has glasses tag
>as soon as the sex starts the glasses come off
who's that?
is the anime good?
Yes. It's a show that delves into lesbianism and making it work.
It has to be red glasses though. Only they can accentuate cuteness.
Is this worth watching for the girls alone?
you liar, there's no yuri.
shit show.
Well duh, that's part of the joke.
Don't ever take anything on Sup Forums at face-value.
>Why do glasses ruin everything?
>Goes on to post the best girl from Euphonium
Nice thread.
Glasses are indeed shit.
I always though the main reason Sup Forums pretended to like megane was because everyone here probably wears them.
>gentle-hearted but aggressively dominant
You speak the truth.
I don't like them on myself, but I do like them on cute anime characters because it's a cute accessory that makes them even cuter.
I don't wear them and yet I love them.
Don't post mari, its disgusting.
Someone say best eupho girl,
Using glasses (specially at young age) is directly admitting that your genes are inferior.
What kind of fucked up logic is that?
You sirs have shit taste
So megane thread then?
Sounds good
>its disgusting.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
Kiyoko drives me wild.
Asuka-fags can at least fall back on her being a good character but mari-fags are 100% irredeemable.
What about this Mari?
So how often do you clean your glasses?
There are times when they get so dirty I just take them off and don't put them back on until they're nice and clean.
Why she is a slut
>sex hair
Literally a shit tier combination holy shit.
I don't know her but no thanks
Normalfag armchair psychology.
megane are olev
>those Studio Pal doujin
With or without?
How can she be a slut when she's only had a sexual relationship with one man.
Why do you hate meganes?
Are you gay
OP you're a massive fucking faggot holy shit
You're a massive fucking faggot too holy shit
geez user if you wanted a Megaane thread so bad you could've just asked